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Posts posted by TracieGold

  1. If you allow me to say, I really think it is two different issues here.

    The first one is that the relationship you and your lady have nurtured is "friendship"

    The second one is that when a couple decides to become "husband and wife", friendship is NUMBER 1, with limits. One can not be courting someone and keep talking about the previous relationships...neither can one be offended or "humiliated" if you asked for the bill, unless you stood up and gave her the "looks" of "come on....don't be so slow"...which I doubt you did, right?

    If your friendship is solid, as you seem to think, there is no room for petty feelings of humiliation or whatever....I would have laughed and ordered you more food for me to be able to continue eating breakfast,,,and of course both of us would have laughed.....particularly after I pushed you back in the chair if you ventured to stand up while I was munching.


    I learned that when we care more for our own self esteem than for the other person's feelings, one is not in love....one is just looking at the wrong person.

    A "loving relationship" is not an SP/client issue. If she wanted to leave after sex is because she wanted to be alone and may be noticed the effect on you and decided to stay.

    Also, may be she did not feel well and did not want to tell you or worry you.

    How many times we get paranoid and see tings that do not exist....? many, at least I do at times.

    Dear ED, are you sure this is love???, may be is just the comfort of a good friendship?....

    Best regards to you dear!!

    Tracie G.:roll:

  2. Oral Sex is Not Really Sex; Just Ask Your Kids


    by Tom Henderson (Subscribe to Tom Henderson's posts) Apr 14th 2010 9:00AM

    Categories: Teens & Tweens, Medical Conditions, In The News, Weird But True, Sex

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    popsicle-lipstick-a-240ds041210-1271088300.jpg We're not talking kissing. Nonetheless, many young people don't accept that they can do other things with their mouths that count as sex. Credit: Damon Dahlen, AOL





    Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Theodore Roosevelt gave us the national park system.


    Bill Clinton's presidential legacy? He convinced us that oral sex isn't really sex.

    So many people -- especially young people -- believe this that researchers have given phenomenon a name: "The Clinton-Lewinsky Effect."


    Jason D. Hans and his colleagues at the University of Kentucky in Lexington examine the Clinton-Lewinsky Effect in their report "Sex Redefined: The Reclassification of Oral-Genital Contact."


    They surveyed undergraduate college students three years ago and found that less than 5 percent of them think oral sex counts as "having sex."


    Web MD reports this is a big change from 1991 -- less than two years before Clinton took office, a similar survey found that 40 percent of college undergrads considered mouth-to-genital interaction as sex.


    Researchers point to Clinton's famous statement: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."


    "Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced," Hans tells Web MD.


    Hans adds abstinence-only education and sex education programs that concentrate on vaginal-penile intercourse also may be partly responsible.


    The survey included 477 undergrads, mostly white heterosexual women, enrolled in a human sexuality class. The majority (98 percent) of participants were 24 or younger. The average age was 20.


    Researchers are concerned because oral sex has become increasingly acceptable among young people in recent years. They might see it was a less risky.


    However, Web MD reports, experts say oral-genital contact can lead to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and the human papillomavirus (linked to cervical cancer).


    Hans tells Web MD he and his fellow researchers encourage sex educators to increase awareness about oral sex and how it can lead to the spread of STDs.


    The full report will be published in the June 2010 issue of Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.


    Hugs to all

    Tracie G.:roll:

  3. I have been always a f hug.....but Freddy is still i n my mind...some people said he and Elvis moved in the same way...I really think Freddy had much more class....but I did not dislike Elvis...however, Freddy is in my heart.....Oh do you remember when he married....? and the Rapshody is great.....also the Barcelona tape with Montserrat Cavalier....wow, what a couple of voices.....

    what do you think my fellow cerbites????:?:

  4. who loves Queen as much as i do????

    I was in love with Freddy Mercury even after knowing he was gay...I could not care less, and I cried so much when he died......

    This is one of my favorite songs and it feels like if it is what I always looked for....and have not been able to find.....pity....

