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Posts posted by AttilaTheHun

  1. Your right Boner, the comments were stereotypical and I apologize if offended anyone. While I'm not racist in any way, because I have slept with women from many races across the world, I was making my comments based on personal experience only. I have yet to find an Asian girl that lights my fire which doesn't mean that I won't do one or haven't been with Asian women, Japanese, Chinese, Philipino, Thai, Korean. It s just the ones I was with, happen to fall into the stereotypical body type. Annessa certainly has caught my eye because she looks gorgeous.




    The thing is she's hybrid....you get the best of the east and the west!!

    Gorgeous voluptuous body....and open minded attitude toward the erotic arts...there really is no down side here.


    I must say though you have a bit of a stereotype about Asian women...I've loved a lot of Eastern women (including a Japanese gf when I was in my twenties) and they are just as varied as Western women when it comes to body types.


    Annessa is a gem.

  2. Nice rec's guys. She sounds like a lovely lady who seems to like what she does. My kind of girl, although I have to admit Asians are usually not usually on my list, because they are most often too thin, breasts too small and have skinny asses. I prefer a more voluptuous model but Annessa doesn't seem to fit the typical Asian profile. Have to check her out some more. A definite maybe.



  3. Never once felt Emma's nails and she has probed my ass numerous times.





    i think my nails only add to the effect...hehe...besides i know what i'm doing and have had no injuries yet...8)




    i sure do...i have many options...wink

  4. My parents had a healthy sex life and it the deed was done mostly in the mornings. (I know because I used to love to sneak into their room without them hearing me) and as for BJ's. My mom would never stick in her mouth. I recently asked about BJ's during one our open conversations where she admitted that Dad always wanted to, but she refused. She was grossed out by the thought. I guess that"s why Dad traveled a lot and had pussy in every major Canadian city.



  5. Very nice. I was just picturing the stunning Miss Cloe, blond hair flowing, as she was passing through the lobby hotel like poetry in motion with all eyes gazing at her, and then stopping to hug you. If I would have been a bystander in that lobby, I would made a comment something like "what a lucky bastard". Thanks for the visual.



  6. Emma, yeah yeah I want one........and see if you can get the muscle contraction option.





    Fleshligh?:grin:where? omg...i love that thing...it drives me insane....of corse the person i'm using it on sure helps too...hehehe..damn that toy is hot and Ath i'm going to have to get you one design made of my p...y..:wink:

  7. Jerican

    Thank you for reading it and the reco. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I actually got an hour sleep on the plane before putting in an 8 hour day! I was just high on Emma.




    Amazing reco ATH, this has to be one of the best I have read! The two of you must of needed a full day of sleep to recover from that day of solid ecstasy!

  8. Emma I would like to offer you my butt for videotaping purposes anytime as long as you are at the controls. We can make a fun educational video for the benefit of all the butt newbies out there . Youngstud has committed to buying one. That's a good start. Anyone else interested??





    How could i forget this important detail: don't forget to milk the gland from deep to shallow as you massage it....

    OK that's really it.... not telling anymore secrets ...really I'm not...OK maybe just a few more..lmao

  9. Jerican, Great way to mark a milestone. Miss Cloe is the well worth the memory of your hundredth.





    I purposely saved my 100th post for my Miss Cloe reco. I felt it was a truly worthwhile way to click into the senior member group!


    My first original post a while ago was about not being able talk about this hobby and the great people on here. I have really gotten to enjoy this board, the conversations and the people! Diving in I can now discuss some of the fun and twisted things we enjoy. ;)

    Posted via Mobile Device

  10. Humm Emma this sounds very familiar to me for some strange reason. I do want to add that the prostrate gland is a small Walnut size bump (if you are healthy) and should feel soft and possibly have some ridges on it. The best way for a newbie to experience this from a mans perspective is on his back. being on all fours is all little intimidating if you've never had one before. So on his back you can start by lubing his ass. You can rim him with your tongue if your comfortable doing it, but lubing should be sufficient. Then I would suggest slowly rubbing the anus and gently and slowly inserting one finger. Always remember slow going in and slow pulling out. This feels the best. Once your finger is in then look for the Prostrate which should be about 2 or more inches in and up towards his balls. Once you have you can rub it gently in circles, side to side or whatever your lover responds to. You'll know when you reach the spot by the way he squirms. You can ask if if he's comfortable and continue massaging. A BJ is wonderful during a PM. Cumming with your finger still inserted is to die for. A man can actually have an orgasm just through getting his prostate massaged.


    Hope this information from a mans perspective helps




    slow and gentle inserting your finger{i wear a condom} into your lovers ass...i like to have him very excited b4 the hand...haha ...make sure hes in the state where he would say yes to anything you ask...rim him then slowly with insert one finger....keep sucking him and arousing him all the while...

    {tie him to the bed is necessary}haha

    once he is comfortable with the feel of your finger move in a bit further ...feel for the prostrate...its feels very similar to your g-stop

    once you have found it massage it ..


    i like to give a bj while doing this...and a few other things but i can't be telling all my secrets..wink


    you will be able to tell if he is enjoying it sand I'm sure he will be...look at his face...i bet his eyes are closed or glazed over...and his making some wonderful sounds...


    you will know for sure he enjoyed it when he cums like crazy...


    that's the best way to start....from there you can go to using 2 fingers then toys...but it all takes time...don't expect to be rambing his ass with a strap on the next time you see him....little steps please...

    hope this helped some..


