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Pink Kitty Escorts

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Posts posted by Pink Kitty Escorts

  1. This was a very isolated incident. It should have been dealt in that way. Of course the sp will be gracious, she is awesome. Point is what exactly? We aren't going to change anything. We haven't had this issue in years, and I Think considering the fact we had zero knowledge before hand that he had issues, it was handled just fine. Pushing the point further comes across whiney and really doesnt accomplish anything positive.


    Sending me a pm after the fact along with a link to this thread shows me this was motivated by wanting to get back at us. A bit childish.

  2. I just spoke to the sp and she offered to make it up to u. Not offering u a discount. Honestly i think you could have dealt with the whole situation with more discretion, rather than airing it on cerb. The majority of posters have agreed that you should have let us know about your allergies if they were that bad.

    If you don't want to waste your time, let us or whoever know in advance and you will save all parties the grief.

  3. Agreed. It should always be mentioned ahead of time. Providers that I have seen who did have pets mentioned to me before hand that they had pets without me even asking. I respectfully disagree that the onus should be on the client, anybody with pets should be bringing it up before hand to avoid conflict, and save time. IMO, this was not the OPs fault.


    I don't think it was the OP's "fault" per se, but if he is that allergic to animals it's something that should be mentioned no matter what, as this is something that could come up regardless if there was an animal present or not.


    If this was an issue on a regular basis I would say it would be something to consider. But seeing that this is the first time in years that we have had an issue, it's not something that is really an issue of major concern.


    It's not like the 5lb Chihuahua was running loose. It was in a crate in another room. Frig you could hide it in her G-string and you probably would even notice it. LOL Mountain out of mole hill gentlemen.


    • Like 4

  4. Again to clarify, the client, along with any of her other clients were made aware of the dog situation when they arrived.


    I guess the fact that she has been working for over a month, and seen numerous clients and has had zero complaints about herself or her dog led us to believe there was no issue. The hotel is pet friendly, and again it wasnt a pit bull or a rotweiller.. It was a CHIHUAHA. (5lbs) In a crate, in a separate room.


    I understand allergies, and if that was the case then of course the client would be in a bad place. But then leads the question, what if a previous client owned a dog(s) and the dander got on the linen? Or the SP herself owned a pet and left her home to go to work and had the hair/dander on her?


    Personally if I had extreme allergies I think it would put the onus on myself to let ppl who were serving me on notice for the allergies. Not just for the fact there might be a dog, but anything else that would trigger me.


    We have clients that let us know about scent sensitivities and the SPs act accordingly to either remove their perfumes, along with anything else that could be a trigger.


    Anyhow I think for the future Explorer69 knowing the allergy issues you have, perhaps you could remind the phone person of this and it would make things more comfortable for you. I can say for sure, many sps own dogs or cats. They could be sure to keep their clothing and such more "petless".

    • Like 1

  5. Ottawa is famous for No-shows. Most of the time it isn't for a good reason, it's either they found someone else that they wanted to see more, or you were a plan B, or found someone cheaper.. ect..


    Asking someone to change hotels and wanting a discount is a deal breaker right there. As soon as I get a client asking for a discount its game over right there.


    It's amazing how many ppl are in a "car accident" on the way to see a lady..almost an epidemic. LOL


    So when someone pulls a no show, we automatically ban them and call it a day. Just for clarification, if someone makes an appt and cancels it in a reasonable amount of time, that is a different story. But if we have to call the client and they tell us they have to cancel.. We cancel them, permenantly.

    • Like 6

  6. It's true that at the end of the day, we all make choices that we have to live with. But let me put something into perspective for some of you. And this might strike a cord with people who have had problems dealing with something they could not control.


    When the average person goes out for a drink or two, there's no problem, and they can leave the bar. They go back home, live their lives and nothing ever changes. Then there are some people, who will continue to drink, and not stop. It will interfere in their life, and will bring chaos and possible ruin to it. Nobody is going to blame the bartender, but still this guys life is gone south.


    When the average person goes to the casino, he/she will blow some money, get a thrill and leave. Not to have the urge to come back the next day. It's about fun, and control. Then others will continue to gamble, and destroy their finances. Nobody will blame the blackjack dealer, but the individual will still suffer the consequences.


    Let's face it folks, this is a vice industry as well. And for the vast majority, it's something like gambling, or having a drink. It's even referred to as a hobby because it involves an activity that is not a necessity but something fun. Most people can start, and stop when they want. I will say this, I think the idea of having no strings attached with beautiful women to be as addictive as gambling and drinking.


    So this gentleman may have a problem with sex addiction. Joining Cerb may have provoked it, and it may have been like opening pandora's box for him.


    How do we act towards alcoholics or gambling addicts? Do we shun them, or do we encourge them to get help? I don't believe SP's are to blame, just as a bartender or blackjack dealer is to blame. I do believe that as a service provider, just as a bartender or anyone else in the Vice field we have a moral obligation to steer someone we see that is having issues in another direction if we are aware of a problem.


