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Soleil Sublime

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. I would simply like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who took the time to so thoughtfully respond to my quandry.

    Mutau, mrrnice2, Kyra Graves, spong, Phaedrus, backrubman, Angela of Ottawa, milfhunter67, castle, Porthos, MatureLee, nntsci, Cristy Curves and UlixesTrojan you all touched my heart by your support and advice. I truly do appreciate every one of you!

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  2. I hate complaining, and rarely do. I've always felt very blessed and fortunate, and I'm always aware that millions of people have it much worse off than I ever could. But all that aside, I'm wondering what I could be doing wrong.


    I get PMs and emails, most are longer than a sentence, and the more detailed the message, usually, the longer my reply. But even if it's rude, I reply. I always, always reply. I try to be friendly and funny and not too serious. Just like I usually am. But I cannot tell you the amount of people I never, ever hear back from. What gives? I read about SPs barely answering a text (I prefer email, I have a shitty phone for texting, but I still do) and here I am thanking them for their interest, answering all their inquiries, trying to get them excited about a possible future meeting, and I await a reply and nothing. I feel so frustrated, I'm losing my motivation to be a responsive and engaging SP in emails and PMs.


    Does anyone have any advice or words of wisdom? Or am I likely being too sensitive?

  3. I've never met you but like Cleo said, a jerk can come in all shapes and sizes. If you're a fun-loving, respectful gentleman, with a sense of humour (which is evident you are) then I could honestly give a rat's butt how much you weigh, or what year you were born. To me, those 2 set of numbers are completely inconsequential and irrelevant. :)

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