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Posts posted by crankF

  1. My terrible admission:


    I have a very strong sexual desire for Rick Mercer and Rowan Atkinson.


    Phew, I feel much better now!


    What's YOUR secret, abnormal crush??


    Happy Sunday :) xoxoxoo Cara


    These are two very smart and funny guys, especially Rowan who's a comic genius imho.

    Women usually like a man who can make them laugh.

    If LAUGHTER = SEXY then it must also be said that


    • Like 1

  2. Olive Kitteridge


    Two night mini-series on HBO, starring Frances McDormand and Bill Murray among others. The story of the travails of a number of people suffering from mental disorders in small town Maine over the course of several decades.


    Bill M. and McDormand are two of my favorites, and are great in this one.

  3. Well, I see the thread still lives, I may as well have another little rant which won't serve to either increase nor end this debate.


    I live in a very tiny, rural town in an under served provider area, and where the hobby is illegal to boot. A few years ago, I was fortunate to get in on the ground floor with a young massage artist just starting out. She hasn't bothered to advertise at all for some time, in fact I don't think she's taking any new clients.


    Years ago, when she lived elsewhere, she had a very nasty experience with some black guys which permanently soured her opinion of black folks. Desperate for cash when opening her biz, she took on a few black customers for massage/hand jobs. Others including me were offered hj, bj, reverse, and a few other options. Over time, she also developed a very limited clientele for full gfe service.


    I must disclose I am an overweight, 6ft. 6in. tall, bald, middle age white man. To be in her select group, you must either be buffed and super hot(not me), or doctor, lawyer, sugardaddy type(not me).


    Over time through attrition, the black guys are all gone. Is she guilty of racism because she only offered them basic service, and now won't see them anymore? I say if so, so what?


    She and I have become friends and yet, she still only offers me excellent massage, oily hand jobs, and slobbering bj's. Should I be offended because she won't give full service to an old guy who can't afford to buy her jewels, furniture, or a new car motor? I think I'll stay her friend and accept what's offered even though she's an ageist, weightist, and walletist.


    All the discrimination in this biz is certainly not all aimed at black men, but let's face facts, that's what we're talking about. If one checks b_ p_ for most any city, the number of providers refusing blacks, also code words(thugs), is increasing. Even for the tiny market of Watertown, near a massive army base, where most all the providers are the travelling black girls, every week there is at least one who says "whites only". I don't know the reasoning, but there must be something.


    In my view, if a man feels so put out because he's refused entry into her body due to his skin color, and can't just move on, then he might be suffering from some kind of empowerment, rape fantasy thing, and should seek counseling.


    If a man was fucked with at his job or any other basic human service we expect, I'd be there backing him up. Sorry, this is just a whole different ball game. In other words..."The Lady's Holes', The Lady's Rules".


    Let us please get back to hangnails, proper pube maintenance, bad breath, and stinky mofo armpits! Then I can quit posting, and return to lurking.

  4. Ok I am not arguing with you but need to point this statement out.....

    In the example I gave, and have many more like it....


    In MY example, the lady is white, but had a Black BF, therefore did not want to make herself available to others in the community who may know her and her BF??? So how is SHE raciest for stating " no black men please?"


    Your statement is suggesting that any lady who decides to not see a particular race is hiding behind " I am not racist but..." Well what about the lady who IS east Indian, Arabic or Black? Are they too raciest against their own????


    And I agree, this is a dead horse!


    Hi Sophia, I'm glad you aren't argueing with me cause I'm not going to argue with you, or anyone else for that matter.

    PEACE, CrankF

  5. Okay, sorry I can't hold it any longer. I get so sick of seeing: "I'm not racist, but" and similar phrases used to qualify statements in this type of conversation.


    According to the current societal norms of political correctness, any of us born into "white privilege" are guilty of racism every breathing moment. Those who are offended by it are going to continue to have whine with their cheese.


    This whole context is so unique compared to restaurant service, education, bus seats, or any other situation where people might encounter real discrimination that I say if a lady has to feel that her orifices must be penetrated in order to satisfy societal norms, then the western world is truly in the toilet bowl and the Marxists have really won.


    The ladies should see, or not, anyone they desire for whatever reason they choose. Those offended can blat, or check out the many other fish in the sea. In other words:shut the eff up and move on.


    Please: DIE THREAD DIE.


    Postscript--Just as some are thinking old cF is nasty, I give my diversity qualifications. My two fave ever providers are the snow white Irish Shortcake of Belleville, and the gorgeous caramel Dominican Jasmine, formerly of Watertown.

    • Like 2

  6. maybe I couldn't fit into that super hot pleather skirt for the longest time but now that I can.....someone obviously stole it! There are only so many places for clothes to go! Please sneak it back into my closet and I won't say a word!


    You will never get it back. It was taken by the ghost of the pleath which was killed for it's hide to make the skirt!! ;)

    • Like 1

  7. Buried my beloved 90 year old Auntie Saturday and saw long lost cousins only seen when someone passes on. Piper played some tunes @ the cemetery, ending with Amazing Grace. We were asked to sing along, but I was too busy crying like a little baby. Then on to the reception. Just getting un-hungover today.

    • Like 1

  8. SKINS BABY !!! SKINS !!!


    in a weak division , so a possibility to make some noise . RGIII needs to keep his ego in check and get rid of the ball when in trouble .


    to a man , skins have the most talent on their D in the division , just need it to play as team .


    I know fantasy pain , I got [ had? ] ellington . I'd rather they just put him on the bench for the month and then play healthy instead of in and out all season long .


    saints over ravens in super bowl


    Are you considering a change of your cerb handle? Perhaps Warrior44, Native44, Indigenous44, or Politically Correct44?

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