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Pink Kitty Escorts

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Posts posted by Pink Kitty Escorts

  1. That's what I would like to know too... Talk about a load of crap. He helped out a lot of escorts and because of his investigations a serial rapist was identified and charged. One that was posing as a police officer I might add. Something that should actually be written by the sun.


    From any encounter we ever had with him, he always remained professional and seemed to genuinely care about the ladies and their safety. It's actually a shame that more officers don't take initiative and actually try to make a difference. Unfortunately I think in today's political climate, taking initiative is highly discouraged.


    Meanwhile there are other sex workers getting murdered, and police are now claiming they want to build trust and bridges with the escort community. They should put Rohan in charge of the outreach program. He was actually effective and successful.


    I can't speak to anything else that he is charged with, nor his behaviour towards any other escorts outside of our agency. Anything I have heard mirrors what I have just stated.


    If anything is written about our agency having any other relationship with SGT. Beebakhee it is 100% false.


    Leave it to the Ottawa Sun, they would f**K up the Lord's prayer..

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  2. yes I did speak with mature Lee yesterday, there is an add on to hot and sexy, that we never posted, it looks like it is a transcript from a bp ad for Nathalia. the only thing that's kind of weird is there are four or five photos in the ad and none of these people work with us it's a very strange thing and I'm wondering if its a software issue with that site ..

  3. I didn't think you did. The thread is about Diamond Escorts.


    Just throwing out some explainations about our side of the business. Many people don't understand the way the business REALLY works.


    Being a legitimate business owner in some real world enterprises, I would never dream to run things the same way as PK. This business is a completely different world. With a completely different M.O.

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  4. The biggest issue is this is a business that is unlike any other to compare to in a real world setting. Due to the emotional, psychological and physical elements to it.


    Because of these factors, ladies are not subject to the same types of constraints that a normal working individual would be. Especially the way in which the laws are presently. A schedule is a very loose thing, and is merely a suggestion, rather than anything set in stone. Some ladies can hold down a fairly solid schedule, but many cannot. It is just the way it is..


    All of that said, as an owner of an agency, if all of the ladies are off for the evening and it's 2 am. There is no point to continue to answer the phones, for much longer. Bookings made at 2 am for the next day, or even further ahead rarely pan out. Again, it is just the way it is..


    Obviously during our normal business hours we try to answer every call, but it is realistically next to impossible due to call volume. (300 calls + many days) At least in our case. If someone is truly interested, they should know enough to call back within a few minutes.. Pretty Simple...


    WE don't book by text message, again because many texters are not overly serious in booking, and we need to hear the voice of the individual. If they sound drunk, ect.. it's a no go. I know alot of guys would like to book by text, but it's not something we can afford to accomodate. No shows are bad enough as they are, and to block a ladies time as well as another possible client is pointless, and very bad for morale and business.


    WE are not a 60 girl agency going 24/7.. We simply say that we are open Early and closed Late... And that is exactly what we do, and it works well for us. And the vast majority of our customers.

  5. I thought half the point of an agency (from a SP's point of view) was to have someone to take bookings while she's with a client? Doesn't it completely defeat their purpose if they don't answer the phone?


    Or am I missing something?


    I agree it is what the agency is about. But I think what was meant was if there were no ladies available. Like we won't answer the phones after the ladies are booked off for the night, say like after 3 am or Whatever time they are done. As far as Texts, we don't answer them that quickly and everyone has to book by phone CALL not txt. In our case it has to do with the fact my phone is forwarded to one of my receptionists. They don't even see the texts because I have the phone physically in my hand, they don't. And I can't book a lady, and they find out she was already previously booked.


    And unfortunately alot of guys who text, are not overly serious about booking and its a huge washout factor. If ppl honoured their appts, there would be more interest in dealing with Text messages, but the bad apples spoiled the bunch.


    Another issue, in our case is sometimes the phone gets jammed or even freezes and we have to reboot it. We receive alot of phone calls a day. Hundreds.. and sometimes it's hard to get to everyone.


    Not defending these guys, because I doubt their volume is too high based on the comments here.


    I noticed they are offering a 2000 dollar signing bonus. I wonder how that works.. LOL I guess it will catch some very naive young girls.. Who knows?

    • Like 1

  6. I get my flu shots every year, I work with small children and the elderly. Do I get sick? Sometimes haha kids are disease factories. Do I feel better about getting my shots because I work with people who could die from the flu? Yes.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Elderly and small children have been exposed to the flu for a very long time. And the fact that you still get sick, means that IF you get sick you are still contagious. So.... I am not sure how it really protects anyone. Other than preventing a small percentage of flu cases. (before they mutate)


    I think this is the biggest marketting scam in history and they are using scare tactics and tugging on heart strings to manipulate the general population into thinking they are doing others a favour. Which they are.. If by others you mean the Big Pharma companies.


    In looking at the ingredients of the current vaccines on the market, I am not sure that meth would be the top of the list for hazardous ingredients. Looking at Squalene, mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde I think it would be a toss up really.


