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rocky racoon

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Posts posted by rocky racoon

  1. Warn the girls that the club will use secret shoppers. The club sends random guys up for a number of dances and they report on the math. And no, the girls don't get paid for that dance, but they know that is part of the system. Pretty simple and not difficult to find random secret shoppers either lol The greedy or stupid will continue until caught and the smart ones will continue to earn. Problem solved.

    With all due respect Trout, I'm sure this is actually illegal.


    Again, those girls are not employed by the clubs, they are their clients. Strippers have to pay clubs, in exchange for the premises, the stage, and the actual employees of the club (bouncers, DJs, waitresses, janitors, cooks etc.) who, in return, make it safe, fun, appealing, clean, etc. Basically, the clubs sell the work environment, the strippers pay for the right to use it for their own transactions.


    A club can terminate its association with a stripper, but it has very limited rights to intervene in the transaction between a stripper and her own customer. If a stripper has to dance for a "fake" customer (what you call a secret shopper) but doesn't get paid for those dances, she could even sue the club for forcing her to work without pay. It's unfair to them and, again, illegal. The fake customer would still have to pay for his dances and the club has no right to allow exemptions.


    Also, what if the fake customer tries to use its power to get extras from a girl by threatening to get them kicked out? Who's gonna watch the watcher?


    Let's say you own a cleaning company, called "Trout, Inc." . But, in order to save some money and, for practical reasons, you rent your vacuums and pressure washers from another company, let's say "Suck-U-Clean" *. Suck-U-Clean would have no right to have fake customers call you for a job, and then not pay you for your time and efforts, all under the pretense that "they were just making sure you were doing a good job to protect their reputation".


    * Note: Any resemblance with any real life company name would be purely coincidental. If not, can I have their number please?! :)

    • Like 3

  2. I don't take dances at Pigale because I had girls rip me off there. And now they have a stupidity tax at the Fax? lol Wow. Maybe don't hire girls who steal?

    Actually, strippers aren't "hired" by clubs, not since, a while ago, someone figured out it was more profitable to make them work as self-employed client of their establishments. In reality, they pay the club (the so called DJ fee), in exchange for the right to use the premises.


    But anyway, my point is that there's no efficient way to do background check before letting someone work there, and it's not like any girl will admit she's dishonest. You can't just "not hire girls who steal".


    All you can do is tell her she can't work there anymore, IF she has a history of problems with customers. But then again, even that's not simple, because many guys won't want to make a fuss for 20$ so the club might not realize there's anything wrong for a while. Also, remember, some customers can lie too so you can't necessarily get rid of her after the first incident.


    Personally, I'm divided on this. On one side, the idea of having an objective person monitor the song counts isn't the worst idea they could have come up with.


    The only thing that bothers me is the fact that that person's salary has to be covered by the customer. With the parking, the cover charge, the overpriced drinks, the tips (cover charge girl, waitress, bathroom guy handing you a towel), and now this, I feel Ottawa is in the process of becoming more like some clubs in Montreal, where you also have to pay the bouncer to lead you to your place, etc. In the end, it all adds up. And that's before you pay for any dance.

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  3. I reviewed her a few posts/pages back. After some additional encounters since my initial review, she has dropped a bit in my rankings. She is a bit too talkative (non-seductive) in the back for my liking. Everyone should definitely experience her once though as her body is quite good.

    So do you think it's the same girl, Willingtospend?

  4. So apparently, there's a girl named Zoey at Barbarella. Does anybody know if it's the same Zoey that was working at Playmate until last summer? I haven't seen her since then and I'm wondering if this could be her.


    Short young Quebecoise with enhanced breasts, light skin and beautiful curves. She was always nice to me.



  5. I think cheating has nothing to do with the fact that she is a MA (or any kind of sex worker for that matter). So your question:"My GF is a MA, is it cheating?" is misleading. She's not cheating BECAUSE she's a MA. I believe some MA have perfectly healthy relationship and it doesn't necessarily means they're cheating, even when they're providing extras to their clients.


    The fact that she hid it from you, though, might be the problematic part. To me, cheating is simply lying to the other. Some couples are perfectly happy to be in an open relationship. This doesn't even have to be symmetrical. In some couples, one of the persons is sleeping with other partner(s), while the other is not. For this to work, everybody involved need to be consenting to the specific terms of their relationship. And, to be truly consenting, one needs to know every aspect of that relationship.


