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Posts posted by Angeltbay

  1. Whats the best way to get a tan?? Ive sat out in the sun, everyday, ive used oils, the self-tanning foams/sprays, the "touch of sun" lotions. the only thing i havent tried yet is the tanning salon


    When ive used the tanning foam/sprays they leave streaks

    When ive used the oils/sat out in the sun i get burned

    The "touch of sun" kind of works, but only i you use it everyday, but doesnt really look natural


    i have fair skin, and if anyone has some advice/recommendations, id love to hear it :)

  2. Well, i find it all has to do with the weather, i know it sounds funny, but its true. During spring/summer/fall the weather is nicer, and people are out and about more, which i think makes it easier for the gentlemen to sneek away from whatever they are doing. Yes ill admit that business has gone down slightly, but each day is different.

  3. oh! i just thought of a few more...


    I always play with the ball on my bberry, even if im not scolling on it


    i always open my blinds in my living room when i wake up to let the sunlight in, and if i dont ill just get tired all over again


    i rub my toes together all the time, doesnt matter what im doing


    i need my music on whenever im cleaning/doing dishes


    i always gotta pee before i go to bed, and as soon as i wake up


    i moan when i eat something (im talking about food here)


    and i always have mt hand on my crotch when im watching t.v.

  4. yeah, i understand what u mean now, you're right


    Additional Comments:

    Well, Instead of trying to make my words sound better.... because they are really seeming to come out wrong, id just like to apologize publicly to you Tiffany, i did not mean for it to come out rude. and i do sincerly apologize.... And berlin explained it very well, as did you, and i get it now, some things are just better left unsaid



    I said this because there are people who are not in this industry who are also addicts, or recovering, who are we to judge?



    If you want to be straight out rude, send a pm! I was not being rude to you or calling you out! I was simply saying how it would reflect in this industry if you were an addict or a recovering one!

    If I knew a gentlemen was battling an addiction, ex: crack, coke.... I would choose NOT to see him and I am sure the same goes for the men of this board, they would not want to see a lady is an addict.

    You brought up the question, so where am I going off topic???

  5. I said this because there are people who are not in this industry who are also addicts, or recovering, who are we to judge?


    I dont understand this post... how would being an addict reflect on the industry? there are plently of people who hold different occupations, who are addicts, or recovering addicts.... and i think if you are brave enough to be in recovery, it would be a good thing?



    And i would much rather let out in the open that i am recovering, im proud of myself, and if no one likes the fact that i will open up about that, owell, im not on here to make people like me, im just on here to be myself. If a gentlen doesnt like that, then they wont call me, plain and simple, and iim ok with that.

    Angel, Do you think if a potential "client" knows that you are an addict he will want to see you? There will be many hesitations on his part. Drug addicts are unstable, sometimes dangerous, unruly.... Do you really think he is going to say, Ummm, she probably needs her next fix, so I should go and give her my hard earned money so she can score some drugs?? I think not!


    And i also said i wasnt comortable joining a group, ive just started to check them out now, most i dont know what they are about, so, id rather not join


    Some one said people may not be compfortable joining a group....Really? Your not comfortable joining a group, but yet your comfortable hashing out your very personal issues on a public board??

    Additional Comments:

    I have to add before anyone thinks or gets the wrong idea, Iam NOT calling Angela a crack head, I was using that as an example!


    this is completly off topic already, and i wouldnt have even bothered responding to your post if it wasnt directed at me

  6. Whats the funniest and/or most embarrassing thing you've ever seen and/or done?



    The funniest thing happened to me last summer when i was staying at a motel or 7 months, i was there long enough to make friends with some of the neighbours there, and we were all drinking, having a good time, I lost a bynch of weight in the spring, and started gaining some back, so, i wanted to see if my old jeans would fit me. So i went back to my room, and well, they did!