    Hugs to all

    Tracie Gold




  5. I broke a mirror in the past and I can assure you I had 7 years of a lot of problems coming out of nowhere.....

    Walking under an open ladder???? No way, I will cross the QWY walking if I had to avoid passing under it.....

    Number 13 is only bad on Fridays (TStorm is right)

    Black cats? I ave one and she is my joy....no bad luck there!!!!

    Hugs to all!

    Tracie G.:wink:

  6. For the gentlemen (even if they are single) the disclosure of their hobby may have terrible consequences.

    For us SP's, it depends on our upbringing, religion issues and if we have another occupation that may be affected by getting out of the closet, children, best friends, etc....nobody wants to be isolated as a "pest" and certainly we are not a pest...

    I have profound admiration for Erin and Riley for their courage!!!

    I must confess I also am very comfortable knowing the gentlemen I have met and repeated with, because they take a big risk at meeting a "stranger" for the first time, almost as risky as the one we run with. And this takes me to the conclusion that there is a Great, huge need for sex out there in our world.

    May be in 300 years, perhaps more, sex and freedom of sexuality are going to be taught in elementary school and, maturity, as well as responsibility for the actions one embarks on, will run parallel.

    Most of the stigma attached to sex comes from Religious groups and extreme conservatives based on fear of loosing God and loosing the other "provider" in the family, as well as realize that one was not good enough to keep the partner (self esteem issue to dear to the heart!!). If one looks around, more and more families are led by single people (men or women) and their sexuality is paramount; they have sex and no regrets.

    Marriages that lasted long enough to have developed in a magnificent relationship (as our Dear Spike's) can comprehend the need of the other one and the issue does not become a "jealous-freaking-vicious-screaming-at-each-other" argument in were everybody get to know the bad apple the other one became....

    I have asked some of my regulars if they knew if their SOs were seeing male SPs....few said they did not think so because their ladies did not have libido left...a few got surprised by the question and I told them more or less in te same tone that if tey loved, really loved those SOs, they wanted them to be happy and satisfied....didn't they.....?

    No, they did not find it stimulating as a conversation topic....why?

    There are many out there who still think sex is dirty and free for the guys, but we girls, if we embark on a trip to tat free-sex destination, we are bad, bad and worst....

    How many SP's are in the world?.....many, many, many ....How many gentlemen meet them (us)....many, many, many more!!!!


    I am glad we are in a "special" forum here.....and in our next lives we will be born free of stigmas and criticism....we will be all loving each other wit no strings attached or possessions and children to be cut in half!!!!!


    Hugs to all, because you, as well as me, are important and unique!

    Tracie G.:bddog::bddog::bddog::bddog:

  7. [/url]


    by Sarah Treleaven Apr 13th 2010 3:05AM

    Categories: Sex, Love & Relationships, Advice, How to Be Happy

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    sex.jpgOne of the most common issues that arises in a long-term committed relationship is a decreased frequency of sex - maybe you couldn't keep your hands off each other for the first several months or even years and now you both just want to go to sleep. A recent book, 365 Nights: A Memoir of Intimacy, explains one couple's sexual odyssey as they force themselves to have sex every single day for one year. We asked sexpert Dr. Belisa Vranich if having sex every day is the ideal for a long-term committed relationship and for some tips to keep sex interesting (after many years, kids and busy jobs).

    Q: Is having sex every day a good idea for a long-term committed relationship?


    A: No, it's boring and makes it a chore. Here's what I wrote about 365 Nights: "The initial idea, lots of sex every day, sounds good. Then reality sets in: it's sex with the same person every single day. Ev-er-y single day. Now same-person sex with a hot bedfellow on a regular basis is great - don't get me wrong. And you calling the shots as far as whatever you want to consider "sex" that day ("I'll have a BJ today, Honey") or with whatever variations you want ("How about the French maid outfit today, sweetie?") may work, but...it would become a chore, like anything else you have to do regularly - laundry, bathing, food shopping. The only upside is the fact that if you do have problems in the bedroom, you'd be forced to fix them. If [it was] for a week or even a month, anyone can get through lame or even just average sex for that amount of time. But think, day 95, day 140, day 240...you have to start being creative and really communicating."