    At least if it was Meth, I would feel better, (short lived of course) than with the other stuff.

  7. I have been doing deliveries for pass 10 years. Never got a flu shot. sometimes got a small 24 hrs cold. If you care properly for your body, plenty of vitamin, be careful you will be fine


    If people want to get these vaccinations, it's their business, it's their bodies. I just hope they do their homework so they know the risks, because there risks. Despite what the Non Corrupt Government and Major Non Profit Pharmaceutical Companies tell you.


    To be honest when I see people lining up for this stuff, and blindly rolling up their sleeves.. It really scares the shit out of me. Not just because of what they are taking into their bodies, and not just because of the long term effects (which I don't think anyone here is qualified to say there won't be any)..


    What scares me the most is how absolutely trusting today's society is of our Goverment and Major corporations after they have done nothing to earn our trust. Corupted in every level, and constantly being caught getting kickbacks. To put your lives and health in their hands.. Really?




    And when whistle-blowers and activists speak their peace, (who are actually trying to save ppl from their ignorance) they are dismissed as crazies.


    Sorry, but I think we need to re-define the crazy definition, because if crazy means not "goin with the flow", if crazy means questioning people in charge of our health, and asking for an independant point of view, not something that has been dictated to them by the same ppl making this shit.. Then sign me up on the crazy train baby, cuz I am ready to ride!!


    One last thing, this is coming from someone who is a hippee or an extreme health nut. I love red meat, I occasionally have an energy drink, I have the odd drink or beer. These are things I do in moderation, and I know that if any of these things would end up making me unhealthy, well.. that would be my fault. I know the risks, and it's my decision to do so.


    I don't think the majority of people know the risks with these unneccessary vaccinations. And I will conceed that are likely short term benefits to some of them, but the long term price IMHO isn't worth it. At least Not to me.

  8. Here's the issue as I see it. By having government backing, large pharmaceutical companies really have free reign here. They have the ability to have stats skewed in their favor and Data to be manipulated and the public at large eat it up, and take it at face value.


    When someone says to me, it is irresponsible to influence people to think twice before taking something that could be harmful to them. My response is I think it is equally, if not more irresponsible to not question the powers that be and look outside their sphere of influence.


    Maybe they aren't telling us the whole truth? Maybe it might be wise to look to non main stream media, and at least get some opposing views. Admittedly there are some kooks out there, but I think there are some very well informed individuals as well.


    Here's someone that you should google, Royal Rife


    The first link is from a site that some of you love to hate, but if you sift through it, there is some interesting stuff and there is some stuff that is very questionable. But Royal Rife, and his story is quite interesting. This is something all of you should read or listen too.




    When you have top level government officials that are major shareholders in these super companies. Billions, trillions of dollars of profits on the line, what benefit do they have to see you health? ZERO. The sicker the better.


    Cancer and allergies are on the rise, but who cares about that? I'm concerned that little Billy might get chickenpox. Guess what? He still will.. Just a weaker reaction, because he already has been exposed. Meanwhile he is also exposed to a lot of things that he really shouldn't have been.


    Follow the money is really a great saying, and it makes a lot more sense than thinking that these companies are innocent and truly care about the public at large. Corruption runs wild in these money machines, greed is a very strong motivator. Do you want to put life up to chance, hoping that the Govt and Big Pharma have grown a heart and conscience?


    One clarification, I am not for a second saying that vaccines aren't effective against certain illnesses. Or that they protect you against certain infections etc. My question is, at what cost ? Especially long term. Is this a short term benefit for a huge long term loss? My kids may not get the flu this season, but do I put them at risk for food allergies, immune system issues and possibly worse?


    These "exotic sounding names" are really not all that exotic. I understand their purpose. I know that thimerosol, is a preservative. So is formaldehyde. They do their jobs in preserving the lifespan of the vaccine. Not so sure that it will preserve my lifespan. However they can pump me full of formaldehyde when I'm dead. No problem there. Maybe some of the pro vaccine individuals won't need as much pumped into them.

  9. Starting Here http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf


    A list of the various ingredients of some common vaccines, from the CDC.


    I guess my questions to you are these..., Do you personally feel that companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Novartis have you and I in their best interest?


    Do you think they care about us, or rather they pander to the powers that be.


    How would you explain the DRAMATIC increase in children with autism, and ADD, ADDHD? And to follow that question, the fact that children get an enormously larger viral load put into their systems then they did 25 years ago. Which co-insides with this exponential increase in autism. And that's before we even talk about allergies, both food and environmental that have SKYROCKETTED over the past few decades.


    Who here 35 and up, remembers going to school with a peanut butter sandwich and actually being allow to eat it? How many kids did you know, or see with autism or addhd compared to now? People are sicker now. Is that really up for debate?


    It's not just vaccines, it's a whole bunch of things.. Our diets have changed, our foods have changed. Our food system as a whole, with all of the antibotics that are fed to our livestock just to keep them alive long enough to make it to the slaughter house.


    Here's my return deal to you, I won't roll up my sleeves to put a concoction of mercury, aluminum, antifreeze, aborted fetuses, and monkey lips and asses into my system.. You are actually welcome to my share of that dose.


