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Posts posted by omehgosh

  1. I think "MILF" started as something a male teenager might say in regards to another teenager's mother - maybe even only to another male teenager specifically.


    I think with kids being kids "MILF" isn't necessarily a bad thing really... well, okay, it's pretty rude when you think about it, but you know what I mean, between teenage buddies it's quite funny - they're chemically imbalanced, totally hormonal, nearly psycho, teenage males - that's how they're supposed to behave...


    I personally don't think it's really that appropriate for older men to use the term. I know it's become mainstream and we use it without thinking about it, but it's really not a nice way to refer to a woman. It's pretty crude, and it doesn't even really make sense coming out of the mouth of anyone over 18 years old.


    Not that I really think much of it when I hear "MILF" used, I know it's not likely meant in a hurtful way, but I prefer "cougar" too.


    When I was a teenager I would have preferred a MILF, but as an adult cougars are much hotter.


    I'm way the other side of twenty-five now though, so even cougar doesn't really work for me... I'd much rather a really hot mature lady that finds someone my age attractive. After all, the most beautiful women in the world don't even start to happen until after 30! :cooter: :motion: :jackoff:

  2. I was reading through Carrie's handjob tax thread and started to get a little worked up (I hear ya Pete!)... I figured maybe starting a new thread for a little rant on taxes may be more appropriate


    BownChickaBown - "PPS (Pay Per Stroke)" - seriously! It's likely only a matter of time! Oh no, wait, that won't be the Government though, that'll be Bell or Rogers.


    I personally don't mind taxes... I just can't stand the way they're using them...


    They keep taking more and more and giving less and less. I can't figure how we can all be paying so much tax but the government still needs to cut back on things like healthcare and education...


    I'm not a politician or an economist, an accountant or even a bookkeeper (admittedly my perspective is probably a little naive and/or ignorant), BUT it really seems to me that there shouldn't be a need to cut back on, or privatize anything with the amount of money collected by the Canadian government in taxes...


    Where in the hell is all that money going?!? Am I wrong in a assuming that our tax dollars are not being spent very well?

  3. I literally can't eat brussels sprouts... well, I can technically, but I'll be in pain for hours afterwards. I LOVE brussels sprouts but recently (the last couple of years) I've started getting insane cramps after eating them. What's up with that???


    I also can't eat cottage cheese - When I was a kid my dad forced me to eat it while we were out for dinner one night (the whole "you at least have to try it" routine)... Well, I don't know what exactly my problem was with it, but as soon as it got to mouth I started gagging,. After a few seconds of not being allowed to spit it out I vomited... To this day, even just looking at it makes me feel uncomfortable (which is really too bad, because I have this sneaking suspicion that it's probably really good).


    I'm also not a fan of squash... I love just about everything else - brussels sprouts, turnip, fiddleheads, beets, spinach, onions... you name it - but squash - blech!!!

  4. I'm with kyra - I love the smell of lilacs. I love going to bed at night with a window open and a soft breeze carrying the lilac smell into the house... mmm... good night...


    Lilacs are my favorite; there is nothing better than going for a walk after a spring rain and seeing tiny little water drops glistening in the sun on the bright purple blooms while their wonderful fragrance fills the air mixed with the scent of the rain.



  5. I've heard Clint Eastwood a few times (but I think that may just be because I'm an eye squinter in the sun - LOL)


    Nicolette and Angela...I love you both cause if you think I look like this I am one happy camper!


    I have a feeling you may even be prettier than Elizabeth Montgomery- she was beautiful, but I've seen your albums here - I'm pretty sure she didn't have your curves!

  6. Stick to it - it's really hard to get started, and even harder to keep going. After a while though, it becomes easy to do and you'll actually miss it if you don't do it (whatever it is).


    Once you've managed to make it a solid habit, try not to skip it... it only takes an "I'll do it tomorrow" and "I can skip today" a few times here and there before you're right back to square one and it's not a habit anymore (funny how easy it is to start bad habits but the good ones are killers!)