    Q: So what do men and women want from their sex lives?


    A: Summarizing from my male patients, when it comes to sex, here's what they want:

    1. Sex with same person, but having her be "the freak" she was when they met.

    2. Sex with same person, but have her initiate and "mix things up" so that she sort of has different sexual personas.

    3. Sex with other people, because if it were really a "gift," it would mean variety in the most honest sense.


    Female patients:

    1. Sex with as much physical/intellectual foreplay as the sex they had in the beginning.

    2. Men to read their minds about what they want rather than having to instruct them.

    3. Not to have sex when they are tired or stressed, or have too many things outside the bedroom to focus on/worry about.

    4. Not to have sex when they aren't feeling sexy (fat, bloated, unshaven).

    5. Not to feel guilt about preferring to take a nap then have sex, rather than sex then nap.

    Q: What do men and women commonly want from their sex lives that they often don't get from a long-term partner?

    A: Men want diversity and consistency. Sounds like opposite things but it's not! Women most often complain that their long term partners are not as attentive in bed, that they don't keep the same grooming, they don't "make them feel special." Women also would like that their long term partners understand how monthly and lifelong changes in hormones make for changes in libido.

    Q: What are your top tips for keeping sex exciting (and frequent) in a long-term relationship?

    A: Here are some suggestions I recently published:


    1. Talking about sex can get your partner thinking about it. Literal foreplay would be reading erotica to each other, but if you are plum out of Violet Blue or Rachel Kramer Bussel, try "Dear Playboy Advisor: Questions from Men and Women to the Advice Column of Playboy Magazine. Even if you end up snorting and giggling like Beavis and Butthead, just talking about "members" and "vulvas" can get you moving toward sexy time.


    2. Prefer something more serious? Try sitting in a beginner's Tantric sex position, called Yaby Yum. The man sits in a loose cross-legged position, and the woman in his lap, facing him, her legs straddling him. Wrap your arms around each other or place a hand on each other's heart and breathe with your faces close together, feeling each other's breath on your face. While this position by itself doesn't guarantee an explosive ending, it is intensely intimate - and you can get things moving in the right direction of your "lingam" and "yoni."


    3. Create anticipation: Try giving each other a massage, without the pressure that it will end in sex. Just a scalp massage (think of getting your hair washed) or foot massage (reflexology) can be tremendously relaxing, as can a really gentle stroking of the whole body with your fingertips. Make sure the person's feet are covered so they don't get cold.


    4. Done with babies? Switching from oral contraceptives to a vasectomy can give your sex life a big boost. Research shows oral contraceptives can lower libido, and assurance of a reliable birth control can raise it. Taking a trip to Snip City is fast, affordable, not overly painful and has no noticeable differences in ejaculation quantity or quality afterward.


    5. Viagra can't make you more aroused. If you are "randy," it makes your erection last longer, but it can't make you feel sexually attracted to someone if you aren't already.


    6. It's good to keep up your grooming and hygiene no matter how long you have been together. Kick it up notch. Try a little "manscaping" and prune that jungle back a bit. Though the idea of gluing crystal chips to decorate your lady parts sounds excessive to me, it might sound enticing to you ? try the new trend in genital decoration: vajazzaling.


    7. What turns him/her on can be very personal. Ask, ask again and pay attention. Whether it's murmuring in French (like Morticia does to Gomez) or Italian (think Otto reciting the menu in the movie A Fish Called Wanda) or just faking it, feeding that little fetish can be vastly rewarding.


    Hugs to all

    Tracie G.;-)

    • Like 1

  8. We can not be so easy to judge others....the ladies who responded to blocked numbers have their personal reasons to do so, and more often it is a money issue. NOBODY DESERVES to be threatened....tis bastard is totally scum.....he can not use women as if we were in the 1800's. I* wish I could get my hands on him....I tell you I do not support this kind of crap.....

    remember something:

    we are all judged, particularly when people knows we are in this business...who are we to judge the women who answered blocked numbers....?

