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Posts posted by nntsci

  1. Ok, this must be the most famous song about a Lady engaged in the provision of "services" to men. From the Opera Carmen.



    Its never actually clear in the opera if she is a prostitute. In fact she offers herself for free apparently. She appears to take on the role more of as a mistress than a prostitute and relationships last up, but no more, then 6 months according to Escamillo. But I did find this analysis of the story. "Carmen makes connotations throughout the opera stating that she's not really interested in getting paid for sex; although Carmen is a prostitute, this is her ongoing theme throughout the opera. She's interested in making love, only for its sexual sake, and not for the sake of getting paid." From http://voices.yahoo.com/the-opera-carmen-womens-rights-2487398.html But you can never trust anything you read on the internet.


    Anyway, she is very choosy about who her next lover will be... She only takes on clients she likes. But makes a bad choice with Don Jose, a french soldier, because the silly man screws up his profession by letting her escape from jail and falls in love with her. Worse still, he doesn't want to share her with the other men that admire her like the Toreador Escamilio. In this scene Escamilo offers to pay for her, but Don Jose says the price is a dagger so they fight for her.


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  2. Not trying to be too much of a cynic today (though I do enjoy being a cynic, just not today), but one of the illusions of change in society is brought on by the greater longevity that people enjoy today. While it might seem that in the past people stayed together longer, if you take into account the much much much higher death rates and shorter life span, yeah its true til death do we part was a lot easier when the life expectancy was only 40 years.


    Not only that, people in their 50s and 60s today are much healthier than they were 100 years ago and more apt to be able to screw around than in the past (thanks in part to viagra).

  3. "What if a person were blind or otherwise impaired? Would a disability deny a person a true sense or vision of sex?"


    Well I believe like in anything, the other senses compensate. In addition to sight, there are several other senses including smell, pressure, heat, cold, taste (salt, sugar, sour & bitter), sound, motion, and balance and they all play a role in the sexual experience.

  4. And along that same theme of the gambler,


    "Now Leroy he a gambler

    And he like his fancy clothes

    And he like to wear his diamond rings

    On everybodys nose

    He got a custom Continental

    He got an Eldorado too

    He got a 32 gun in his pocket for fun

    He got a razor in his shoe"


  5. This is a story about a rather funny situation I got myself in recently. I know this woman from my commute to work - we see each other maybe a couple times a week. We also sometimes exchange emails -- mostly jokes and humorous/cynical observations about life. We've been friends over 6 years. But other than the commute and occasional email have no other social contact -- we don't even know each others phone numbers. She knows I'm married with teenage and adult kids. Ok, I confess think shes really cute, but based on our interaction I don't actually expect it to progress into a relationship or an affair; too much hassle anyway.


    A couple weeks ago, it was a Friday and the day was a bit slow so we exchanged a number of emails. I told her about the stress and success I had experienced at work that week. She told me she knew it would all work out well for me cause she was somewhat psychic and could tell the future. I think her boss was out of town that day, but these were short messages -- not really a lot of time wasted on email.


    Anyway, she had earlier asked me if I would be on the train heading home that night. I told her that I going out after work to enjoy some meaningless distraction and wished her a good weekend. So she asked me that kind of meaningless distraction I was planning on. I probably should have said I was going drinking, but just said, "probably best not to talk about it. Part of my dark side." So she starts guessing. Her first guess was a gay bar. That had me nearly fall out of my chair in laughter, especially considering that just that very morning she had told me that she considers herself to be somewhat "psychic". After three guesses I told her "its involves a hotel, a lovely brunette, and a lot of cash". So her response was "Good for you, keeping those ladies employed" and then said but "I think your pulling my leg". So I wrote back, "you misunderstand, she teaching me how to play the harmonica" But then, I guess I sort of regretted the disclosure so I sent her a number other jokes about my evening plans, including telling her that she was psychic cause her first guess about the gay bar was right all along.


    Later that night she wrote to me that she had figured out what I meant by Harmonica lessons - a blow job. Said she had googled it. I found it especially funny that she had to google it. Anyway we're still friends. And shes actually the only friend that I've ever disclosed my hobby too. The whole situation was just so funny I think it did more to releave my stress than the lovely brunette (though she was great too).


