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April Dawn

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by April Dawn

  1. I am actually on a few different forums where they censor things out, my favorite being one where twilight and justin beieber are both blacklisted. CERB is a free site for us ladies to advertise and as such putting a simple link back to CERB on a site seems pretty easy. If you want to send a real private message maybe emails would be better then pm's :p

    Posted via Mobile Device

  2. I do dream recalls and as such usually end up writing down plots to about 5 to 12 dreams a night. Dreams help me get through any issues that I have been dealing with and usually give me a good idea of how to solve them once I pick them apart. If you don't want to remember your dreams maybe the opposite of what I do will help. Chant something along the lines of " I don't want to remember my dreams" before bed and make sure you go to bed in a good mental head space. Also I am volunteering my "services" for your survivor SP camp :p

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  3. I love getting emails and pm's, I only give my number out as the final stage in my screening. That being said I don't like overly short or overly long intro emails, there should be a nice balance. I have a few clients I keep in pretty close contact with after the fact but I don't really like

    multiple emails before a session. I'd much rather get to know you face to face then over emails. I am much more interesting in person then type!

    Posted via Mobile Device

  4. I went to a Lutheran Boarding school. At that time I already wasn't Christian but I always enjoyed morning service. I loved seeing so many people united in their faith worshiping their higher power. I don't agree with Christianity but I don't have a problem with Christians. My school was quite strict but I enjoyed the structure, structure has always been something I have craved and desired.

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