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roger dodger

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Posts posted by roger dodger

  1. i am looking to see if any sp's are working in condos at Bank st and Gladstone, or Bank st. at Mcleod, or if any gentlemen have seen ladies in those places. i work extremely close to those condos, and it would be convienient to go see someone at lunchtime. i see a lot of young and hot looking ladies coming out of those buildings, and always wondering if any of them are sp's. some i've seen i sure hope they do work as sp's lol. hope someone, either sp's or clients, can pm me and let me know please. thanks in advance

  2. I have been away from the loop for a few years, so if someone could please pm me, not on public. i am searching for a as young as legally possible asian MA that provides extras, but not â??â??, and budget is a concern, plus need a very good looking asian. i know i am asking a lot, but any info on prices and if she is a cup or c cup would help. thank you

  3. first of all Monsieur Glad, you have the adress wrong, but my biggerconcern is that this is a MA section, so you should not be talking about bbbj and fs from an MA place. You are bringing unwanted attention from LE. You should be a bit more careful before writting comments, so as you don't get anyone in trouble.icon9.gificon13.gif

  4. I heard there was a new girl, a Philippina, named Purple working at Pigale's. She's late thirties, or very early forties. Has anyone seen her or had dance from her? She works thurs nights to sat nights. She may offer outside of club work. Pm me if need be with details if it can't be shared publicly.

  5. I am looking for a nuru massage, but it would have to be with a very young asian. Can anyone point me in the right direction by private message. It would also be a bonus if bbbj was also involved, as this is why i am asking to be responded by private message. Also if someone has info on this, including ma's, also would like to know what kind of price is involved. Thanks.

  6. Can we really put a price on what these wonderful ladies do? I say not really. It is invaluable and priceless, and probably the second hardest job in the world, after motherhood that is. Listen, if a ladie charges this much, and the other ladie charges a different price and so on, that is entirely their decision and their rights to do so. They are not forcing men to go see them. If you want to see that specific lady, then pay her fee and have a good time. If you can't afford to meet their fee, go see someone else that may be charging a little less. If men ask for discount or deal, hang up phone. They do not deserve your time and effort. Hey lowballers, if you are too cheap or too poor to hobby with these amazing ladies, then maybe there are other options for you out there.. Have some respect for yourselves, but most of all, have the absolute respect for the ladies on this site. Sorry for the vent. These guys piss me off.

    • Like 6

  7. Hello All,


    I am looking for a full service Massage place in the Byward or close to it. Since I am asking here, I am looking for a recreational massage not a therapeutic one. Anyone have any suggestions?



    Since you are a new user, we will try to be gentle with you, but these types of questions are not acceptable. Massage parlours are masage parlours. FS are provided by service providers. Try and be careful what questions you ask, and how to ask them.

  8. There are many MAs who will do bj. Its trial and error and building a rapport. Don't bother asking me for names, but there probably isn't a spa in town where this isn't possible.
    Can't believe someone with 100+ posts would actually write this. this is unacceptable. Most ma's already are worried about LE, they don't need these comments being written on an open discussion board. Very irresponsible. Would expect this from a newbie.
    • Like 1

  9. I am not a lady, however I do know the owner of 330 Booth. Fellow CERB members have looked for her in the past only to learn that Yuki has gone back to school (or China) and that the massage gig was for summer employment only. As for the other ladies, I hope other CERB members can enlighten you.

    ladies is the first word in my thread, i wasn't asking the ladies only. sorry about that. as for Yuki, she is here in Ottawa, as i have seen her a couple of times in a shopping mall, but was wondering if she was working again somewhere else.

  10. Stop making me cry ..... btw, C&M are doing ok in HK. They have to work harder and more hours in their new jobs there but are getting by. They hope to return some day but odds are not in their favor. Miss them every day :(
    i was not a big fan of connie, but Maggie was one of my top 3 favorites. I miss her very much too.

  11. ladies i have been wondering about from the past. There is Yuki that used to be on Merivale and then Booth street. There was Yummi and Bibi that were from 177 St. Joseph in Gatineau. Yummi used to be owner, and i had heard she had opened restaurant here in Ottawa. If anyone has any info, whether here on thread, or by pm, i would appreciate any info please.

  12. Did you know that Operation Red Nose discriminates against sex workers from their volunteers? If you have a charge for prostitution' date=' you are banned from volunteering. Interestingly, if you have a charge for dangerous driving or driving under the influence, they will still consider your application!!!


    Read it here:



    all i can say is WOW!!!! how freakin stupid is that. u would think they should be grateful for getting volunteers for what is a very good idea. what the hell does a prostitution charge have to do with driving?

    • Like 1

  13. Well, I thick you meant thick skinned,and to berlin, who said The hobbyist wouldn't have been asked before being polled?? and once again, comparing anything isn't nice, wether you are a lady or a man ,and no one has to look at any threads or posts{and if the poll had been done you could have choosen not to look at it!!},including this one as far as that goes,but you have so I guess it has some point!!Sorry, I still believe what is good for the goose is good for the gander,and I am still a lady and still discreet!!Really ,to all that feel theneed to protect their hobbyist then you could have NOT posted this wasn't a HAVE to thread it was a choice just as I hope all are and I would think before anything that is written about another the person would check with their subject before posting about them,who said this would have to be any different ,are men really so fragile,need to be protected by us,PLEASE,I didn't ask anyone to post names and addresses,occupations for petes sake you have all gone a bit far,Do you kmow the names of any of my hobbyists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believe me there have been more than a few.I am a lady that believes in keeping things light,having fun,not hurting people,so as it was said if you don't like a thread don't read it or respond to it simple!!! But so long as I stay within the guidelines I have a right to post and say what I choose,and shouldn't be chastised for it!!!You know the saying: opinions are like asholes eveyones got one ,dosen't make yours or mine right or wrong just different,same with this poll!!!!!

    i have to agree with what EVERYBODY is responding, that this is inapropriate. I hope that i am not saying this the wrong way or is offensive to any of the wonderful ladies here on Cerb, but Cristy, hobbyists compare sp's is different than sp's comparing hobbyists. We pay for your time and your services, so it's sometimes helpful to hear from other guys, so to make our decision a bit easier as who to go see. I know i look at the best threads, and other threads, and i have decided to go see someone i may not have seen without reading these threads. We pay for services, and included in these prices, are our expectations of total discretion. Also, if this thread was to go on, what about when we go to Cerb social events? All the hobbyists that would be in the same room at the same time that may have read these, egos may be crushed..lol

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