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Posts posted by omehgosh

  1. Man I'm tired... I wasn't tired when I needed to go to bed, and wasn't ready to get up when the alarm went off. What's the deal with daylight savings time anyhow? Does anyone really know?


    Was it for farmers, or does it hinder farmers? Was it started to help local economies and keep shoppers shopping longer? Is it really environmentally friendly and helping to conserve energy?


    All I know is that I don't like it one bit. Twice a year I experience perma-jet-lag without the pleasure of travelling. It seems like I just get adjusted to the one time and we're changing it again.


    How come we're always messing around with stuff like that and can't just appreciate nature doing it's thing?

  2. I think my website still looks a little "ghetto" but that's because it's free and I'm limited to what I can do... :D


    @SaraMQ - First, let me say, I don't think your website looks bad at all. I know what you mean about it and the limitations of a free site though -you're right, the two kind of go hand in hand...


    Ultimately, unless you can spend a lot of money on it, do it yourself, or have a friend that can do it for you, your hands are tied.


    That being said, another CERB member, CarmenCandy, has a very nice site that I'm pretty sure was free (I actually posted her site in a previous thread about nice SP sites)... maybe you could check out where her site is hosted.


    Here's her site:




    Here's the main page for the place her site is hosted at:




    @AngelaAurora - I have to agree with some of the other comments posted already...


    - clean, uncluttered

    - simple to navigate

    - clearly presented, concise information


    Often, people get caught up with all of the bells and whistles, and go for big, bright, flashy... they forget, that a web site should ultimately convey information (that's what I go to any web site for)... The easier it is for me to find the information I'm looking for, the better!



  3. I joined the RHAG because I absolutely love readheads too... What an awesome collection of ladies... Thanks Cato! I don't know where you find all of these pictures you post, but I really enjoy them a lot (all of your posts, not just the RHAG group).


    I have to admit though, I'm guilty of not contributing much... I'm a newbie to CERB and want to contribute more, but I'm still feeling a little shy... I don't want annoy any of the long time valued members and overstep any bounds or anything...


    That being said, I do really appreciate the sharing of like-minded individuals... and there is a certain redheaded fictitious FBI type lady I've been meaning to add.. I think I'll go do that now.


    P.S. Cato, I'm with you 100% - Karen Alloy rocks! Yikes! She is FINE!

  4. I think chemistry is very important, and by chemistry I mean the "whole" package - attracted to the way the person looks, talks, smells, rolls his or hers eyes, walks... attracted to his/her personality, values, body language... the list is huge with changing combinations depending on the person.


    I think if all of that falls exactly into place and you're both totally can't-keep-your-hands-off-of-one-another-hot for it, that could lead to really, really good sex.


    That being said however, I believe that great sex needs the chemistry as well as a certain level of comfort with one another. I think after the chemistry, the best sex will happen somewhere in between the very first encounter and the encounter where you're both so comfortable with each other that the sex becomes more routine than passionate.


    I think really great sex requires that you know one another's desires, turn-ons, turn-offs etc. - but not so much that there isn't anymore risk... for me the anticipation is really great, but awkward is really bad.


    For me chemistry + that certain comfort level = really great freakin' sex! :motion:

  5. I was just reminded of a few more...


    "Red licorice" - Licorice only comes in black.


    "Baby carrots" - no, they're not really mini carrots - they're big ones cut a sculpted down to that size and shape (baby carrots aren't actually my peeve, it's that people argue against it)


    "Liberry" - it's "library".


    "Orientate" and "orientated" - it's "orient" and "oriented"... I can only argue this one a little because the "new and improved" versions have actually made it to the dictionary now.


    "PIN number" - P = personal, I = identification, N = number... PIN number = Personal Identification Number number... it's just "PIN".


    "Yous guys" - "yous" isn't a word - "use" and "yews" are, but not "yous".

    • Like 1

  6. If I were you I might avoid Sugar Rush Entertainment. I've heard questionable things about them - a lot of warnings from here. Do a search in the forums for the numerous posts on the subject of Sugar Rush.


    See this on cowboy kenny's site too:



    I tried contacting them a couple of times about "Red Licorice" (can't confirm that's how they spelled her name) - she looked very good to me (so good, I'm still slightly tempted to try to contact them again!)... but I had no luck getting through to anyone, and never any reply...


    After reading some stuff on CERB I gave up on the idea of Sugar Rush.


    Most importantly, if your gut's giving you any sort of an odd feeling... I'd say "listen!" I know it's tough sometimes, but your big brain's advice is usually a lot better than the little one's!


    I'd recommend saving yourself any possible headache and find another lady or agency - there are lots here on CERB (that's for sure!) and a ton of them of have really great reviews.

  7. Hey Pete, I realize this is an older thread, but I still wanted to thank you for it. I honestly wouldn't have thought to keep an eye out for something like this when visiting an SP - until now.


    I'm not far behind you size-wise, just a bit shorter (make no mistake, I'm talking body height here! LOL!), but it really doesn't matter in a situation like that. Three guys, two guys, one guy with a gun... even just one smaller guy... it's irrelevant - this is a totally different situation than someone pushing you in a grocery store line-up. Good on you for leaving. Even better on you for sharing your experience with everyone else - thank you.


    PP glad you spotted this but more importantly glad you started a thread. Many members here seem to take and not give and they would have kept this to themselves. This should ensure those who wonder how they become Senior members: "Contribute to the board".


    I can't speak for all, but I'm sure I speak for most of us newbies - thanks to all of you senior members (I won't try to list names because I'm sure I'd miss someone - you know who you are!) for making this site what it is (and mod too of course!) CERB is a really special community with such an obviously great bunch of people - I'm very happy I found it.


    Thanks all!

  8. People that swerve to the left suddenly before they turn right. Seriously? You actually passed a driving test?


    People who tailgate me no matter how fast or slow I go. If I speed up, they catch up with me. If I slow down they slow down too... WTF? Grow a pair and pass me already you moron. I'm not a sheep herder!


    Always waiting at the Doctor or Dentist. How come I have to show up on time? What exactly makes you think that your time is more valuable than mine?


    Blatantly misleading, dishonest and/or unfair marketing and general business practices such as:

    - "Real bacon flavour!"

    - Charging me to receive my bill in the post instead of via email- and then charging me for the internet... WTF? Really? I have to pay you for your bill?

    - "The price is as low as..."

    - "Lasts up to..."

    - Less cashiers and more self-serve check-outs - no price reductions... less tellers and more charges for IBM and internet banking... increased flight prices because of high gas prices - gas prices go down, no decrease in airfare...

    - "Recommened by Doctor's Associates" (Doctor's Associates Inc owns Subway).

    - Offering a new package with lower rates and keeping me with the higher-priced package just because I "didn't ask".


    ...Big "hooray" for capitalism!


    When I'm standing in line at the grocery store, another cash opens, and everybody runs and pushes to get to it first. You see the same behaviour waiting in any line... pushing, butting, racing... That's really very disgusting when you think about... I'm afraid to think about how these people might behave in some kind of disaster scenario... seriously.


    Whew! Gotta catch my breath now...


    • Like 1

  9. I'm running Vista - for me there are no quotation marks in the target field, and I need to have two dashes for this to work. So like this:


    ...\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --incognito


    " --incognito" (note the space before the first dash) after ".exe"

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