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Posts posted by BownChickaBown

  1. Mine was the 1st thing I found on the computer to be an avatar (which wasn't a pic of a neked girl) when I 1st joined-up and quickly got sick of looking at the blank space. Hasn't changed since.


    Can't say I put too much thought into picking it, but when I see it now, sometimes I think it represents 'being at oneness with the universe' - like an orgasm ;)


    Same with the nickname, it's the 1st thing to came to mind as I just wanted to get on board and meet nice ladies :D


    I figured thou - it would not have been apropos to use a pic of boobies :boobies:


    Now, as for others - I appreciate seeing the creativity and sexiness :) Keep it up ladies!! (haha- I kill and or wound me :S)

  2. I agree with:


    Casablanca; Shawshank, Usual Suspects; Pulp Fiction; Holy Grail, Goodfellas, Star Wars IV, V and VI (non-digitally enhanced).


    Many others listed above I have not seen yet, but will look into now - thx guys!


    I have to say the Muppets Wizard of Oz is pretty good too imo :p ...and Star Wars I, II, and III could stand to be made retro ala IV, V and VI style ;)


    Other Untouchables: Apocalypse Now; Airplane; Pink Floyd's The Wall; Big Trouble in Little China (haha); So I Married an Axe Murderer; Trainspotting, LOTR. Dare I say Top Gun?


    WTF: Exorcist III; GI Joe; Battlefield Earth.

  3. Sounds more like SOL.

    Your post speaks more of yourself than your ex.


    If you can't resolve this yourself in a mature civilized manner, and you need someone to serve and protect you - call your mom or the cops or both, but don't suck other people and the community into your 'blackholes' and expect others to solve your problems and heal your issues. Like cheating on a test - you only really cheat yourself, as running away from life only leaves you running away from yourself. Life is going nowhere, until death - and then it's too late to really live.


    I find your request uncouth and unbecoming of a gentlemen, and can only wish you the best in reflection of your situation to have it resolved amicably between yourself and your ex.


    Carpe Peaciem!

  4. With London/UK, I see acts of class warfare taking place born out of the festering surrogate of dehumanizing inequality (ex: racism), conquering elitism, divisive individualism, unsustainable consumerism and selfish capitalism, among other stressors and agitators motivating people to lose their mature emotional intelligence and civil impulse control.


    The riots appear to be a projection of perceived hopelessness and manifested from the in-opportunistic catalyst of the state police killing a citizen, which could be seen as an assault on the values and ethics one believes in when living in a so-called democracy, whereby oppression and repression (and death!) of anyone not in favour of the state, and it's clique, can happen anywhere and anytime - even in London/UK.


    There is no condoning greed, ever - imho it's the greatest mental disease and pandemic the World has ever seen. Unfortunately, more often then not, continued apathetic conformity provides enough tacit approval until the tipping point is reached, and 'regimes' are attacked, sometimes even toppled.


    In the end though, two wrongs don't make a right, make peace not war.


    Carpe Peaciem!

  5. ...when you can remember when .01 cent candy actually cost .01 cent - and a soda n bag of chips was .50 cent.


    ...when you can't remember what you where going to... :S hmm, what was that again, oh nevermind.


    ...and: You know you are old when you say: You know you are old when... :P


    Additional Comments:

    Does anyone even call it heavy petting anymore????

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Is that what you kids call it? :P

  6. Sexy: Professional attire such as a just above the knee dark skirt and white blouse all the way done-up, glasses on, hair-up, but enough space/opening between the shirt buttons where one can catch a glance (but like the sun, not stare) @ some cleavage and see some bra as if I am being sneaky - but knowing She knows She's showing some sexiness :D Blazer optional.


    Slutty: Saying yes to my ESP/Jedi mind-trick question of 'Will you scrog me silly?' ...and leave me basking in the afterglow after a bathroom/closet rendez-vous and her having her way, without 1 word spoken - only never to see each other again. :D :D :D


    (...but what do I know, I'm just a not-so-starving self-comedian :lol: hehe heyhey hoho wokka wokka wokka)

  7. Maturity

    Emotional Intelligence

    Impulse Control

    Rational Thought

    Logical Deduction

    SEX!!! (it was 7 seconds since I start this post)





    Fluffy Pink Unicorn

    MORE SEX!!! (7 more seconds)


    Thank You

    You're Welcome


    Apologizes Accepted

    (insert word from 7 sex ago here)


    • Like 3

  8. ...as we all have our moments - now don't we?


    Interesting. As Bowmchickabowm stated, everybody has a different perception.


    And by deliberately(?) misspelling Daniel's name (yet again), your post loses credibility.


    My nickname here is BownChickaBown. Apologizes accepted ES :icon_razz:


    Wabi Sabi Everyone :D


    **By extension of the "I like" positivity thread... I like to live and dream in COLOUR!! ;)


    PS: Thx scrb, but what's this 'we' thing - I am not French :icon_razz: Plz don't try and speak for me, as there is no need - perception to 'rational' and 'adult' is relatively subjective, and I personally have nothing to apologize for.

