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Posts posted by craig101

  1. Exactly. The time a gentleman spends with a lady, even for the first time, should feel special for that gentleman. If he sees her again, and becomes a regular, and a "relationship" (for lack of a better word) develops, that in and of itself should be the only reward. He shouldn't expect discounts, only that he is going to meet a lady he knows and likes. He has to also be aware at the same time that he isn't the only client, (and she will treat her other clients the same) and this is the lady's livelihood, and respect that, just as she should respect he may be seeing other escorts

    Hope that comes out right



    Additional Comments:



    Because this is like no other industry. What other industry (and term only used because you used it) involves just two (ok, maybe three) people alone together intimately. And sharing things that they may be afraid to share with their so's/gf's. And if you were on a board about another industry posting comments about it, you wouldn't use the phrase I love you all.

    If, and if a lady wants to provide preferred customer status to a client, it's up to her, but a client, new or repeat shouldn't expect or request it. He should, IMHO want to see that lady just because he wants to see her, not because he expects a discount at some future date

    As I see it



    I would respectively disagree with you. If respectful we are allowed to ask or make requests. Of course the ladies decision is final and must be respected as she is the boss! There is a lot of intimacy and fun involved but make no mistake this is still a business. In some strip bars it's 20$ a song but if you get 5 or 10 songs its cheaper. Barbs even posts it on the wall!

    I totally understand if a lady does not offer rebates for regulars. Thats her right and I respect it. But I don't it's wrong or rude to ask.

  2. In many industries customer loyalty is rewarded. If I stay at the same golf course they give me rebate. If I get 3 year phone contact they give me a deal. I could give a 100 more examples but won't! lol I don't think a lady should be disappointed if a long time regular asks for a rebate. If a guy sees a girl 4 times a month I don't see anything rude about asking for a discount. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the ladies here and hope I'm not offending anyone. I love you all! Just curious why some people think this industry is different then any other.

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