    Now, Cat makes some very good point about the lies in the initial relationship. I think we all do it when we start going out with someone, consciously and unconsciously. We want to look good so we present the best side of ourselves. We dress up, we hide the dirty clothes under the bed, we don't swear, or burp, etc... Basically, we keep secret a lot of the things we feel might be detrimental to what is originally a fragile relationship. It's not dishonesty, just a desire to convince the other that we can be worthy. It's fine, as long as the true personality come out eventually.


    If one of the person is a sex worker, she/he has a much bigger secret, and she/he will likely hide it at first. The personal and social risks involved with telling the truth are much bigger when your secret is that you're a sex worker, then if it's that you don't floss everyday. The thing is, once the relationship gets past the initial phase and trust is being built, at one point or the other, this secret should be shared. You don't say how long you've been going out with her, but since you say you live together, I'll assume you're past that initial phase of your relationship and, since you "just found out", I'm tempted to say she cheated on you by actively lying to you.


    Now, does that mean you should dump her? Not necessarily. It's not because someone cheated that the relationship is irreparably broken. I think you should definitely talk with her about it, not so you can intrude in her professional life, but to make sure you're on the same page on how each other feels about the situation. Communication is key here. Then, figure out whether or not you feel comfortable living with someone who's a sex worker. Only you can decide that.

    • Like 7

  6. Is the night time Ashley still there? I haven't been around for a while. Must admit I enjoyed every moment with her in the CR. Drop dead body and really accommodating with her CR routine. Simply couldn't get enough of her body whenever I visited. Hope she is still there.

    Yes, she is. Try Friday evenings.

  7. Trinity the chocolate girl was there not the brunette. And correction on one of the names is Tasha not Trish. Yes but If the two trinities work on the same shift the black one I think uses serenity as well I think. I guess because the other trinity was their longer.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yes, Tasha the brunette, Tiffany's friend, right?


    I guess my quest for Trinity will continue. ;)

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  8. I was also there last Friday. I was there for the transition between the dayshift and the evening shift. I can confirm the attendance of (from what I can remember): Chloe, Honey, Jayda, Kiltboy(!), Natalia, Sally, Stacy, Tamika, Tiffany, Trish, plus probably a few I don't know/remember.


    Kilt boy, about the Trinity you saw, was that the black girl or the white girl? I know there's two girls who seem to be sharing that name. I'm still trying to reconnect with the white, brunette, young, large breasted Trinity but with no success so far.

    • Like 1

  9. How has this worked out for you, WtS?


    While we all have to decide on our own patterns of behaviour as far as SC etiquette is concerned, I'd tend to be somewhat hesitant to approach (interrupt?) a patron/dancer while the two of them were chatting. I'll typically wait until she leaves his table or walks away from him (if they're standing) and then approach. Of course, if they retire to the CR, one can try to "grab" her attention when she emerges.


    While I'm willing to admit that there were times when I was getting a bit impatient and wishing I could get a particular dancer to drift away from a seemingly endless chat session, I'm not sure either the patron or the dancer would be overly pleased to be approached by another patron while in conversation. But that's just my attitude.

    I'm like you r_d; I never approach a girl if she's already talking to another customer.


    This strikes me as rude and disrespectful for both the customer and the stripper. Basically, you're telling her: "I don't care if you were planning to bring this guy to the CR, I want you to come with me and what I want is more important than what you choose." I think most strippers will actually prefer to make money by spending time with someone they actually like, rather than with someone who's sending her the message that he's entitled to see her naked just because he's paying. Let's face it, it's not like they're selling you a pizza... their job involves being very intimate with people they barely know, so the comfort factor is important for them too. Dancers are never obligated to dance for anyone who asks them, so it's always a good idea to be polite.


    Case in point, the last time I went to Pigale, I was talking to a girl I had just met. Things were going well, we were having an passionate and intelligent discussion, when a guy came to us, placed himself between us (well let's say in a triangle with us) and just asked her right there if she would go with him to the CR. I think we were both a little surprised (I think he even cut her in the middle of a sentence). Luckily, she very diplomatically told him the obvious: that she was already with someone else, pointing at me, and that no, she wasn't going to go with him. After he left, we both agreed that his behavior was very impolite.