    I do not answer to those, but I completely understand those ladies who do so and, being a person who believes in God...whatever His affiliation, I do not censor anyone....

    This reminds me of a lady being killed in the Western Parkway 2 years ago...some people said "she was a prostitute, no loss"....what????????????

    no loss my ass...she was a human being and who in hell are you to judge her way of making a living??????????????

    I know a couple of ladies who are in desperate, I mean desperate need, and they answer to blocked numbers....they be blessed....all the danger they go through, just to EAT!!!!

    Please let's be civil and understand others....

    Tracie G.b:cry:

    • Like 3


    Liz Metcalfefeed_icon

    Apr 8th 2010 at 1:00PM

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    Filed under: Investing, Sex Sells

    240sinstocks.jpgLike many investors, I had to stop looking at my investment statements for a few months last year. The only part of my portfolio that didn't take a pretty big hit was the part in cash. My dream of riding a motorcycle around the world in retirement started to fade and was replaced by a nightmare vision of riding the bus to work every day at age 85.


    When I finally got up enough nerve to examine whether I needed to move a few things or just grit my teeth and weather the bad spell, it was hard to resist selling off the investments that were drowning in red ink for ones that weren't. And particularly tempting (pun intended) possible acquisitions were the ones that never seem to take a dive, regardless of economic climate: the ones we call "sin" stocks. Read on for a few examples:



    Sales of beer, wine and hard liquor always continue during a downturn and, if a downturn lasts long enough, may even increase. Many (not all wineries) are private, but there are plenty of breweries distilleries that have gone public and sell stocks. With the sale of Seagram assets to PepsiCo, Diageo, and Pernod Ricard, and the sale of Labatts to Anheuser-Busch, we may have lost two ways to invest Canadian, but there's still Molson, I thought cheerfully.




    Smoking has become almost completely socially unacceptable in North America, and the number of places you can legally smoke are being shrunk by new legislation almost daily. Yet people throughout the rest of the world are still cheerfully filling their lungs with tar and nicotine, and smoking may never achieve the same stigma as it has here. If it does, it may not for years to come, so if you can stomach the concept of making money from coffin nails, there's plenty of profit still to be made.




    While we can't exactly invest in the sex trade, you don't have to look very far to see money being made from the promise of it. The biggest growth in pornography has been on the Internet, where most of the adult content providers are not publicly traded. But companies such as Private Media Group that have focused on video on demand are doing very well, thank you. Even the sagging fortunes of Playboy have been prevented from a complete nose-dive by video on demand sales. And cell-phone based porn is growing leaps and bounds: a white paper titled Monetising Adult Content on the Mobile (December 2008) estimated that the global mobile adult content market would rise from $2.2 billion U.S. in 2008 to $4.9 billion U.S. by 2013.




    This one's a bit like shooting fish in a barrel and, after tobacco, probably the most egregious. Yet gambling is big business, and not just the casinos in places like Vegas, the original Sin City, where there are casino operators with market capitalizations in the multibillion-dollar range. Companies such as Pinnacle Entertainment and Las Vegas Sands are growing huge, developing more resorts with casinos where people can give them all their money.


    I think I'm going to draw the line at buying some Molson stocks. Since I drink beer, it would be hypocritical to turn my nose up at brewery profits.


    But you can do as you like. I won't tell.


    Hugs to all!!

