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Everything posted by Kayla

  1. Actually, I have found that if a black cat crosses my path, I seem to make more money.. for whatever reason.. that's how it works for me so I run towards the path lol.. most are running away. I really believe in the power of thought :)
  2. Hope everyone eats lots of turkey, has a chance to spend time with loved ones and I hope we all think about all the people & things in our lives we have to be grateful for. Thank you to my family at Hands from Heaven, my partner Paul and all the ladies who are with us now, those who have remained with us over the years and those who have moved on, I just wanted to say Thank You. I wanted to send thanks out to all the ladies in the business, in all aspects of the industry, for your continued efforts in keeping the guys happy *S* Thank you to ALL the men who have visited Hands from Heaven Spa (HFH) past, present and future - thank you for choosing our establishment to spend your hard earned dollars and your precious time. I very much appreciate your patronage. Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!
  3. I smoked 3/4 a pack a day for over 21 years. I began when I was 16. I haven't smoked now for almost 5 years. How I did it was with the patches. I wore the patches for 1 week longer than prescribed. I began with the strongest patch. If they tell you to use that patch for 2 weeks, wear it for a week more. Make sure you complete the ENTIRE cycle or it won't work. The patches took care of the craving, the habit of 'smoking in the car' or 'smoking while working on the computer', was a little harder because I was constantly reaching for my smoke in the ashtray. But I had read about the addiction as well as the 'habit' of smoking. They say that 75% of our smoking is out of habit, the other 25% is to satisfy the addiction. Because I had already read that, when I did catch myself reaching or wanting the cigg while I was performing actions I normally had a smoke with, I stopped, I thought about the 'habit' and I smiled when I realized I was winning. I decided to quit because it was the last thing that was controlling me. Make no mistake, until you quit, that cigarette 'controls' you. I couldn't stand the stink or the taste or the need. I'm quite stubborn, so maybe it was easier for me than others, but I just said, enough is enough. Others that have quit have ended up smoking once again because they claimed they got stressed out and 'needed' a smoke. If I was to walk outside right now, have a smoke, yeah, I believe I would start up again. But I have no craving and every day when I pass someone smoking, I appreciate I don't smoke any longer. My smoking habit began out of self punishment. Some turned to drugs or drinking. I smoked. I came to a decision that I've suffered enough. I won't wish you luck on your journey or wish you hope that you can do it. It's simple. You will quit when you decide, 'enough is enough'. All IMHO of course.
  4. I don't know about that. I became much hornier after I turned 30! :bddog: When I was younger, I considered sex to be something that you shared with someone you cared about simply because it was expected, so I guess I wasn't really into it.
  5. .. if a guy came out and said to me, 'oh I love it when you touch my penis', or 'you have lovely large breasts', I think I would dry up instantly. But I guess it's each persons opinion on what they like. Of course IMHO.
  6. That sounds cute hehe. I would like to see the card once you do that :wink:
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