    • Like 3

  10. Are we all referring to the same 'Foxy' here?


    I seem to recall that there was some confusion on this point in the past, when a dancer at the 'Fax used the name 'Foxy' there, but could not use that name at the 'Mate 'cause it was 'taken'. I seem to recollect that the 'Foxy' at the 'Fax was an ebony lady, while the 'Mate's Foxy was a busty, blonde and then brunette, somewhat older than average dancer and not an ebony lady. At least that's my recollection of the posts in the past when this mix-up arose. I could have remembered it all wrong.

    Here's the full story: There was a Foxy at Playmate, a tall white brunette who stopped dancing a while ago, after doing it for many years (She probably started in the late 90'). Then, there was another girl who went by Sally who started working at Playmate (Foxy was still there when Sally started). This Sally is an outgoing ebony girl. Later, Sally went to Barefax and changed her name to Foxy, since there was already another Sally there (a Cuban girl). Foxy (the ebony) is still at Barefax now.


    When talking about strippers with common names (or any stripper in fact), it's always useful to specify some physical feature to help people know who you're talking about.

    • Like 3

  11. Cowboy Kenny, sir, from all the gents who checked your diary before calling a lady... and who decided to call someone else instead. From all the ladies who DIDN'T appear on your diary because they were actually serious, honest and respectful. From the (probably very) few of those who DID appear on your diary at one point because they didn't know better, and who learned to change their practice to become more professional. From all those people, I officially present to you the virtual gold medal of "Most-useful-member-of-the-Ottawa-kinky-adult-community". (It's not really made of gold, just chocolate, but the really good fancy kind... like... from Belgium or something.)


    Seriously though: Thanks.

  12. Dammit! You mean I missed Trinity? I was there in the evening, hoping to see her but she wasn't there. I guess I'll try to go earlier next time.


    My posse was in for the afternoon on Friday and we had a pretty good time in a fairly sparse crowd. It wasn't too busy, but not dead. I know it picks up in the evening.


    I had the lunch and a few too many beers, threw around a few too many shots, took a few girls upstairs and generally had a blast.


    I don't remember ever having done this for anyone before, but I was pressed into giving massages to 2 different ladies without prompting. Hey, I'm happy to do it, it just felt strange giving a completely therapeutic back and butt massage on the floor. The noises they were making let me know it was working, which is another story entirely. When I got to her feet, one of them almost orgasmed. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the smile on her face was worth mentioning.


    Ladies of note: Jayda, Mikayla, Trinity, Paris, Leela, Alex, Grace, Tamika, and an old friend returned: PrettyChrissyBaby.

  13. Last I saw her at barefax was maybe a year ago but it could be a bit longer. She was VERY voluptuous, Caucasian and had the name "Charley" on a tramp stamp tattoo. I always called her Charley's Angel lol. Forget her real name. Anyone know if she is still around? I would love to see her again.

    There was a blonde girl with the stage name "Charlie" working on Friday evening, June 2th. Could that be her?

  14. Sounds to me like another way for Kiltboy to share how lucky he is with the ladies

    Most of his posts seem to be about how popular he is


    Maybe THAT's the answer he's looking for... For some people, lack of humility is a turn off. In a strip club, anything that turns women off is clearly a handicap for the client. But then again, confidence is also often seen as a turn on, so...

    • Like 1

  15. I took dances with a lady named Till (or Teel not sure but I hope I heard it right). She has short hair with slightly tanned skin and the sides of her head shaven and body full of tattoos (not usually my style) but she had cute face may be in mid or late 20's


    I think you're describing Theo, previously Precious.

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  16. Last Thursday, April 20, around 1-2 PM:


    Alex , Kyla (might be the same others have called Skyla?), Kylie, Lexi, Maya, Selina, Tasha, Velinda and a blonde who previously went by Emma at Playmate. I recognized her but I don't know if she's still using the same name at Pigale.


    I went to the cr with Velinda and she was even better than the last time.

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  17. She was there Friday.


    The definition of "variable mileage" has been invented for her. She's a classy lady who only does what she feels comfortable doing, when she feels comfortable doing it and with who she feels comfortable. Personally, I think that's how it should always be.


    My recommendation with her (and with any stripper, really) is: be kind and respectful, be patient enough to build a rapport, keep an open mind but don't expect anything.

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