    Emma A

    • Like 4

  11. Emma has a Doctorate on the P massage. 2 fingers and a slow hard BJ from Emma has sent me to the point of almost losing consciousness. It s an incredible overwhelming feeling of total release and losing control at the fingers and Lips of an Angel.






    haha you know you love t...hehe




    just wait until you get past just putting a finger in there...you can even start with 2 fingers and give the P a great massage...it can be compared to when a man finds our g-spot...its fantastic! I love to hear them moan and the facial expressions are incredible...do a prostate massage while doing a bj and BAM...have fun!

  12. Mandalay, now I have been through your site many times and I know that you don t cater to butts, so in your case I ll make an exception and not go through with the enema.





    I am okay if a man doesn't do the enema thing ... but everything else Attilla does is so very much appreciated ... gentlemen like Attilla make the escourt industry a true pleasure ...

  13. Emma Thank you for re posting this thread. I think Cat is an incredible insightful woman who is definitely in touch with what is important in life. To express authentic feelings is the most important gift one can possess. I would like to meet her one day.





    I believe Cat said it best:



    I love the responses to this thread! The fact that there has been so much caring and thought put into the replies, shows the tenderness at hand. Many of you realize that I don?t really fit into the SP box that most think of when one pictures the role of the SP in someone?s life, so I have a bit of a different take on the emotional aspects in this realm. This post is long, and on the reread I can?t find anything to delete, so accept my apology in advance for the length of this conscious stream of thought that follows. That said, what I say here may or may not apply to any and all.


    Playing devil?s advocate, I would like to ask, what is wrong with a broken heart?


    In our society we shun the things that have been labeled painful or hurtful. What is missed is that true emotional growth only comes from the challenges that we call pain. Loving, in my opinion, is always a good thing, even when I know it is going to end. Emotionally, as a society we are closed off most of the time. We shield our personal lives from our work, and vice versa. We keep our friends at arm?s length and build walls to ensure that we don?t have to deal with anything ?painful?. The answer is that we are programmed from childhood that anything negative is to be avoided at all costs. Children are soothed in a hurry when something normal and natural happens, instead of being allowed to experience the emotions and learn to process them. They become adults and spend their lives avoiding anything painful instead of experiencing life as it was meant to be lived.


    I love to watch the reactions when someone cries in public. Adults squirm in their seats and try and vacate as quickly as possible. Why? There is no reason to shift in our seats unless we intentionally caused the tears, and even then, unless it was a malicious intention why the discomfort? We all experience the broad range of emotions we are designed to feel. Without the hurt, how would we know what made us feel good? If it doesn?t rain, how do we truly learn to appreciate the sunshine? Why are we so afraid to love?


    I thrive on loving; it?s why I do what I do. I love the guests I have the honor of getting to know. Not the ?you need to leave your wife? kind of love, but the kind that is there unconditionally. Liking the qualities of someone, but loving the faults and watching as someone realizes how truly lovable they are, is my favorite aspect of what I do. I am usually the rebound girl, my guests come to me when the realization hits that life goes on after a D has hit, (death, divorce, desertion) and they are feeling lost and out of touch. Hobbyists make up a small portion of my day, the rest is filled with men who are moving forward and figuring out what?s next. They are the monogamous souls that really want a long term relationship but are not ready. They come to me to reassure themselves they can lie with another woman other than the one that is gone. What they learn is that the world continues to turn and they are going to be fine.


    I am not a traditional SP, I sometimes develop very intimate relationships with my guests. I give as much as they do. I never utter the words, because I know the effect words like that have, but it doesn?t change the emotions that are felt, and I have heard the precious words more often than I can count. Would I change it? Not a chance! It is needed to allow them to realize that they can still love.


    People confuse the chemical reaction of falling in love with real love and we are all susceptible. In my career I have two guests that I fell in love with. Both are still close friends that I maintain contact with almost daily. Fortunately common sense prevailed as we realized that the chemicals had taken over and were governing us. Were there tears? Of course! But we rode them out and the relationships morphed into something much deeper and dearer than the heart pounding, mind boggling sense that comes with the ?in love? mantra. I have had numerous marriage proposals, ring and financial statement in hand. They were the White Knights who were looking to save me from ?this life?, when I did not need saving. The other guests, I watch with wonder as they gain confidence and start to move towards finding what makes them happy. I have had the privilege of attending weddings that happened after guests reached the realization that they can love again, and move on.


    I govern myself with one rule, tell the truth about myself. The emotions that follow will happen; I experience them, learn from them and continue to grow. Don?t be afraid to cry or to laugh, to love and most important don?t be afraid to lose. It is an integral part of who we are as human beings and it is what makes us what we are.



  14. Anita, Please don't judge what I do or don't with my SO without first knowing what my situation is really like. If I choose to see a companion, its because I have good reasons to. I am a compassionate, caring and very giving man in and out of the hobby. I don't choose cater to my personal hygiene because I see companions. Its just part of my everyday routine with the exception of the enemas.





    Oh, and one more point.


    Do your SO a favour and clean yourself for her also. She is human, too, you know.... :)


    The reason why she comes to kiss you on those days is because you look like you did before you started taking her for granted LOL

  15. I'm always hesitant to talk about this very touchy subject. I just want to be assured that I and everyone plays safe. We (I) know all the risks we are taking and I prefer to stay cautious out of respect to the companions who earn their living, feed their children and contribute to society. Maybe I overdo things but that is my nature. 200% in everything I do.


    I'm glad that I was able to contribute and that some of you see the value in the subject.


    The Hun

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