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Posts posted by Daniel17

  1. Hornet, I realize after that negative experience(s), it must have been frustrating, and I get where you are coming from, but I think you are just going about it totally the wrong way. In my opinion, it is not the right way because..


    1) Imagine the girl who did whatever turned you off, read this thread. She would feel like you are calling her out in front of everyone in this thread. I doubt she does the things that turn you off on purpose, but that is just what she is comfortable with, if you don't like it, you don't need to visit her again. I think that's the best way to handle this situation.


    2) By calling her out in public, you not only hurt it when the girl reads this, but also you're hindering the "public impression" of the SP's around here. I know the girls here all all awesome possum, but to the new person or lurker of CERB, they may not visit an SP or even get into this hobby because of this thread, because they're given the false impression that some or many SP's are like this.


    3) I don't really think it's fair to say SP's might have an STD. You are using a very extreme example. You again are giving the false impression that the SP's around here are carrying STD's, when this could be farther from the truth. Most of the girls here get checked I'm positive on a regular basis. It's not fair to them at all, to be hindering their business like this.


    It just seems as if you were frustrated and I get that, but I just think you are going about it totally the wrong way.


    I realize sometimes reco's aren't always true. But to be honest, I have stopped using them. I learned that the hard way, but I didn't go about trashing the girls in the public forum.


    I realized I can't change the way girls act, but I can change which girls I see. I hardly ever even look in the reco section now. If I see a girl, that I might be interested in, I just start talking to her via PM, e-mail, etc. I'm really picky in who I see (I only see one girl now, lol). But just by communicating over PM, e-mail, chat, etc., I get a feeling you can paint a mental picture of the girl. And by painting a mental picture, I don't mean looks, but just their attitudes, personality, and how you'll be treated in their location. And it's worked.


    It seems like you want things to be better for you, which I get. But in reality it seems indirectly you are degrading the other SP's, which really wasn't the whole point I think you were trying to get, but sadly that is what this thread has done.

    • Like 4

  2. I have been curling. I actually curl every winter, lol, it is really fun. In a league and also pick-up once a week, haha. If anybody ever wants to try it out in the winter, give me a shout! It's a fun social sport!


    I have never puked at an amusement park or fair because of a ride.

  3. K, here is how it works folks.


    Person A: Posts an answer.

    Person B: Posts a question, for that answer in the post above. And then posts a new answer.






    I post that the answer is "21"




    The next person might post...


    What is the legal drinking age in the United States? 21


    New answer: Black & White




    The next person might post....


    What colour are penguins? Black and White


    New answer: Bananas




    And then this just continues and continues. I hope it's not too hard to understand. Merry Christmas Everybody, imaginary high fives to all.


    I'll get this started.......




    Answer: Justin Bieber

  4. Ah frick on a stick.


    Can't believe I did all three but is is true.


    I have been on a cruise


    but I have never been good at singing

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Additional Comments:

    Mother sucker!!!!


    I have played ice hockey


    But I have never been good at singing

    Posted via Mobile Device

  5. Trying is the first step! *imaginary high five*


    Maybe I need to take your own advice. I have had a pretty hard year so far, what with one thing and then another. Nothing weird or abnormal, just lifes little tragedies.


    My solution to this is to hermitize. Lick my wounds (read: get grounded and centered again), and come back. Has always worked for me.


    But because of repeated losses this year I have needed my family and friends both off an on line. I may not be back into the whole social swing of things. But I'm trying very hard.


    It's time.

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