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Posts posted by bassnut

  1. Misty, the one lady I have had the hardest time to book time with though well worth the effort as our scheduals just don't mix. Coincidencially the only two time I ahve been able to able to book some time with Misty have coincided with holliday's where I ahve been able to get out from work early. Now that I ahve had the chance to spend more time with Misty I may have to try allot harder to find a way to find the time to see Misty again. Now if I can only convice her to pull and evening shift . :bowdown:

    Everyone?s personality mixes differently with other people. The one thing I have noticed with Misty is she has a very calming nature about her almost as if I had known Misty for a very long time. I find it very easy to relax with her maybe too much so, which is not such a bad thing I think.

    The first time I had a chance to see Misty I had decided to choose the tantric experience. Curiosity had got the better of me and since Misty was available, on Christmas eve or the day before I believe I thought I would give myself an early Christmas present. So I drove back into Ottawa from Kanata.

    When I arrived at CMJ and the door closed behind me there was Misty hiding back behind the door. Misty has that classic beauty like the girl next door that you just have to meet. So off to the room we went to get to know each other a bit. Misty has a soft sensual side that is very noticeable which bode well for an enjoyable session. Next off to the shower where a bit of her playful side came out and back to the room where she explained what the tantric massage was all about. Over the next half hour or so she did her best to keep me on the tantric brink with her soft touch though I found her a bit to calming which made it a bit harder for her. After the release we had a little time left and she surprised me when she crawled up on the table for a little cuddle time, a very pleasant surprise to end a very nice session.

    My second session with Misty happened just last Friday, surprise another holiday ..... . Unlike last time when I didn't know Misty, now I have had the chance to get to know her a bit more over the last few months. I knew I was in trouble this time as she started teasing from the time I walked in the front door. This time I chose the relaxation massage having remembered how relaxed she can make me. A little wine to start off and the normal routine of shower and teasing, now I found out how much Misty enjoys to tease and she is very good at it. A very nice relaxing session of massaging and teasing where I found out Misty has considerable skills with the body slide as well. With Misty's soft touch she is able to prolong your excitement till you just can't hold back any more and all your built up stress seems to just come out of you leaving you relaxed. Again she followed this up with a little cuddle session till it was time to end our session and say our good bye's.

    What can I say Misty is another little gem Jasmin has found. Repeat .... defiantly and wouldn't hesitate to recommend her, your classical girl next door with a soft side.

  2. Well this is long over due. I don't know how many times I have sat down and thought about doing some reviews but there always seems to be some distraction. Kinda like walking into CMJ there is always plenty of distractions and Jayda is one.


    I remember when I joined CMJ back in October and I was introduced to Jayda, the tiny smile and mischievous look in her eyes. Not allot has changed since then she still has that smile and mischievous look, a very playful and fun attitude and a laugh that is very contagious that always ensures a relaxing and enjoyable time.


    Once the pleasantries are done and you are off to the room where you have a chance to get acquainted, Now I did mention playful and you will see that side of Jayda as you get ready for your session as well as in the shower. I have to agree with Slurp Jayda has a unique beauty to her with a tight tiny body that suits her personality to a T.


    Now once you get through the fun stuff ...... gotta admit the shower is my favourite part ...... and you get back to the room for your massage, you're in for a real treat. Now I got to admit I do not like a hard massage and Jayda's sensual style suites me just fine, I wouldn't say it is a light massage but somewhere in between. Now I have heard a few MA's use the term Queen Of The Bodyslide, well if so Jayda is right up there with them as she probably spends most of her session up on the table with you which never seems to be long enough.


    Well if you are looking for a fun and exotic adventure with a very unique lady Jayda will fill the bill. Would I repeat yes and have a few times already. Treat her well gentlemen.

  3. If I was you I would take a run over to RB Computing and see what they can put together for you. Either one of the AMD's new AM3 Core's or the new Intel i5 core, your choice dual, triple or quad for the AMD and the i5 is a quad core. For graphics I would be looking for one of the ATI 4870 or 4890 which will do anything you want. Prices are down and you can get something real good for the money you want to spend but will have to add an opperating system on top when you buy your parts you can get an OEM version of Vista or Windows 7 allot cheaper than if you were to buy it seperatly. The AMD system would probably be the slightly cheaper though you will get a bit more preformance form the i5.

