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Everything posted by MandalayBay

  1. Emma ... I still want to show you around Winnipeg when you come here ... whether it be in July or up to mid August before I move. If not, maybe we can do a girl's night out in Ottawa ... just a 4 hour drive from Toronto!
  2. Hi Everyone, After a wonderful vacation with my children and significant other, I have made the decision to retire from escorting at the end of July. I will be moving to Toronto to be with my significant other in mid August to begin a new life ... and hopefully grow our family. :-) I will miss this industry terribly, but the reality is that I am ultimately looking for true love and to have a family unit. Lucky for me, I have a wonderful, loving man who is offering me the world and I would be stupid to not accept. So long story short, I am available until the end of July and will then be retiring at the end of the month. Thank you to all the wonderful gentleman I have had the privilege of being a "lover" to and I hope I can see my favourites one last time before leaving the industry. Thank you to everyone on CERB for making my time as an escort a very positive one. xoxo Mandalay http://www.escortmandaly.com 297-2469
  3. If there is anything I could do to help, please just say the word. I very much appreciate your hard work Mod!
  4. Another aspect of my job that I absolutely love is that I learn something new from each and every client I meet. Whether it be medical from a doctor ... law from a lawyer ... education from a principal ... business from an entrepreneur ... or just something sexual about a client who knows what they are doing. I have learned more about sex and life during my 3 months doing this than a lifetime of dating.
  5. I added a video tour of my love nest on my website at http://www.escortmandalay.com. Just scroll down and look to the right and you'll see the video. I love the place!
  6. I'm going on vacation tonight until July 10th and am going to miss my conversations on CERB as it has truly become part of my daily life. I think I'm going to suffer form CERB withdrawal while away. I might sneak my laptop and see if I can ocassionally find internet access to touch base and see what's going on!
  7. When you've firmed up a date, please let me know. I've been mentioning to a few of my regulars that the great "Emma Alexandra" is coming to town and they want to know when. :-)
  8. The CERB community feels like a family to me. I have been brought to tears by verbal attacks on other boards by hobbiests and SPs who have never even met me. The mod does a fantastic job at keeping this place the best escort forum Canada has to offer. The people I've met from here are absolutely amazing!
  9. I have a great love nest downtown with a full bar, couch, love seat, kitchen table, kitchen area and bed. It would be great for an Emma/Mandalay prostate party! LOL
  10. If he's not shaven, I am okay with it as long as he's gentle. :-)
  11. Since there are two ladies ... maybe we more than one man to practice prostate massage on together? After all, every man is different and in order for me to become good at what I'm doing, I probably need to try this on at least a few different bodies. What do you think Emma? When Emma comes to Winnipeg (which is hopefully soon) we could perhaps have a few men at a special rate come down and participate as guinea pigs for my lesson. Then there could be some fun afterwards ... a big sex party with Emma and Mandalay! LMAO
  12. CoachG ... would you be a guinea pig and a practice prostate for Emma to teach me a prostate massage? That would be INCREDIBLE!
  13. There are two different movies/documentaries entitled The Girlfriend Experience. The boring one we are referring to is the American one starring pornstar Sasha Grey. The Canadian version's trailer, however, looks phenominal! I just don't know where I can get a copy of it!
  14. I was amazed when my famous client used his real name on the application form to be my lover on my website. My first thought was "yeah right!" and I thought the submission was a joke. It was, however, really him. When I asked him about it later, he joked that if anybody was told about it they wouldn't believe it anyways. I have to agree. He'd have to be out of his mind to use his real name ... and he is truly out of his mind. Nobody would believe me if I ever revealed the application to anyone (which I would never do) so he is protected. LOL
  15. I wish Gary would do me. I've had a secret crush on him for years ... many years before he became Premier of Manitoba. The only problem is that he has a wife he loves and doesn't cheat on. Sigh ... Gilles Duceppe is unique looking but not ugly ... I'd love it if Peter MacKay called too ... his face is fugly ... but he has a rockin' bod!
  16. How is Gilles Duceppe affiliated with Brandon? LOL I would absolutely LOVE to get a call from Prime Minister Steven Harper ... or Michael Buble (sp?) ... or I even find the Manitoba Premier, Gary Doer, attractive. LMAO
  17. That is exactly what I think as well. I have so much more to offer than just sex ... a great sense of humour. good listener, genuine person ... and I love what I do most of the time.
  18. This is a great thread idea Erin! I'm 34 now and the biggest transformation I have had between age 24 and now is realizing that my looks didn't matter as much as I thought they did. In my twenties, I thought I was superior to women in their thirties or forties because I was young, perky and tight. Now I just smile fondly at women in their twenties who have the same attitude and realize how much growing up they have to do. :razz: I also learned that fairy tales poison the minds of young girls and that you won't meet prince charming until you "save yourself."
  19. This is something that I often think about with many of my clients. Some of them are attractive enough to go to any bar and select almost any woman they want. A booty call would be very easy for them. I'll sometimes ask them why they are calling me when they are such good-looking men? Most say they enjoy being with a woman who knows what she is doing and a guaranteed good time with no harassment afterwards.
  20. I personally believe that if a married man is going to fool around on his wife, the kindest and safest thing to do is to hire an escort. Why? Most of us are super safe, get tested for STDs regularly and will never take things further than a sexual relationship. We are professionals. I personally care very deeply about not only my clients, but their sexual partners currently and in the future. STDs can destroy lives and families. I make sure that there is no chance of catching or spreading any type of disease when you are with me. I think most professional escorts are the same and care about not only their clients ... but their significant others as well. We are much safer than picking up a woman in a bar and/or taking on a mistress, who could fall in love with you and try to break up your marriage.
  21. As long as a gentleman is very clean physically, respectful and polite ... I will gladly take him as a client. I would rather see a heavier set gentleman who is clean and polite than a bodybuilder type who is a jerk. Good luck with your experiences and let us know how things went! Unfortunately, what the mod said is true. There are certain types of gentlemen I am fearful of and that includes younger gentlemen (under the age of 30) as well as men born in countries with cultures that treat women like second-class citizens. I avoid those clients out of fear and perhaps ignorance, but would rather err on the side of caution.
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