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Everything posted by Spinderella

  1. Im not sure when they are actaully going to be open, but im excited to check this out. http://winnipeg.lenordik.com/
  2. Spinderella

    BeFunky 1

    From the album: new selfies!

  3. Spinderella


    From the album: new selfies!

  4. guess again dude, i've been around a loooong time, and have never needed to shill or play any other b.s games so many others do, but thanks for keeping an eye out!
  5. Don't be shy to call them up either, (the lady at the desk is there to help ya'll) and as far as i know their website's up to date. . . cool little virtual tour if you've never taken the plunge, lol. Always be a gent, and you'll always have a nice time. (that was my experience at least!) Have fun!
  6. , I know better than to argue on this board, so wikipedia, massage planet, ask.com, ISHIMPO (Institute of Sexual Health, Integration, Medicine, Psychology and Orientation) and myself , all stand corrected ;) Although I still believe the much more honest, true and descriptive terms to describe your pudding venture, to be a body-to-body massage or body work/bodyslide as always, different strokes for different folks!
  7. Lol guys, it's only a nuru massage if it's done using nuru gel! (made from a seaweed found off the coast of Japan, and means "slippery" in Japanese) I've got some on order from an online supplier, few weeks tops, and yes, expect things to get messy! (but that's why He made us all washable, lol) http://www.------------/watch/373346/most-erotic-massage-experience-p-2-2/
  8. Spinderella


    that's sweet of you, thanks =)
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