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Posts posted by Angeltbay

  1. ive had more than one occasison where i would refer gentlemen, weather they be new or regulars of mine, in this business, everyone wants to be happy, and if an SP can give a referance to another SP, it really would help everyone! the guy is satisfied, th other SP is satisfied, and i feel good about referring them to someone who can provide the best experience for them. And usually what happens in exchange is a trust, and friendship, and even perhaps an occasional appointment because of the respect an honesty you've shown by doing that. Frankly it just makes me feel great to make someone happy, wheather it be by me, or from my referral. just like I am so appreciative when i hear from a gentlemen that i have been referred by someone. this business is about being happy and satisfied, so why not make that possible in any way you can?



    I just don't get this at all! I believe most SPs have more than one client... why on earth would they be bothered by a client seeing another SP occasionally?


    Just out of interest, Emily - did this potential client eventually provide a reference, from the 'usual' SP or another? I wonder if he may have been trying to wiggle round the reference thing entirely, for whatever reason...


    I can understand not wanting to ask your SO for a reference, though... :)

  2. Well, i kind of know what you mean, ive has a few regulars who would fall in love with me, and actually tell me that, and they would become offended and/or stop seeing me if i let them know that i love spending time with them, but im not ready to commit to anything with anyone. I start to notice sometimes when gentlemen do start to have feelings though, and i jokingly tell them "dont fall in love with me" and after i let thm know it will never be, they will also talk bad about me, which is something i dont understand.


    As for references, if somebody calls me ssaying a friend reffered me to them, i think "wow, thats awesome! i wish i knew who it was so i can thank them." im not sure if anyone has talked bad about me, other than other girls to get more business for themselves, but o'well, what can you do? im not going to lose sleep over it

  3. i dont know about dreams... but i have been told i play with myself while i sleep ( i dont remember what i was dreaming about, butwish i could! lol!)


    As for dreams, i dont really remember details... but ive had quite a few lesbian dreams ( which is weird, because i dont do girls, or couples)


    And ive had a few where im playing with someone else while another guy or girl is watching

  4. LMAO!!! RG- you are tooo funny!!


    Guess I'm not everyone. I like woman, not girls, if I wanted airbrushed barbie I'd go to a toy store, kick Ken's ass and pick up a Barbie doll LOL or buy a Playboy instead.

    I like real women, ladies that you can have an intelligent conversation with, and know, after the encounter, you met a real three dimensional person, not some two dimensional caricature of what someone deems is the perfect woman....hope that is coming out right


  5. I apparently I am also a sheets stealer I try to hijack them all the time...Posted via Mobile Device


    ME TOO! supposedly ill start my night out in just the sheet, wrap it around me, then take the entire comorter because i get cold, and depending on the rest of the night, one of them ends up on the ground so if it not me having it, its nobody! lol :)

  6. I put my real age' date=' my real measurements, my real height & weight. I don't see any reason to hide anything.


    What I do hide is my birthday. Consequently, I guess I lie about my age by a few months but I don't think that's a big deal. A birthdate could easily identify me. It was pretty sad though because I didn't get a "Happy Birthday

    Megan!" thread on CERB lol ;)[/quote']





  7. Well, i put my real age on my profiles. and sometimes i get frustrated because some gentlemen that call are looking for someone older. Ive been told ever since i was 14 that i look older, and act more mature than other people my age, but for the ones that do publicize a younger age i think they shouldent, i can see it being stretched by a couple years, but 10-15 years younger? i dont really see the point considering guys like a variety of different ages

  8. ive actually been wondering the same thing actually I actually heard about this site through a gentleman a while ago, and thats what made me join. ive actually wanted to recommend this site to other gentlemen, but in my head im thinking what if they are already on it, and think im looking for a recommendation by saying that. The ones i have mentioned it to usually tell me its easier or them to not be registered to anything on the internet incase their SO finds out. In thunderbay ive noticed there are quite a few gents who have registered, but dont post also. I absolutely love this site, and really wish there was an easier way to let people in town know about it.

    I think the URL thing that the MOD just came out with is a great idea, but i didnt read the entire thing about that yet... but im assuming if you are an SP, you can put your CERB profile URL wherever you advertise right? Now what about in the local newspapers? Or if SP's make their own business cards, can you put it on there? If so, that would pretty much advertise this site like crazy..... just a few thoughts


    Additional comments: but then again doing all that could also bring the wrong kind of attention to this site as well



    Seriously though, I would love to hear a few words / extended views from all provinces and territories, in partucular how we can get more CERBite involvement from across the land. The chat site is fun diversion, but it appears to be pretty Ottawa centric, no disrespect to the Ottawa folks but it would seem to me, would offer a different and another sexual / fun dimension if we could capture more input / humour / views etc from other folks.....

  9. Well, if i saw a gentleman, and found that out after, i would still see him, but i will keep caution in the back of my head as well. But you also have to think... Reccommendations say that someone had a good experience right? A review can be good or bad. If its a bad reveiw on a lady you have to keep it in mind depending on what it is. For example if you find out the lady stole from the guy giving the review, i would definately keep that in the back of your mind . If it was something like "she wouldnt do this or that" that could be bacause the person giving the review was too agressive with the lady, and could have nothing to do with the lady herself. I think if you've had a good experience, you should keep seeing her if you want to, because when you two are together, do you think of what what was said about her good or bad? I would think you are just thinking about the moment you are having, so if you stress to much about this too, your experience may not be as good as the one you had before.


    (sorry, kinda rambling on here, i hope this makes sense)


    How about in the case of a gentleman who you had a good date with, but you find out after the fact that he has been red flagged, but your date was good, no complaints...would you provide a reference for him, or would the fact that he has been red flagged by others deter you from providing the reference

    BTW, my curiosity stems from what is IMHO a almost nasty review of a lady I have seen twice (and about to see for the third time)...and I wanted both the guys perspectives on giving recos/reviews and ladies perspectives on references if their first hand experience is good, but others write that they had bad experiences


  10. As an SP, if i had a bad experience with a gentlemen (im talking about maybe someone who is trying to talk me into things i dont do), i would refer them to someone else who would be more suited for him

    As for an extrememly bad date, weather it be the gentleman is scary/intimidationg/violent, i would not refer them to anyone, and actually here in Tbay if anyone (inde or Angency) has an experience like that they call everyone one who advertise in the paper here just to let them know that particular guy should be "red-flagged"

  11. yeah, well, thats pretty much what i have to do too... i burn, and then ill see some kind of color after, im part icelandic, and latvian, and nothing seems to make my skin used to the sun


    My wife is VERY fair, and she basically has to let herself burn and then stay inside for 3 or 4 days with some lotion on her skin. Then a base will come through and she'll pretty much stay tanned. That said she's 85% Irish, 15% Native, so that blood might do something odd to her tanning.
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