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Everything posted by halifaxlocal

  1. If you are considering wordpress, you can self host it on Amazon Web Services. They have a free tier of services that are fine for hosting a small website. You would have to buy a domain name, costs around $10/year for that. It is a bit more difficult than using a hosting provider, but if you have some tech knowledge it isn't too difficult. There are a bunch of guides if you google "wordpress on aws free tier". As far as I can tell it would not be a violation of their terms, there is nothing illegal about a provider advertising their services.
  2. The people who did this to them don't have as much money as backpage. Any lawyer will tell you don't bother suing someone that doesn't have any money, no point in winning the lawsuit if you can't collect. I'm assuming the pimps are in jail and don't have 2 nickels to rub together. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Is it just me or do other people dislike posts like this? Seems unfair to post this with no info. If you've had a truly bad experience, post something in the warnings area with details. Nobody knows if this is simply something that wasn't to your liking or something to be genuinely concerned about. Very unfair to the lady in my opinion that a post like this could cost her business, some people may just not book and not pm you. Just my thoughts. I'm sure some will disagree, but we've had a hard time getting travelling ladies to come to Halifax and things like this probably don't help the cause. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. 2nd pic has hits on google image search from NY and California. Posted via Mobile Device
  5. I don't think tiffany has been here before, book herself has sent ladies before and I've heard good things. Posted via Mobile Device
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