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Posts posted by billybob

  1. I've always wondered why some hobbyists do this as well. EXample here they may be MR. Bill on another site MR. X and when they email you MR. C. I find this curious and confusing.


    I can give you one reason because I've done it. I tried to use the same name on another site as I did here but it was used, so I just picked another name.


    I didn't think to try and make it similar because I gave no thought about connecting the 2 sites, perhaps naive or stupid on my part by I didn't do it to be malicious or to try and hide.

  2. I think if you had seen her you would realize that based on her limited English that someone else is writing her ads. I doubt that she is fully aware of the content.


    Nice lady, good massage.


    I'm sure she is fully aware of the content of her ads.


    I don't know if she is getting help writing her ads or not but I have worked with people who write English way better than they speak it. I could show you multiple emails and you would not guess that English is not the native language of the person writing them.

  3. I have take issue here. That said I have no problem with your preferences and trying to fulfill them. Different strokes for different folks.


    Where I do differ is that you state that members should self censor based on the subject line. Most people here are pretty broad minded and are inquisitive, and look at all the threads.


    As for Dorinda's comment about her personal opinion, I don't see it as you do as an assault on the policy of don't say anything negative. She's just saying that as a provider she doesn't feel comfortable with providing this service, and to be honest I don't think she has any reason to apologize. These threads don't stay as narrowly focused as you would want, they do tend to wander about the subject, so chill and let people express their opinions.


    So should people who find foot fetishes chime in and say how gross they think that is? Should ladies who think allowing CIM is gross chime in and say how offensive that is?


    Should guys who think having a lady use a strap on him is gay chime in?


    I couldn't disagree with you more and agree with Castle more.


    We all have preferences, the idea is that CERB is an environment where we should feel free to express ourselves and not be judged.


    Kudos to Dorinda.

  4. Great post, This could have been posted in a few other places. The last little while there has been heated discusssion if a SP should be able to refuse a client based on race they even went as far as to post certain ads that had the sps restrictions and they weren't able to see pass that its her choice and not theirs because they feel ebcause they have the money they think they have power


    I haven't seen the thread about refusing a client based on race. Of course as an SP you can chose to see who you want based on any criteria. Same goes with the client of course, we chose who we want to see based on our own criteria. It goes both ways. I could see how the discussion could get heated, anytime race is involved people can and will get animated.


    I know sometimes the Ladies get tired of the same questions, I myself have sent Ladies questions before an encounter, I find as long as you are respectful with your questions you will get an equally respectful response. But once the question is asked and answered it should end there.


    If you don't get the answer you want and continue to correspond with the Lady nothing good will come of it. I'm always suspicious that the guys who do this do it for personal entertainment (sick I know) and I also wonder about the guys who are genuine and think an encounter could be enjoyable after annoying the fuck out of the Lady you are trying to see.

    • Like 4

  5. Anyone see Danielle fishing for a compliment from Ian on After Dark, it was sooo funny. I think she was asking him about if America voted.



    Danielle: Ian, who do you think America would rather see in a bikini me or Janelle (since we have similar bodies)?


    Ian: Janelle


    Danielle: What about me and Ashley?


    Ian: Ashley


    Danielle: Ian, who do you think America would say is smarter me or Britney?


    Ian: Britney (although he added he felt differently)



    I skip through so much of After Dark not sure how many gems like that I miss.

  6. I think this is the start of the real fun for BB, the players are dwindling.


    Really not a fan of Will, he's got a nasty disposition. I do think he is smart, he knows who is messing with him but he can't play the social game. He can't suck up and lie to the people in power and that is a huge part of the game. The idea of getting Dan out was a smart one and he almost had Frank talked into it but clearly Boogie is telling Frank what to do.


    Who am I like the most?? Really tough, it you put a gun to my head I would have to say Ian but without the brains (well memory really). I'm not quite as socially awkward as him but I definitely am better with 1 or 2 people, more than that I tend to fade into the background.


    Lastly, wtf is up with Shane, he says he feels awkward because he thinks Danielle has more feelings for him than he does for her??? Then what the hell was he doing jumping on top of her in the water and kissing her after she won HoH. Obviously to further his game which makes him a bit of a slimeball.

    • Like 1

  7. So when you book an encounter you should specify natural, trimmed or completely shaven? Maybe it's me but I think that's a bit much.


    If natural is still "the norm", and I have no idea if it, is then I wouldn't think it would be something most guys would think to ask about.

    • Like 1

  8. First of all, a small pet peeve of mine, I know it's being anal but it still kinda bothers me.


    PC is an acronym for Personal Computer, the MAC IS a personal computer. I know, I know, it's an accepted way to talk about the 2 types of PC's, err computers.


    I find sometimes it's almost a status thing when people talk about MAC's, people who own MAC's or Apple products in general are very passionate about them. MAC's crash, let's be honest. I have a cheap Acer laptop running Vista and if I've had the blue screen of death I don't remember it. Certainly Windows has a very well deserved reputation for stability but it has good stability now whether some people want to admit or not. I'm sure there are lots of horror stories people have about Windows but I have heard the same about MAC.


    In the end you have to look at your needs and your budget and make the right choice. IMHO I don't consider Vista to be unstable so I don't think it should be a factor.


    It's a personal choice, listen to everyone's opinion, do your research, I'm sure you'll make a good choice.

  9. Wow ... I've never had this happen to me. That either means I'm seeing the right ladies, or the wrong ladies. (oh, I think the right ladies!)




    Well, it's possible Jabba and I are talking about different things, although I don't think so.


    As I stated earlier I think it's a playful thing and I realize the title of the thread is Peckerwhacker it is not like the act is a vigorous or rough handling of the penis. It's fun and yes it is done with a smile or playful laugh.


    I don't think it's a bad thing in anyway and I wouldn't describe those ladies I have seen who do this as the wrong type of lady.


    Think fun, playful.

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