    • Like 4

  9. ...People objectifying themselves for the sake of selling themselves for sex - or other people objectifying others for the sake of buying sex?


    Let be honest here - This industry only exists because of sexual objectification to sell 'services', as much as some say its just for a companions 'time' - yes, 'sex servicing time'. While I know the biggest sex organ is the brain, and I can appreciate a good (subjective to my view of what 'good' is) brain, conversely, other brains which I do not find attractive leave me with no desire to have sex with just the body. Is that respect? I guess that's what blow-up dolls are for sometimes.


    In general, if I want to just chat, I go to a chatroom and/or go on a 'date' - Sometimes if I want (hopefully) 'no strings attached' recreational sex - I look for an escort (someone's got to support the industry eh, and the desire of some people to only want to make money and a living just from selling sex - the same way as I have never owned a car but prefer to pay taxi drivers to drive me to work every day as an objectification of their driving ability and time. Thankfully enough, in either case, people are humans and all are unique and allow me to interact with them, and them me, to see their is more to everyone on the inside regardless of the profession one chooses, or how one looks, or doesn't look).


    While I do not (or better yet, can not) sell sex for a living myself (hard to do when I can't even give it away for free - but I digress), I do whore out my brain as a knowledge nomad for money - which is no different of an objectification of myself and the services my brain provides (see resume for full objectification) to a 'client'/employer than anything else I've seen on this planet. Believe you me, I'd much rather not be a whore to anyone and simply live a life of leisure - but hey, someone's got to pay for the A/C and cable TV while living under the constructs of society and, unfortunately, capitalism.


    If CERB was only about 'love' - this would be a dating site - NOT an escort site. Escorting is NOT dating - and 'GFE' is a euphemism. Not to say love doesn't exist here, as it does (all around, even through-out this whole thread), but from what I see/experience, it's more like: I love sex with an escort, rather than, I am in love with an escort (which yes, does happen - and from both sides of the fence).


    Rather rich to listen to some people be offended from themselves objectifying themselves, but are angry about it and others for doing the same. Maybe it's too early for me to get my head around it. Maybe some people, including myself, need more time to look introspectively and learn to love myself no matter what anyone else in the world thinks, objectively or subjectively.


    As well, rather telling of the industry to see some of the pent-up insecurities some people have and their need to project them on others to justify their existence and profession and/or 'hobby'. (sidebar: another good point was made earlier about even the use of this word to describe paying for sex which others advertise for sale)


    In the end, I'd rather be open and honest about who I am and how I feel then be pretentious and insecure about the truth - funny how 'shooting the messenger' is a favorite pasttime of so many people thou - which I blame TV and selfish individualism for, but I'll save that diatribe for another post. I could care less to try and satisfy some clique, or sell out my values for greed.


    *Hugs myself* and says: I am a good person and today is a good day.


    Carpe Peaciem!! (that is, Peacefully Seize the Day!)


    PS: Just remember in all this - we don't wake-up to bombs dropping around our heads, so are a few words going to 'break my bones'? I think not. *stops to smell a rose*


    PPS: IMO, this is one of the best threads I've ever seen here. Thanks to EVERYONE for being the diverse and unique persons they are. :) Uniform thought (with a bunch of followers to one way of living life) has little value to me, and anyone who stops learning only finds themselves living in a World which no longer exists. --> Now click on the link in my signature and listen to the beautiful song - serenity (almost) guaranteed!! ;)

    • Like 4

  10. I took the bible reference to be that in a puritan sense, even prudish, not in 'The Bible' sense - but it goes to show how some people will take away from things what they will - once again demonstrating that Perception is Relatively Subjective.


    On the other hand, like those whom created CERB - others are free to start their own board if this one is not to their taste. Personally, I do not go to churches and ask people why they are so superstitious, nor more than I would come here and expect the Queens Grammar.


    Party-on Wayne!! Party-on Garth!!

    • Like 1

  11. IMHO to each their own, as long as people are not intentionally disrespecting others (individually or in group form).


    Not everyone has the same delicate constitution, nor hardened sense of self - and that's Great, as everyone having the same looks and/or character would make a monotonously boring World. Variety is the spice of life. Ying to Yang.


    As OC Transpo puts it: Respect and courtesy are a two-way street. Unfortunately, in a collective, that often falls to the lowest common denominator. Just watch most any news show - it's not the intelligent demographic that's being targeted, rather the opposite. Ex: Fox News


    A rose by any other name is still as sweet and beautiful, or thorny and stinky - depending the eye of the beholder.


    Like TV, if I don't like the program on the boobtube, I have the free will in a deterministic universe to simply change the channel, as much as I can go online and blog aboot it. Got to love freedom and choice!


