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Soleil Sublime

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Posts posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. I've been wondering the same thing this season.....who comes up with this stuff and what must tumble around in their heads....yikes! But I'm so enjoying this show. Incredibly well done.


    I've been wondering the same thing. I definitely don't like that Hannibal is now working with other serial killers. That seems too far-fetched already. But could they have casted a better Hannibal Lector than Mads Mikkelson? No way!

  2. Much to the chagrin of my family, my sense of humour is almost exclusively of the dirty-minded variety. To me, the funniest things usually involve sex or toilet humour and I love making certain people blush. I have written a plethora of rhymes/poems over the past year, and so far I've only been able to share 2 of them with my family. And even at that, they were still sicked out by this innocent little ditty about constipation that I even waited til after dinner to read! lol





    How many of you

    Have trouble with poo?

    I mean can't pass it thru

    When you're long overdue


    I may have a solution

    To avoid bowel pollution

    Please consider this resolution

    As my only contribution


    Constipation can be slaughter

    But if you drink more water

    Next time you're in the potter

    You'll be a faster squatter


    Hydration is the key

    It isn't just for pee

    Your ass won't disagree

    When my words you finally heed


    Cuz being bunged up sucks

    When you've got a full dumptruck

    Of poo you need to pass

    And it won't go near your ass


    So believe me cuz I know

    Bowel movements need to flow

    And if they refuse to go

    Force up some water down below...

    Cuz it's faster than down your throat!



    See, now that one was really tame. It involved no sex or profanity, but they still disapproved. "Inappropriate for the dinner table Soleil, no more dirty poems please." Sheesh. It sucks when you make a really great dirty joke but your audience is too prudish to appreciate it. I don't care though, I still let 'em rip and make myself laugh. lol

    • Like 5

  3. I currently have 2 puppies and have had a menagerie of dogs, cats, birds and fish over the years; but the one who's been with me the longest and has given his Mom the most trouble, is this little bugger. He used to pee in my bed when he was mad at me, but thankfully we've overcome a lot together (2 mattresses later). Pugs hate 2 things more than anything. Getting their teeth brushed and getting their nails cut. When going for a nail trim, you'd think someone was trying to murder him at the vet's, but they're used to it, he's 12! And since he refuses to let me brush his teeth, his breath smells like hot, funky garbage. In any case, some may think his is a face only a mother could love; and it must be, cuz I do!




    • Like 4

  4. Most of us have at least one scar. Many of us have a big scar, or even many. Point is, scars rule and I just love 'em! Never, EVER be ashamed or shy about your scar(s). Show them off with pride, throw your shoulders back a little and stand up straighter when you're asked how you got it. Scars are battle wounds of something we survived! That's why I love them so much. Each and every scar has a story. Some are funny, some are scary, some are amazing, some are benign and some are jaw-dropping. Regardless, it's the mark of a survivor.

    Have you got a scar story you'd like to share? Cuz we'd love to hear it! ;-)

    • Like 1

  5. I,m not very poetic but thought this might be fun !


    To all the Wonderful Ladies of Cerb

    Well Wishes, Wet Kisses

    and hugs you deserve


    Our thanks we convey,

    for each and every day

    that our needs are all met

    when we play


    Our time is great fun !

    such pleasure such bliss to soon done

    yet each visit like a lottery just won !


    So if ever treated rude

    by a fool

    or unknowing prude


    Just pop up this site !

    any time day or night



    please ad yours a word a line or a verse-have fun !


    Those who know me, know I love silly poetry, so how could I resist Renegade's tempting offer? I have a tendency to go on and on with rhyming verses, so I'll keep it to 4 lines.


    You'll be so glad that you did

    Of this I can assure

    Just look around the site

    She's here, your perfect girl...

    • Like 3

  6. I wanted something that was classy yet easy to pronounce.


    For some, Soleil is a real challenge to pronounce. Despite the fact that my website address link is ingeniously (if I do say so myself) phonetically spelled out, as well as acts as an invitation or even an exasperation, lol I figured everyone would get it as a big hint on how to pronounce my name. But nope. I still get calls asking for Sewleel. lol That's okay though. Once I correct them, I can just imagine what they're thinking; 'Oh Solay! Now that makes more sense.'

    As far as why I chose the name Soleil, there are a few good reasons why I did. Firstly, I am half French and was raised that way. I love the language and the way some French names just sexily roll off the tongue was one of my first criteria. However, I needed one that could easily be anglicised as not everyone knows or speaks French. When I chose Soleil, I didn't think the pronunciation was going to be a big issue at all. Because it means the Sun which is warm and inviting, as well as mood-lifting and upbeat, I thought it suited me well. The fact that it's unique and not common is the best part. I wish I could trademark it. lol

    • Like 9

  7. as per your question - customers don't behave as customers anymore.

    they've expected me to "spend the night" with them- for free(because others do this - so they say),

    -go on little dates & outings - for free

    -take trips with them - for free

    -talk on the phone with them, when they are bored or lonely

    -do drugs with them and also get drugs for them (because others do),

    -pick them up & provide them with taxi service so they can

    get money or go buy drugs

    -provide them with cheap incalls or cheap outcalls because they don't have much money, have no job & because other girls give them cheap rates


    it's fine to "ask" -- but to expect these things & be nasty & abusive if they "don't get their own way" is very immature and ridiculous. act like "men" not spoiled "little boys" and women will want to be around you.


    Many of the "locals" have had very unrealistic expectations - and it is a huge turn off



    Wow. That really sucks Stefanie. I'm very sorry that you have to deal with all that crap. If I had to deal with those types of clients on a regular basis, I'd prefer my phone not to ring at all.

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