    Even when you're on vacation, squeeze in some of your routine.

  7. - Popeye cigarettes.

    - The original, original Coke.

    - Captain Kangaroo.

    - Sanford and Son.

    - Summers off, and how they seemed to last forever when I was a kid.

    - An ache-free, pain-free body.

    - Gigging with any of my various past bands.

    - Penny candy.

    - 10 cent bags of potato chips.


    Wow, I could go on and on... great thread!

  8. Thanks Jabba - Ya, I'm not so sure I'm that curious now either... the reaction videos, the term "split cock", my gut feeling... I'm thinking maybe I'll just let it go.


    As tempted as I am, this may be too scary for me too - I think I'd regret delving any deeper.


    I believe that ignorance really is bliss sometimes.


    Sorry for the hijack - Some things are only best left to the imagination - go to YouTube and do a search using Keyword: "Split cock reaction video". The reaction from the British guy speaks for itself I think. I really don't know what it is either and maybe I should keep my innocence intact. Try doing a search on "Split cock video"...that might give better results. I used that search keyword and it yielded some hits - but I didn't open anything, I just didn't have the stones to keep digging.

  9. For me, nothing beats an ice cold beer on a hot day when I've been working up a sweat out in the yard... I really think there's some good stuff in there that your body really craves when you get all hot and sweaty.


    Has anyone ever heard of bevanda though? I was exposed to it in the Dalmatia region of Croatia - it's watered down red wine. I know, it sounds crazy, but a lot of the farmers used to drink it, I guess because it's so refreshing. Now it's a common drink out there.


    You get the great taste of the red wine without the dryness of the alcohol and without getting drunk, just a nice relaxing glow. If you like red wine, you might really enjoy this drink in the summer.

  10. What's an undead penis?


    Lame joke - blood, penis, vampire-penis... undead penis... Funny ha ha? Meh, not so much huh?


    Unfortunately for me (and I guess the other people exposed to it!) I'm often the only one that gets my jokes, sorry, I try... I manage to amuse myself quite well though! :lol:


    What is "reverse split peni"... I have a feeling that maybe I don't really want to know, but I can't help myself. I googled "reverse split peni" but couldn't find anything...

  11. Doh!


    @ AngelaofOttawa - I'm sorry Angela, I just realized that you had Clash of the Titans listed in your original post here... I'm guessing you enjoyed it (or at least the leading actors). :oops:


    I didn't mean to jump on it so hard - IMNSHO (quite often not nearly as humble I should be), I was really disappointed with Clash of the Titans.


    I expected a lot more of it, especially after paying extra for the 3D showing. I'm sure that the movie wasn't as bad as I remember it actually - I was probably resenting the lack of 3D in it, and in all fairness to the new production, I absolutely loved the old one from the 80s when I was a kid - my opinion of the new one was likely very biased. I'll bet if I were to watch the old one again now, my opinions would completely change.


    Sam Worthington was great though. I also really liked him in the newest Terminator and Avatar.


    @ megforfun & AngelaofOttawa - Did I mention how much I looked like Russell Crowe? Really! Chubby Russell Crowe, skinny Russell Crowe, Russell Crowe with long hair, Russell Crowe with short hair... I'm a spitting image! You'd swear I was Russell Crowe! Well, okay, maybe just a little better looking... :lol:

  12. OMG, that Velvet Monroe is amazing! Incredible body! What about Victoria Jolie? She has an incredible tummy on her... not too hard, but definitely not soft... mmm, mmm...




    Additional Comments:

    Oh, and we can't forget Veronica Sway (misadventure)... very lovely tummy (and everything else!)



  13. The only name from that list for me was Tanya... and trust my aching, blue nuggets - she did not put out.


    She put out lots of "making out" but no happy endings for Mr. Happy.

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