    Party-on CERB!! (...as I can only assume if there is something totally egregious, the Mods will take corrective action accordingly.)

    • Like 3

  12. ...nor a Free Market (nor Free Sex - but I digress).


    Basic laws of economic supply vs. demand are always at play in the marketplace.


    Lower demand with static or increasing supply (ie: competition) changes market interactions, as the cross-section between the 2 usually determines the price the market can bare - and some suppliers simply price themselves out of the market, while others move with the market and maintain business.


    As demand lowers, some suppliers have to lower their prices in order to keep up the volume of sales, or else fall behind the curve. Conversely, when demand is high, suppliers can increase their prices while maintaining their volume of sales. A noticable trend is some ladies having discounts in order to stimulate sales during the low season, while returning to 'regular fares' upon the market returning to normal, if you will.


    Great (simplistic) example is the varying prices traveling SPs charge for different cities. In my observation, less busy markets in some cities beget lower prices while other busier and more affluent cities can support higher prices. Of course, to note, there are many other variable which attract customers - good marketing, good reputation, improved quality of services, specialty niches, moxy and the X factor, among other things.


    One tip for any service provider, albeit sexual, internet or otherwise, is to provide Top Notch customer service (ex: polite, customer-orientated, deliver above expectations), as time and time again, surveys have shown, people are more than willing to pay higher prices for good customer service (with other factors relatively the same), and they will repeat business with such quality and satisfaction (I know I do).


    Best of luck and success in all your endeavours!

  13. I like how Lindsay removed the tags from all her lingerie knowing it was a turn-off for me, and how she is an assertive woman who knows what she wants in life and takes enjoyment in going after it - all the while staying a down-to-earth, classy, effervescent lady with an insatiable lust for life.

    Long may your big jib draw Lindsay! :)


    I also like how great apple juice and orange juice taste together - I call it applorange juice - it rhymes with orange!! ;)


    Last for this post, but not lest - I also really like how so many ladies like to duo with other ladies :D Double the pleasure, double the fun!! ROWRRR!!

  14. In my experience over the years here on CERB, there's as much B&S here as anywhere.


    Bought and paid for 'recos' devalue any real recos. people may write.


    My example is that of a 2-faced liar taking money for video services and never delivering on the videos despite her repeatedly saying she would after coming back to Ottawa several times since - yet anyone says anything about such things and they are 'not a good CERB community member', as there are cliques here on CERB who do not like being exposed for playing by a different set of rules that others follow.


    Regardless, people who act like this degrade the whole industry for everyone, and if others would rather just turn a blind eye to this type of behaviour for the sake of 'that's not nice to say on CERB the bad things people do', rather than learn the Truth - then, in my opinion, it does a disservice to us all, and very unfortunate.


    It does not give people confidence to much anyone says here sometimes when such protection and denial happens - ex: the thread about the guy and girl trying to profit off the plight of Aboriginal people by trying to fanaggle millions in water contracts, where many people whined about how it makes their industry look bad to talk about such evil, while ignoring the fact some Aboriginal groups live in 3rd World conditions due to such selfish greed from people like Carson and his floozie. Oh, but as long as the industry looks good, who cares about safe drinking for Canadians eh?


    So my rhetorical question is: Since when did being honest become so bad? The truth shall set people free!


    Thanks for the rant :) ...and of course, always play safe!

    • Like 2

  15. Little Lady Amanda.


    She set the bar for me not only for the 'hobby', but also as a lady all around. Truly talented in so many many ways, and very down to Earth.


    Never forget the formal limo date driving by Parliament; removing tags from lingerie; singing 'Killin Me Softly" ala Fugees; Spinning; Bustiers; Her Assertiveness; ...among many many other things!


    Long May Her Big Jib Draw!


    NOTE: OPPS! I didn't notice this was under the 'MA' section until after I posted, as LLA advertised as a SP, not MA, and thus not of this topic (as much as her hands were magical wfor massage, and beyond) - Sorry! I have never been to a MA, but with this thread can see what I am missing. :) Cheers!

  16. The exponential rise in the greatest global pandemic ever seen with the unabated spreading of transcendent self-centered greed and profiteering (that is, greedalization, not globalization) which is aimed at the destruction of the community, spirit and respect for all life in favour of self-aggrandizing individualism and capitalism for a bunch of selfish elitist who only want to dictate and enforce their wrongeous idealogical agendas on everyone else in the universe - unjustifiably leading to greater mental disease and failure by intent on a world-scale than ever before imho.


    That sucks :(

    (ps: Watch out you don't step in it - it's all around and wreaks!)


    Oh, and I also find it sucks when sexy ladies leave the 'tags' on their lingerie while working, as it ruins the fantasy knowing angels shop at la senza, and not just the angel store :( That sucks too :P hehe, makes me think they are waiting to do a return :S hahaha Are you? :| (hahaha - that was rhetorical)

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