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Posts posted by renegade

  1. I try to prebook whenever possible especially with someone who takes the time to visit Bdn,but since i only visit during the week and most travelling girls are here weekends its rather rare. So more often its off to the big city but living 125 miles from wpg its not always that simple. When i have booked more than a week in advance i,ve found almost 50 percent of the time that an illness or "emergency" has come up after i,ve driven the two hours to get there, which is extremely disappointing when you,ve been anticipating the visit for a month or more. I know most are legit but when you are already there and the funds are committed to play I will try and find a willing participant. The responses you get when requesting a short notice visit are as varied as the local sp scene is in wpg, some being outright disgust that you would try short notice to those that seem extremely happy to try and accomedate you! Although i will probably not stop trying short notice i must admit my best encounters have been prebooked and my few poor ones were as was previously mentioned "sperm of the moment" Que sera sera !

  2. Markets are high as investors chase any return higher than the anemic rates they can get from interest and govt,s both here and arbroad try to create enough inflation to reduce the actual amounts they owe because they can't stop spending. The u.s.has been incredibly robust throughout history when recovering from recessions but this time it's different businesses are not buying into this recovery and unemployment is high globally especially among the young so it is different, govts can keep us from actually going into a depression but it stalls recovery - as rg would say a rambling !

  3. I agree with the always honest MrGreen here as my encounters echo his, but would like to ad that in my opinion the true Professionals i,ve met in this business never follow a "script" so to speak and let chemistry decide the flow both good and bad. Its what keeps me going back for repeat visits ! the truly great sp,s seem to have the inate ability to know or determine what your desires are sometimes even before you do ! I have experienced more intense and fulfilling encounters with a couple of very special sp,s than i ever thought physically possible !and those experiences only improved with the incease in comfort the more times we have met and i do not share those moments verbally or otherwise ever , they are as far as i am concered unique to me.

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  4. Apparently I,m sitting on my new Hampton bay outdoor furniture contemplating the purchase of a new Toyota tundra while waiting for my pardon to come thru while I take a difficult persons workshop and search for swimwear since I now have joint pain relief for those over fifty and I'm due for a Caribbean vacation !!

    WOW how do they do that !!!!!

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  5. It took me a while to find Cerb when i first started surveying the scene, and it can be intimidating when you first open the door and look in. Then you need to learn the rules both written and assumed before you feel comfortable enough to start to participate, and then will you fit in ? these are things most think about when first here so it takes time to get comfortable.Its also easy extremely easy to jump on to -------- and look around without anyone knowing your even there,check out photo,s see who advertises on a regular basis decide if you might test the waters.From the other perspective a sp can "set up" her business in minutes so of course its going to be a buyer and seller beware kind of marketplace. To me in the simplest form thats what B/P is" an open air marketplace " that people can wonder around and others show there wares and try to gain clientel (in no derogatory terms) with places like cerb, e/c ,and to a lesser extent perb and those with their own webpresence"s are the shops to the sides, whose doors you must step thru to actually see the usually finer (but not always) products inside !

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  6. Just once in my early 20,s when a buddy and i were trying to pickup the same girl we both ended up back at her place where she confessed to wanting her first threesome, It was awkward for about 10 minutes then evolved into one of the best nights of my life although somewhat competitive as we seemed to try and outperform each other to her screaming delight ! would i do it again ? Sure right after i find the fountain of youth and take a long drink-lol

  7. The trend these day,s successfully pushed and politicized particularly by obama and the left to Vilify and Target the so-called 1% 3% or even top 5% of earners is championed mostly by the vast majority of wage earners who receive a regular cheque paid vacation time and usually a pension to boot. Those that have never worked on commissions or "donations" as the vast majority of sp,s do here. They take little or no risk and most have never owned a business or hired employees or put their life savings on the table,Yet feel a moral duty to assume those who have somehow achieved success don,t do or pay their fair share in society and that is patently untrue. There will always be a portion of society that requires assistance for one reason or another and we should do our best to help them improve their situation, but there is a growing segment of our population that want more than they deserve or earn and Greece is a prime example of that.


    The theory of Socialism at its root is a wonderful theory. The idea that everyone in a society thrives, and that poverty becomes a thing of the past through collective hard work and compassion. What is wrong with this idea that so many "progressive" thinkers have adopted as their life's ambition...simple, it does not work. The reason that the theory of Socialism does not work is complex, but it can be made simple for the purpose of this conversation, in short, it is a theory. The problem with a theory, or a concept, or an idea for that matter, is that they all look great on paper, in lab conditions, but when you try to enact them in the real world, the ugly truth about most theories begins to show. For Socialism to work, every member of a society must pull their own weight. Take a look around, does that seem possible to you, as an intelligent life form? The truth is that Socialists are idealistic, and if they truly believe that Socialism will work in a real society, they are also naive. It has been proven that water will follow the path of least resistance, and in many ways, humans are like water. If you constantly give a person sustenance without requiring them to work for that sustenance, they will never work. The old adage, give a man a fish, he will eat for a day, teach him to fish, he will eat for a lifetime is very pertinent to this discussion. If the government constantly gives men fish, why would they buy their own pole and bait a hook? The answer, they will not. Socialism will never work for the same reason that capitalism makes some people rich. In a capitalist market, those who work the hardest gain the most spoils. Removing the incentive for these hard workers to work, by redistributing their spoils, does nothing more than create mass poverty, it does not eliminate poverty. Look around, has socialism ever been successful? Were the bread lines of the Soviet Union a picture of success? One of the best examples i,ve ever read about was a Professor at a prominent U.S college that had never failed a student in his class and to show his students how social policy can effect outcomes he decided to have his students write three exams over three weeks and he would average their scores, after the first exam the exceptional students studied hard and everyone averaged a B grade, during the next exam the hard working students admitted after that they studied less because they knew the grades were going to be averaged and everyone passed with a c grade. For the third exam the average grade was an f- This life is a survival of the fittest, it is human nature, and as long as humans are involved in the equation, Socialism will never work, no matter how wonderful equality for all seems.

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