    I was so proud, i started walking out to the neighbours, someone got up, and told me i could sit in their lawnchair, i started walking over saying "yay! i did gain weight, and they fit again" then i sat down and fell right through!!!


    lmao! everyone burst out laughing, i was beat red, lol :)


    And i thought this video was funny... or all thoes who like charlie sheen (i hope this works)


  7. i hate wearing socks, ive hated it since i was a little kid


    i cant sleep with clothes on


    my feet are my "temperature adjusters" while im sleeping...(if im too warm, they cant be under the sheets, when im too cold i have to have them tucked in)


    i always have to make sure theres no leftover food in my sink from dirty dishes beore i actually wash them, And i have to pre-wash each one with hot hot water before i start actually washing them


    i always leave cupboard open (ive hit my head a few times...lol)

    • Like 1

  8. I dont understand this post... how would being an addict reflect on the industry? there are plently of people who hold different occupations, who are addicts, or recovering addicts.... and i think if you are brave enough to be in recovery, it would be a good thing?


    First my apologies to those I offended; everyone has a cranky day.


    But, people SHOULD be hesitant to post personal stories. I will give you an example as to why. In the thread about personal recovery, many ladies chimed in that they too were recovering addicts. While I can empathize, do you really think that's good PR, either for yourself or the industry?


    As for this thread, i thought it was harsh as well. Frankly, i didnt want to even read it, because it did make me feel like crap, because i did it too... but then i thought again, people only respond to what they want to.Weather it be good or bad responses, thats life! i know alot of people are tired of hearing about the same old thing, or are tired of reading the "personal" or "controversial" threads, but what about the new people? i agree with whoever posted that (im not to sure who it was after i finished reading all this) I myself have only been a member for a few months, and have never been involved with this type of community before, so i find everything intriguing.

    Ive started some threads you are talking about, posted in some threads you are talking about, as well as just read and not responded.


    I believe in freedom of speech as well, And im not to comfortable joining groups yet if i dont know what they are all about. As for sensoring what you say on here... you are right, but to a point. Perhaps some posts/threads should/could have been worded more carefully, but I dont think anyones intentions on here is to offend people, its just personal opinions.


    My personal opinion on this thread is that it could have been worded more carefully in the beginning as well, but it was also very enlightening. I know next time I post I WILL make a note to word things more carefully, and thats why i appreciate this entire thread, overall.

  9. Well, fist off and formost, i would like to explain something to everyone. I am not saying doing this is wrong! im just wondering how people go about it nowadays. I really appreciate Berlins post on here which says how she goes about it, thank you Berlin, i thought that was a huge help.

    I used to do BB as well a few years back, so i am not trying to preach. When i stopped doing BBanything, i did not normally offer DATY either, and when i did, yes i always had dental dams. But ive always offered GFE which is also an exchange of bodily fluids as well. ive never had a problem with that. so, i guess thats kind of ironic as well

    As for DATY now, yes i still offer it, without dental dams now, but usually not to people i just meet, if i get to know someone for a little while, and they keep asking for it, then yeah


    Angel, one thing I might ask since you've opened Pandora's box is, you don't offer any BB services but do you allow DATY without a dental dam? Is this not resulting in the exchange of bodily fluids as well?

  10. well stated megan, thanks for explaining that a little better


    I understand that there is no cure for herpes' date=' but I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is. Again, I think it's the sexual nature and stigma that causes a moral panic. Of course no one wants herpes, but as i said 25% of women have it and if you get a cold sore every couple years, what's the big deal? It's not like HIV or Hep C where it has a seriously negative impact on your life.


    Again, I realize what I'm saying is controversial and I'm not a fan of herpes nor am I looking to contract it, I just think we need to look at the context logically rather than as a moral panic.[/quote']

  11. i am an addict as well, and also in recovery for over a year, if u ever need some enourging words, even though ive never met you, you can always pm me, and ill be here to help.


    I appreciate this thread so much because i know how hard this is. And i also appreciate the courage you have to come out with this, as well, as the others who have posted.