  4. I decided to Google Yohimbe and I'm not sure I would ever want to try it.






    I looked into it along time ago as well. Yohimbe is a very strong stimulent and it is not maeant for everyone. It's actually the bark of the tree in Africa if I am right and is becoming very rare so the chance you will actually get the real deal is not that good. Some side effects you need to worry about.... raised heart rate and insomnia come to mind. It's been a while since I read anything on it you might want to check it out before buying.

  5. My biggest worry when I decided to get back into this hobby was dealing with the possible emotional atachment if you met someone that you really connected with.


    Its a tough thing to make work. My X was 11 years older than me, we were together for almost 12 years and a good buddy is married to a lady 20+ years older than him. I think that one is probably an exception more than a norm. There needs to be a comon ground to make something like this work and I doubt most experiences will work in the long run.


    There are exceptions of course. I am 45 and just couldn't see myself hooking up with someone 20 years old ....... good freinds , sure but the things that she would be interested in now are the same things I used to be interested 25 years ago. I just couldn't see myself going down that road again.

  6. I loved your intro CAT. I'm a sucker for a story. I love cars and still kick myself in the ass (it's hard to do) for retiring my 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger 340. Loved that car but the family requirements (kids) made it impossible to keep. Had no money. I still look up similar cars as the one I had on the web. How convenient now. Check it out on the link. It makes me cry... Mine was a brown color with a white stripe. http://www3.sympatico.ca/f.bevil/My1970Swinger340.html



    Yes sometimes you ahve to make a choice ...... I was in the same boat with my 74 Vett and couldn't keep up. Prices for parts were just crazy never mind the labour. Was like 750 to change 1 rear wheel bearing when they needed doing.


    But the garages like the simple jobs nowadays where they can amke the quick and easy money. Just got a call from the garage with a quote for repairs to my truck ......:cry:. Justa little one .... 2600 for work that would take me an afternoon in the spring and summer in the driveway.

  7. My last truck had 567000 KM before I came to terms with it and needed to retire her.


    Garages now do not repair vehicles they replace parts. If you go for a break jobe they just pull it all off and rplace the rotors and pads with new ones even if the old rotors can still be used. It's just simpler. The older your vehicle is the harder it is to get parts now and the harder thier job is. This effects thier bottom line / proffits so they do not want to repair the older vehicles. Toss in the fact that you drive an import which makes parts availability even harder. For a laugh just call a used parts dealer / wrecking yard and ask if they have an alternator for years old Volvo ....... I bet they don't and I am not a gambling man.

  8. Some top sp in this board have smaller tits. Attitude and service are the key.


    Have to agree with that and add chemestry to the mix ... well for me anyways. I have not been back in the hobby for long just 3 months and pretty much everyone I have met so far whether that be MA or SP have had small natural boobs, gotta love emm ...... :boobies: ..... what it comes down to is your feelings about doing it. If it makes you feel good go for it.

  9. Wow ..... having been out of the hobby a while, but spending some time in chat where I think I have made a couple online friends I must say most members here on CERB are pretty well behaved. I have run into one or two members, not sure if it is a lack of respect or social skills. Whether that be for themselves or others, I won't venture there but wouldn't you want to be treated the same as you treat others.

    For some I would think that it is the financial part of the hobby where the best bang (sorry ladies no pun intended) for the buck mentality kicks in where otherwise good guy's and gal's can degrees a bit. Having spent time in the military I have met more than a few guy's that are pretty rough around the edges and well beyond venturing into downright crazy. Spend some time around any of the special units whether that be Airborne or Submariner, like myself you will meet them in spades but for the most part they were mostly great guys to be around but the minority always stand out.

    It would be kind of superficial for someone to look down on another because of her choice of profession when he is there trying to make a date with her. We all come here for different reasons of our own why not do our best to enjoy it. Life is too short not to, trust me I learned that lesson long ago.

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