    So heres my question. If you were in similar situation and had a friend guessing about what you were doing where you were confident that the disclose wouldn't come back to haunt you, would you tell her, or what excuse would you come up with.


    But I'm not looking for advice [at all] so make it funny.

  6. Honestly, can we get back to touching...


    I have the touch... Peter Gabriel



    I saw him in Concert in 1983, fantastic concert.


    Pull my chin, stroke my hair, scratch my nose, hug my knees

    Try drink, food, cigarette, tension will not ease

    I tap my fingers, fold my arms, breathe in deep, cross my legs

    Shrug my shoulders, stretch my back - but nothing seems

    To please


    I need contact

    I need contact

    Nothing seems to please

    I need contact

  7. In this scene from act 2 (act 3 when they did it in Toronto) of The Tales of Hoffman by Jacque Offenbach, set in a brothel in Venice, Hoffman played by Placido Domingo realizes that a courtesan, Guilletta, has not only captured his heart, but has stolen his reflection.




    The music is in part a reprise of the Bacarelle, one of the biggest hits of the entire opera. The reflection is apparently the more serious loss probably cause he loses his heart to pretty much every skirt in the opera, including a mechanical doll. I love this opera. It so romantic, but mocks the ideals of romance throughout. In an earlier scene Hoffman boldly claimed that one does not fall in love in a brothel... and sure enough he does in the very next scene even though the girl was trying to warn him away because he would lose his reflection if he loves her.

  8. Well how about Rhett Atkins Driving My Life Away

    And what does that have to do with anything

    First it is a song from the movie Black Dog...and while not a wolf, dogs are in the same broad animal family

    Second, hypothetically speaking, would you offer your throat to a black dog with red roses

    And third, the movie Black Dog starred amongst others, Meat Loaf




    Ok, well this one is about a dog passing away... the same friend I mentioned before had a pet pass away this weekend. Her pet was not a dog (it was a bird), but this song was closest she could find and she really liked the line about a shady tree just like the one in the backyard.


  9. On the weekend a woman friend of my reminded me of this song that starts with this little bit of theatre...


    On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses.


    You took the words right out of my mouth


  10. For Squid, the male takes his sperm package from his sex organ, and using his tentacles places it in a pouch on the female. the Female then takes the sperm package and uses it to fertalize her eggs. No genital to genital contact what so ever, but the squid get really involved and excited about the process... changing colours and so on and they die shortly after.


    Some smaller males pretend to be females, have other males mate with them, them while the larger more agressive males are busy, the little males go in and score with the lady squids.


    Although most new squids are from the big and brauny males, the little males that act like females, have a disproportionate success rate (higher than you would expect given their numbers).


    From some show I watched on the National Geograhic Channel

  11. "The love felt today between two people is no less powerful than it was by two people in the past. The difference is now, in our culture today, no one is willing to put the necessary work into making something work. We just go on ebay and find a new one, often at what we perceive to be a better price. At least that's how I see it."


    Part of the problem is that because there are more women in the work force, men and woman interact more with the opposite sex and that leads to a lot of things going on.


    The thing is that people get divorced not only because they fall out of love, but because they fall in love with someone else. Now it used to be that the couple would go on living together like that; these days woman are less likely to ignore signs that their hubby has a mistress.

  12. If I became involved with an SP that progressed into something more than SP type service. Love or whatever. Sure, why not. I think that an SPs are very good at what they do (compared to amateur hour that takes place with my current significant other). Ican't offer the same quality back -- being amateur myself -- but I'm sure she could teach me a thing or too.


    I think it would depend on if the woman was going to be mine from then one, or continue in her career. The later option would probably be a problem for me.

  13. Interesting thread.


    During my first sexual experience ever, the girl, after the condom was on, decided not to insert my manhood and brought me to issue by rubbing it against her body. We never had another date. So I was left wondering for a few months if I was a still a virgin or not. It doesn't matter to me now, but it did back then.


    On the other hand a few years later I had this "friend" at work who was flirting with me, a lot, and I was thinking about her one night when I was home and called her at the work (she was working the night shift) and I masturbated while talking to her. A couple months later after we had become lovers I told her about that, and she counted it as sex -- "oh, ok, so this was our 3rd time" she said smiling.

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