    Tracie G.:butt:

  10. * alkaline-based foods such as meats and fish produce a bitter, fishy taste

    * dairy products contain a high bacterial putrefaction level which creates a foul taste

    * asparagus-laced just awful

    * acidic fruits and alcohol give a pleasant, sugary taste

    * chemically processed liquors will cause an extremely acidic taste, so drink high-quality, naturally fermented beers or sake



    What do ejaculations contain? (both sexes)


    The caloric content of an average ejaculation is estimated to be approximately 15 calories. The average ejaculation contains:


    * aboutonia

    * ascorbic acid

    * blood-group antigens

    * calcium

    * chlorine

    * cholesterol

    * choline

    * citric acid

    * creatine

    * deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

    * fructose

    * glutathione

    * hyaluronidase

    * inositol

    * lactic acid

    * magnesium

    * nitrogen

    * phosphorus

    * potassium

    * purine

    * pyrimidine

    * pyruvic acid

    * sodium

    * sorbitol

    * spermidine

    * spermine

    * urea

    * uric acid

    * vitamin B12

    * zinc


    Aha!!!!! there we are with more or less the daily required intake of health.....now we know what to do ladies and gentlemen!!

    Hugs to all

    Tracie G.:oops:


  11. Dear sailor, you were ripped off.....this is very sad not only because you paid a whole hour, but also because this teaches to advertise properly on the part of te SP and to ask questions on the Client side....you were too nice....I have my regulars and I always include multiple shots, my clock is usually turned off towards the wall (unless I stupidly forgot, because it takes so much to prepare the place for you guys...)You should have asked for your money back. That is not a professional but someone hungry for the dough with no consideration for the client who is paying for a service.

    I am so sad to hear this. I had clients who told me stories quite similar and I always encourage them to "ask questions" before the appointment, get them in writing and get the answer in writing. If tings do not come to be what you asked for or what you were offered..... hold into your money, no matter what.

    This is a service with "connotations"; the gentlemen in general have expectations of their fantasies to come through with the lady they booked, to find out, with regret some unfortunate episodes.....either their safety being at risk or some exploiting tint.

    I have written threads about the safety of us, ladies, but I think someone has to come with the safety for the gentlemen, not only in the sense of multiple shots, but also about all the "rarities found wile visiting with someone".

    Please do so for everyone. The professional ladies (like Emma and Amelia in Halifax) will never ever dream about doing that....here in Ottawa we ave remarkable providers who are the top of the cream in service and would be asamed of offering such a scam.

    Sailor, encourage the men to talk about this and I am really sorry about your occurrence

    Tracie G.:-(:-?:mad:

    Do not get the kleenexes Antler, rather let's talk seriously about what you gentlemen fear and had experienced in the past.

    • Like 1

  12. Thanks God for our MOD.....

    I agree 100% with Ava, GFE is a style and "safety" goes both ways....we ave eyes....you can look carefully before you place your mouth somewhere.....with "regulars" it is easy, wit newbies is not....

    GFE means also a level of tenderness we all need, the relaxing experience that gets lusty....the relax time that gets cuddly....we are all different but is one thing that unites us: we are all in need of affection and care....sex is a part of it disguising the rest of basic needs....

    Hugs to all

    Tracie G.:mrgreen:

  13. Yes Angela, it takes time....the ting is that my neighbors may complain and Capitalman is around....I already had my problems with issues of this sort....I am going to call around and for love to her and understanding about her pain I ave to do something (also for my sanity). Now I tell you the funny ting about this...some of you know my "fat cat"...he is 13 years old, fat and comfortable around food and pillows....he is neutered and never has been around a kitty in heat because I do not let them go out the door. Well, well, yesterday night, he tried to "help" and it was almost funny...he never made it, but he tried is best, ha, ha, ha....I guess I have to fix this sooner than soon!!!

    Again, I am so proud of all of you!!!! Thanks for all the answers.....

    Many hugs


    (Capitalman, could you send me that picture at [email protected]????I loved it....thanks brother!!)


  14. She is adorable and seeing her rubbing around everything is painful.....my little darling is a rescued Kittie and she has an appointment for ther neutering on July.....what can I do?

    Does anyone know about this???

    I love er, she sleeps with me every night and is so cuddle y, so warm, so affectionate....she is less than 8 months old, and today sne was rolling on the area tugs and making this funny noises....

    let me know if you have had a cat in heat....I am puzzled....

    Love to all, as always

    Tracie G.:oops:

  15. Thanks to all of you...it is so very comforting to know YOU are there when is needed!!!

    Many thanks!!!:grin:

    I have contacted the authorities, however, since I posted this thread I had no flowers or anything in my door.