    In return, I will not shed a tear when my tax dollars are spent on propping up a medical system that will be taking care of this generation in 30 years when they are too sick to contribute to society because their immune systems are too weak to step outside, or are dying from various forms of cancer.


    I will have absolute sympathy, because society as a whole has a herd mentality. And they believe everything on main-stream media. ----It must be true, because the GOVT said so----. It's a natural thing to go with the flow.

  10. http://thinktwice.com/ploys.htm


    I wasn't worried about the the msg or aspartame. The list was just stating what was in the vaccines. I don't think it was being judgmental. I believe that list is originally from The CDC. I can find that official CDC list and then nobody can have a problem with the source itself.


    Here's the problem, many of those ingredients are ok to take into the body orally, because our digestive system can process them. But when administered directly into the blood stream it bypasses our natural filters and it has a completely different effect.


    I guess my question is, do you really believe that your health, is what big brother, and big pharmaceutical companies take into consideration when faced with the trillions they stand to lose if you are healthy? Sick people make them money, healthy people don't.


    I won't engage in a big debate on this either. I do worry about people who just roll up their sleeves and naively take these shots, or worse subject their children to the battery of vaccinations when they don't even have a say in the matter. At least do a bit of thinking outside the box, because the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt, and so is our Government. To believe otherwise is sticking our heads in the sand.






    Firstly I can't believe you actually read the list. Aspartame? MSG? It may give you a headache, (based on anecdotal evidence), but a one time shot causing long term effects? Not happening.


    Another great website from conspiracy theorists and crackpots who corrupt real science. Did you notice the reference to Small pox vaccine in that list? They couldn't get an adequate sample because it is not used anymore. Why? Because the vaccine basically eradicated what was a very contagious and virulent disease. Too bad these companies didn't have your best interests in mind.

  11. http://www.informedchoice.info/cocktail.html


    Heres a link of whats in the most common vaccines..


    Call me crazy, but I am not convinced that billion dollar drug companies have my personal best interest in mind when they are trying sell me on the idea of having antifreeze , fermeldahide, aluminum along with other well known neurotoxins.. And then using scare tactics and public fear to pressure uninformed people into believing that they need their drugs..

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  12. I am sure there has been a poll about this Subject.


    But for the sake wanting to know, I have posted this Poll.


    Any additional comments are welcome; like if you were willing to pay extra for it. If you would prefer if it was a service that wasn't offered.


    Also if CIM was expected or if it was something that would be considered extra.


    I think this info would be helpful for everyone, both newbies as an SP or Clients.





  13. I bought a galaxy note and never looked back. I previously had a nokia E7 working with symbian. It had the option of the slide up screen to expose a nice hard keypad, I am not a fan of touch screen txting. (big fingers).. lol


    I sometimes use an iphone and I do like the smooth feel of apple, but overall I am an android fan. Especially with the note's 5.3" screen and the stylus pen. The ICS 4.04 is nice, I do hope there will be an option to upgrade to jellybean, before the note 2 comes out.

  14. This should have never mentioned our name if that was it was supposed to be.. In addition it should not have been used to take a swipe at us. Even after that fact, i still made an attempt at being civilized about it. I even got rep points for that. This is where it should have ended. I had several members show support as well.


    I can also assure you that our lovely ladies appreciate the fact that we stand up for them, especially against a member that posts something to intentionally damage their rep.

  15. Thanks for the props on my debonair style, and if this had been a situation that would have called for that, I would have obliged. However.. not the case.


    If this been dealt with properly from the beginning by the OP and instead of posting this stupid thread, along with sending me a link to it, just to rub our nose it, he would have had a much better response and result.


    However this wasn't the route he wished to take. Maybe it made him feel better I don't know. But one thing is for sure, if is this is how he felt he would get some kind of appology from us he is sorely mistaken.


    At this time, I think it would be in everyones best interest if he didn't use our service, and in the future he be clear about his allergies to his service providers.


    Being in this business (successfully) for 7 years+ in Ottawa says alot, and one thing I can assure everyone is brown-nosing clients is a recipe for disaster in this industry.


    We have built our very sucessful name and business on making sure we back the ladies that work with us, without them there would be nobody for you guys to see.


    If there is a legitmate issue, (which I will agree it was in this case) we normally try to alleviate the problem somehow. But taking an approach like this, will just make him look like a douche and really undesirable as a client to any of the ladies. (who would want to risk seeing him, and piss him off and have to go through this again? Really?)


    I know some of you won't like this response, but really it is the only way to make clear where we stand. Yes we want your business, but on the condition you act like gentlemen. And this wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do, hence the less than friendly response.


    Please read this response carefully, because if it doesn't sit well with you, this might not be the best place for you.


    I really don't want to come across like the "soup Nazi", and honestly 95% people we deal with are great and a joy to deal with. This is a very minor problem, with a very minor group of individuals. And If there's anything good that we can salvage in this thread, it would be that at least we all got to clear the air here.

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