    Good luck, and stay stong!


    Additional Comments:

    remember, you are not alone in this

  12. like i said, but maybe i should say it differently... im not here to judge, but i would like to know with all these risks, how people go about this? are there safety measures you take? and how do both parties get enough courage to actually do this? Because i hone4tly think it takes alot of guts, and a lot o luck to offer this.


    As for herpees, it never goes away, and you can even contract it from someone who shows no signs of it. you can REDUCE the risk, but there is no cure




    I believe in education so people understand the risks they are taking and how to protect themselves. I also believe that people make decisions that are best for themselves' date=' and what they do with their own body is not up to us to judge.


    This might sound controversial, but I respect the seriousness of diseases like Hep C and HIV with their potential to severely impact your quality of life and ultimately take it. I don't see what the big deal is about herpes or any STI that is curable with antibiotics. 1/4 women have herpes, so can it really be that big of a deal? If you have to take antibiotics for a week for the equivalent or a common cold, is that really a big deal?


    I'm not trying to undermine our health here, but I just want to put things in perspective. I think herpes and curable STI's are stigmatized because they are sexually contracted. If they were contracted another way, I don't think it would be such a big deal.


    Also remember that most gents on this board being older than us received a pre-HIV/AIDS sexual education. We've received a post-HIV/AIDS sexual education.


    I have personally had only a handful of sexual partners and offer massage partly to reduce my risk of contracting an STI/STD. This is my choice, what works best for me. I respect the personal choices others make about their own body. No judgments here![/quote']

  13. ok, i dont want to offend anyone with this post because i dont believe in BB-anyhing with all the diseases that are out there, i dont like taking the risk. Ive had alot of people ask me if i offer it, and i reply with "if i offer it to you, imagine how many other peopke i offer it to"

    Really, just because a lady or gentleman says they are clean doesnt mean they are. Ive known ladies who were escorts in this town that i live in who had herpees, and wasnt using protection (she hasnt been in town for a few yesrs and someone has told me the health unit will be called if she comes back to work) . Why does anyone really want to risk this?

    I dont want to scare anyone, but id love to know what people think about this? Like, if u can go to a docctor, show me the papers that you are clean, then maybe ill consider it. But nowadays, Aids, and herpees are a growing epidemic. Ladie4 if you're doing it just for the money, think about all the risks. Gentlemen, think about all the other guys she may have done something with like that. I know it feels better without, but you must think of your health, and the health of the people around you as well (this goes for both parties)

    Would you pick someone up from a bar that you dont know and not think about saety issues?

    Im just trying to understand the thought process of thoes who offer it, and thoes who request it.

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  14. I agree cerb is a wonderfull community, im pretty much hooked on it now. What keeps me coming back is that you can learn and share feelings, experience and guidance to both SPs and hobbiests. theres times where i cant talk to the people around me in real life because i dont talk about my business to other people here, and ive kept it that way for a while. To me Cerb is a safe place, No one will judge you for your questions or your comments, theres no one that will talk bad about you (considering thats not allowed thanks to the MOD for thoes rules) And i just love it! Another thing i love about it is that the discussions on here are not always work-related, its just people being people. Its truely wonderfull

  15. well, or me, or a 12 hour night, i give 2 free hours, and knock off the transportation, that gives both of us a little leway or me it would be all inclusive, but i you want to get down to business for the ENTIRE 12 hours, i may not book that again lol. We are not robots. alot o men who like to talk and cuddle as well may consider this option, and i love that, i consider it to be more relaxing AND fun and i would think MSOG would be included too. im just speaking for myself

    As for meeting the gentleman beorehand, i would definately reccommend that for safety reasons, if you decide to book it without, then i would "call in" to someone (weather it be a driver or friend) every hour to make sure the lady is still safe

    Oh and many girls dont advertise that, or let you know when you call, you would usually have to request it and go from there

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