    I wouldn't take what he says about Cerb or the industry personally, at this point he is feeling sorry for himself, and his loss. It's time that he gets the help he needs and move on.

    • Like 6

  7. I'll explain the situation with TXTing. We don't book by text for a number of reasons. First reason is that my phone is forwarded to my receptionist(s) there fore they do not get the txts. So it would mean that I would have to call them to find out if the lady is booked or not, then relay it 3rd party. This can get confusing to say the least.


    Second reason is I am often on the road, and can;t pull over everytime I have a txt, and I don't really feel like risking my ass, to start answering the same questions over and over again. Rates are on the site, if they really need the info they can check it out.


    Third reason is, and I know alot of you may disagree, txters are often tire kickers, and time wasters. They just want info, and often are no shows. Often I ask them to call, and they say they are too shy. Well if they are too shy to call, what are the odds that they will actually show up? Not so good.


    For us its a screening process, and if someone is willing to call, we are willing to spend our time and effort on them to ensure they get what they are looking for. I do understand guys who are at work and can't call, So I normally say, take 1 min when they are on break or call on the way out of the office and we would be super happy to help them out.


    We don't keep records of our good clients, only the bad ones. So unless I remember the guy, I really don't do much by txt. No point, I would rather focus on guys who are serious and want to see a lady for sure, that way we dont block up a lady's time with someone who is a dud. This is good business for the client, and the lady.


    It's just out point of view, but for us it's been a part of the way we do things and it really has cut down on our no shows dramatically.

    • Like 3

  8. I have personally tried both agencies many times. Both are very good, direction, description, and timing. In the end it is the girl you are meeting. Each girl from each agencies are different so you cannot judge an agency that way. Neither is better, they just provide different girls.


    I think that is a vey fair comment. Really, as long as the receptionist is clear, understanding, friendly and gives good directions to incall locations and takes good directions for outcall locations.


    Ottawa has some good options for sure.

  9. The idea with a pre-paid credit card is to just book the room with. However someone mentioned Ottawa hotels no longer accept them for bookings. Anyone can confirm this ?


    Most hotels in Ottawa are not accepting pre-paid credit cards. Unless it is a hotel that will take cash anyways.


    If you were to go with say a capital One card, it had the raised lettering and it can be pre-paid or not so hotels can't tell either way.

  10. I think alot of us have a problem with eye hand co-ordination on this site. Especially if some of are typing with only one hand.. LOL


    Honestly you bring up a good point. It is important to have a good communication flow in this industry.


    I can only speak for our situation, and we have female receptionists who are experienced and are very easy to talk to. Some are former escorts, and the have a pretty good report with clients.

  11. I have to speak from our experience. When we first started, it was a tough go. It takes time, and we started with ONE lady. Slowly we grew, we made a tonne of mistakes, and we got better.


    If this was 7 years ago, and guys with strong reps started to bash us before we got our feet wet. Probably wouldnt be here.


    Ottawa is a strong enough market to have good competition, and it's a new year. As I mentioned on the othe board, if I am being honest we don't ALWAYS answer the phone. If this is a new agency, and they are getting swamped, they might not either.


    Just sayin, before we throw another one under the bus. Perhaps we may want to consider, giving them a day to get themselves together.


    One day, we will close our doors and some other new kids on the block will want to fill the void. When that happens, I hope that Cerb and the escort community extended the courtesy they did to us 7 years ago


    That's the way I see it, but I could be wrong.

  12. I just commented on the other board, and just to echo things. People often complain about selection in Ottawa. And when a new company is poppin up everyone is paranoid.


    My question is this, how would any agency get off the ground if ppl were slammin them before they even started? Glad we didn't start when the market was so aggressive.


    Don't get me wrong, sometimes, (many times) there are new agencies that flop. But there seems to be a few "micro agencies" that are operating recently, and many have some attractive talent.


    I think healthy competition is good for the market, otherwise it goes flat and stagnant. ( we have seen it happen in Ottawa)


    Some of our competitors look like they are upping their game. It will make us up ours and get creative. Clients win.

    • Like 8

  13. Interesting discussion. As with RG if I was diagnosed with an STD I would inform all the ladies I have had encounters with. However some ladies can leave the biz quite quickly and cancel their CERB accounts and emails and thus leave no means to contact them.


    Also what about agency girls - should the agency be contacted and if so would they make an effort to contact the lady?


    I can only speak about us, but if we had a lady or public health nurse informed us we would act on it immediately.


    First the lady would have to have proof of treatment if it was something that was treatable, but if it was something like herpes that was not curable we would not be able to work with the lady further.


    In our experience, the only ladies in the past that have contracted an std/sti actually got it from their personal relationships not their work relationships. For the most part, ladies are more likely to engage in higher risk activies (bbfs) with a boyfriend than a client that protection is used.


    In both of those instances, we terminated our agreement with the ladies involved.

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