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Posts posted by kmwq

  1. Okay, I may have used the word "need", needlessly (Sorry). I'm not being that philosophical about it, what I meant was that I wake up and it's hard so I "need" to take care of it. I'm taking a shower and cleaning down there properly and look it's hard again so I "need" to take care of it. It's bed time and I check in on what's happening on lyla and reading the various forums and it's hard again so I "need" to take care of it or else I can't sleep.

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  2. I don't justify it, I believe it's wrong and that it will hurt my spouse immensely if she finds out. I do it because, although I love my wife and want to spend the rest of my life with her, we are no longer compatible in bed. After 20 years of marriage she no longer needs it in her life. I, on the other hand need it regularly still. I tried going solo for a few years but it was not satisfying so eventually had to decide between an affair or a SP. With a SP, there was no commitment and not emotional. That was about 11-12 years ago and we still have a happy marriage, it's not perfect in the traditional sense but so far it's worked for me.

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  3. Any new Pho recommendations?

    What ingredients do you like to add to your soup?


    I usually order the one with every type of meat in it?

    then I add the hot peppers and a lot of hot sauce.

    I like mine really spicy.


    Do you add a some hoisin sauce or chillie sauce to each bite of meat and noodle before you put it in your mouth.


    And do you Slurp?

    I know when you eat Ramen noodles, that you are suppose to slurp. Not sure if the same goes for Pho.


    For me slurping is required and hot sauce on top before turning everything over. Pho is comfort food for me and it doesn't matter what toppings, it's the soup or broth that makes or breaks the dish.


    My favourite place is Big Bowl in Mississauga.

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  4. The highlights of the day in past month or so has been the early morning coffees in my house coat commando style. I love the sound of my bubbling rock, the birds and relative quiet peace while I air out the boys.

  5. Knowing the range is important for me. I've seen ladies between 20-40 and have had great experiences with the ones that were more accurate in advertising their true age. I make my choice depending on what fantasy I am looking for that particular day. Sometimes I feel like being a college kid and be with someone young but sometimes I want someone older to match my age so it depends on my mood.

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