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Posts posted by bassnut

  1. I have not been all that active lately but on a whim Friday, didn't want to drive in the mad rush to get out of the city that was I decided to drop in at CMJ as it had been a while since I was in for a session. After checking the schedule I noticed that the new Lady Emily was now working solo so decided to drop in for an hour session, should have stayed longer and wished I had as our time went by way too fast but I did have plans. Emily's description as stated is bang on .....

    The ladies of CMJ and I would like to welcome Emily an absolutely stunning woman with a body to die for - she is also a well known dancer who has decided to join us.

    I was greeted by a lovely lady with a big smile and knew I was in for a nice evening. Jasmine has defiantly found another Gem here. The one thing that always keeps me coming back is when I meet someone where it just doesn't seem like business and Emily has that quality about her. What followed was your typical CMJ experience, cosy shower for two a nice massage and great conversation. Seeing how I was only Emily's second solo session I was surprised how comfortable and smooth everything went though she does still have a few things to work on it was a truly enjoyable experience. There is no need to go into a long drawn out description here but a word of caution .... Be careful guy' Emily is a real charmer that will keep you coming back for more. I know I will be.


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  2. I don't live in Ottawa and not sure if you are allowed to through in some fish heads ..... I cleaned a few on Sat and tossed the remains into our garbage can I won't begin to discribe the stench or new born baby fly's this am as I pulled out the can. I am sure the trash guy's enjoyed taking the top off the can this am ....... Dorinda great idea and will keep that in mind next time I am at home though I doubt it will be as well accepted as your's.:shock:

  3. 1 - Hook up the boat and go get lost on the Lake and fish a bit. You don't have to catch anything.


    2 - put on the hiking boots and take a strole in the bush and yes sometimes actually get lost for a bit.


    I can remember sitting one time still and just listening as a chipmunk came running along. Ran up my leg a bit till it realised something was wrong ...... when I introduced myself it jumped into the air about a foot and ran off after crapping on my leg ......... funniest thing I can ever remember seeing in the bush.

  4. I love this job cause I can be myself, in more ways than I could in a normal job.


    In this job, I'm don't worry about offending people, or scaring them, as they know what they're getting into when they meet me.



    ***Don't get me wrong, yes I love the little things that people do for me, but what drives me to succeed at this job, is that I feel like I belong as myself in this career. Gifts and massages are nice, but feeling like I am accepted, in this workplace by clients and peers, for who I am and even how crazy I can be... is much more important***




    Allot of the same things can be said for the hobbiest as you stated above Sara. Though I have not been in the hobby to long I have met a couple very special ladies who go that extra little bit to make you feel good and relaxed and never seem judgmental and to me that is also very imortant.

  5. Hey blacktiger ..... do some research to find a place you like and go enjoy a massage. When you find someone you enjoy spending time with just ask if they would like a massage as well most of the ladies will jump at the chance surprisingly not many of the guys offer. Just go be yourself and don't worry about too much about everything Ottawa has many good option for a quality massage for you. Yes Megan would be a great choice as well :-P.

  6. Spend 12 years working in the summer heat ...... hot tar and gravel roofing, you learn to hate it and deal with it as well. Even though it has been 10+ years since I did it I found my body adjusted better today for the heat than yesterday. Drink lot's of water ..... eat watermellon which is real good at quenching your thirst, close your blinds and lights and have the ceiling fans circulate the air or just spend the day out in the boat running around the lake doing 60 MPH.

  7. Why not host it yourself? All you need is a static ip address and add in ISS services to you Windows XP or Vista system. It's not very hard to setup a simple server and direct your host name to your ip adress.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  8. I think like evrything else chemistry plays a big part. Have you never met someone that you seem to just click with. You don't need to know someone for ever to have some chemestry though over time that chemestry will build even more. For your question you are probably right in both ways depending on the lady you see and how she feels about the business she is in.

  9. I was at work at my desk when the quake hit. Some of my co-workers ran out of the building. I was live on the air with drivers so I had to listen incase something bad happened. The rest of the day was a busy because of it.


    My son txted me and ask if I felt the earth quake his grandmother told him it happened. He is working at his grandmothers house near Carleton Place and he was in a big digger shovel machine pulling up trees.. said he never felt anything lol.. haha I wonder why.


    You know now who at your office you have to help in an emergency. We had two ladies crying there eyes out. We had one gentlemen who ran for the door and pushed his way out.


    I cant get to my cottage till Sunday. It is in Low,Quebec..I am worried what I am going to find in damage since I saw that picture of the bridge near gracefield. It is not far from Low. GREAT!



    Not to worry as I was driving through LOW when it all happened. I didn't notice a thing and no one was running around.

  10. Is there a place that could in Ottawa, Downtown that could fix this if you bring your computer in and present the problem?


    I'm completly dumbfounded.. !



    Sprint Computer on Somerset by Preston or Pc Cyber on Rideau just east of Dalhousie. I can't remember the street name they are on but they are right on the corner you can't Miss it.

  11. yes most box computers don't come with disks though they do prompt you to make a backup / system restore disk/ disks when you first run it. You will have a hidden drive on your hard drive that holds your opperating system for you now to reinstall from though not sure how to get at that know if you ahve gotten so bad you have the BLUE Screen.

  12. Mod is right ......


    If you want to try a last hail mary before formating and reinstalling try this. Microsoft One Care was a crappy program to buy but thier online safty scanner works great, run the scan and let it do it's thing. Depending on what type of virus you have it might not let you connect to the site but it is well worth the try and it is free. It has saved a few friends buts when they were able to connect, the scan does take a bit of time depending on how much stuff you have on your computer.



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