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April Dawn

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by April Dawn

  1. I usually just pop 2 tylenol with a liter of water before bed, works great for me. The whole pickle juice thing seems like it would make you toss your cookies, probably not the best idea. Eating peanut butter is supposed to help. The more water you get in your system is really gonna make a huge difference though.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  2. Well for me personally, I am very low volume and the price I charge is definetly higher then some adds I see but really its up to them. Yes it can undercut an established SP but really that just gives them clients most don't want. I don't want a client how is looking for value, so they aren't taking clients from me. As for people haggling about price because somebody is cheaper well they can go find that and stop wasting my time. That being said I am sure there are some wonderful men and ladies who operate in that price bracket.

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  3. Some people charge lower prices to see more customers, and some charge more to see less. Its all about weither you want to be high or low volume. I don't think any price is really degrading, they are just

    charging what they feel they can get away

    with in their market.

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  4. Um, you're wrong. Nearly everything you've said is incorrect.

    I know that everybody seems to think they're an expert in all things medicine with the internet these days, but I'm not sure where you're getting your conspiracy theorist information from.


    These type of reply are unnecessary and rude. When sharing an opinion it doesn't

    need to start in a derogatory fashion.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  5. If your up to it . . .

    . . . .if you have any friends with dogs who are looking to get away one weekend, offer to puppysit. hat way your room mate will understand what it's like to live with a dog as well. It might teach him some appreciation.

    That is so diabolical, I actually adore this idea!!!!

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  6. Thank goodness we have the wonderful world of CERB where (for the most part) there are a different caliber of people. I have looked at your pics, I think you are gorgeous! People who send messages

    like that have no lives and are very likely trolls in all ways shapes and forms. Don't let it get to you but I understand it can be frustrating.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  7. To me these are just labels that can be easily manipulated. I have known ladies who referred to themselves as Courtesans in their marketing and they were far from the text book definition.


    I like to refer to myself as a call girl or escort. But in the end, I do not delude myself. I am a prostitute and I am not afraid to use that word or sex worker. I have even been known to call myself a hooker amongst friends.


    I believe it's not what we call ourselves, it's the whole package of what we present and what we deliver.



    That is what I was trying to say but much more eloquently!

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  8. I consider myself a prostitute. Personally the other words are just window dressing like calling a session one of a multitude of different descriptors. I would offer the same top notch service no matter what I decided to call myself because I am a perfectionist :p The only difference I can see is some places require you to have an escorting license so calling yourself something else circumvents that.

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  9. When I was managing a quick service restaurant, we switched out normal salt for sea salt and I had a few customers complain as they had shell fish allergies. I am not sure if it is actually an issue but

    better to be safe then sorry.

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  10. every sperm is sacred, every sperm is good


    For the most part the people I have interacted with who aren't pro choice

    seem to have a very outdated view on

    sex, morality and religion. I don't think too many of them would go along

    with the idea of neutering men as that could stop them from further procreation

    and really wouldn't that just be murdering their future children?


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