    I am leaving the lights outside ON all night, and all my friends in the area know about it then they are all on alert (great neighbors here except one of them!). Plus I am having company at home since then.

    I never met anyone out of Cerb....this person is reading this right now. I appreciate for him to stop scaring me in that way. I have not ever harmed anyone, in my little ways I have rather tried to help, many times on my own detriment, and I did not deserve this as much as anyone deserves to be on the receiving end of anonymous gifts. I appreciate flowers when they have a name; I like to retribute the attention with kindness and directly to the offeror. All actions done in obscurity, like these episodes, create more darkness and unfortunately may not end well.

    I want to tell "you" directly how grateful I am for you to have stopped this, I hope you as well as I did, have learned that there is only negative attention attracted in this cases, and nobody wants that.

    The CERB COMMUNITY is absolutely great, with MOD at the head of us and "you" must have noticed how we got all involved as ONE to protect and care.

    Thanks again to all of you and "you" in particular for having come to reason and the real "goodness" inside you.

    Tracie Gold:-|

  16. I have had flowers at my door for the last 6 days....one of my greatest friends died a couple of days ago and I did not have the enrgy to dedicate time to this.

    Today I had 12 Easter eggs and a card (i keep the content for myself, it is too private).

    I am going to try to discover who it is... in the mean time, I feel very uncomfortable thinking someone is following me and I do not know who!!!!!

    Awful feeling....

    I am asking for rapport on this one....

    Have you ever been stalked?

    What happened?

    How did it end?

    Did you involve the police?

    hmmm this is hard to even question about....

    I am puzzled because this individual does not give me any clues.....

    Give me your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen...I always count on you for "insights"

    I am not the most happy camper right now, as I said a great girlfriend pass to the other side and I am already missing her so very much!!!!, but I have to deal with this issue and none of my neighbors has seen anyone living the flowers or the Easter Eggs....

    Please...suggest something to me!!!!!




  17. bb'Sexist' Ads for Condo Removed After Uproar


    Source: CBC News


    Posted: 03/26/10 9:01AM




    An ad campaign for a Calgary condo project has been withdrawn after it was denounced as sexist. The posters for the Midtown tower, under construction on 10th Avenue and Fourth Street S.W., featured the slogan: "A $20,000 down payment is as easy as a 25-year-old scotch, or a 25-year-old blond on a 25-year-old scotch. Get on it."


    Another read: "A $20,000 down payment is easier than scoring on a four-minute 5 on 3. And way, way easier than scoring with your waitress."

    The posters were placed in men's washrooms at several nightclubs, including Sumo Lounge Restaurant on 10th Avenue S.W. and the Ironwood Bar and Grill on Ninth Avenue S.E.

    The four-week-old campaign was designed to appeal to young professional men in the downtown area, according to the condo's builder, Point of View Developments. But it misfired for Will Knoll, a Calgary actor who saw the ad at one of the bars.

    "I probably wouldn't want to end up in a building with people who thought it was a fantastic ad," said Knoll.

    He took pictures and posted them on the internet and Twitter, getting hundreds of responses, with most sharing his assessment that the ads were offensive.

    "It's just that this one was so blatant, so tasteless," he said. "That stopped being funny to me before I was even 25 years old."

    The subsequent online uproar has prompted the condo developer to withdraw the ads and apologize.

    "It wasn't our intention to offend anybody," Clark Hogan, marketing manager for Point of View Developments, said Wednesday. "We took it as tongue-in-cheek. We were trying to address a target audience. But obviously we've offended 25-year-old."

    The company that designed the ads also issued an apology. "As creators of the Midtown condo campaign, Watermark Advertising apologizes unreservedly for any offense these washroom ads may have caused," it read.

    "Obviously our idea of fun isn't funny to the audience we are attempting to engage which immediately makes the communication wrong, so of course just as immediately, they will be removed."




    Hugs to all!


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