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Posts posted by crankF

  1. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie from 1969 was on the box last night and I enjoyed. Sexual frustration and feminism at a 1930's Scottish girl's school with the usual excellent costumes and scenery of Brit period pieces.


    Maggie Smith, a much younger version than I'd seen previously, gives a blockbuster performance.

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  2. Malone car show today, saw some great cars and hope to start showing some of mine next year.


    What sucked were the porta potties. Even though the temp. today was very acceptable, the potties were sweltering and had that disinfectant/caca heady aroma. I feel sorry for the ladies and it made me appreciate that I pee standing up!!!

  3. My dad insisted on his annual visit to the decoy and carving show. Had to follow him around for 2 1/2 hours while he tottered around a rink that must've been 100 degrees, sorry I mean 38 degrees,lol.


    He won't drink water , so I thought he might be overcome. It was me that got ill so we went to the Legion and he revived me with draft beer.

  4. My car's AC decided this would be a great time to die. Humidex is approaching +40 for the third day in a row. It was not too bad this morning, but the commute home will involve traffic jams and sloooow going for at least 1 hour. I think I'm going to drive home naked!

    Mr.E.Fish, Please don't make a habit of this nude driving. Have you considered that a passing trucker could look down and upon seeing a giant fish with human genitalia, freak out and cause a chain reaction crash?


    You would feel badly about this and on top of all else, you will need lots of fish oil to apply to your sun burned emia-parts.

  5. Highlights of my day:


    1) lost my virginity


    Nothing else really compares with that, but here are some other minor highlights:


    2) Made last post before getting full member on cerb (this one lol)

    3) got my paycheck

    4) shaved off my beard that I've worn for the past 8 years (some mixed feelings about this one)


    Congrats, what a great day for you. Not only did you become a full cerb member, but your "member" got it's manhood!!!


    I hope you had enough left from your check to have some celebratory drinks. Oh yes, now you might consider shaving your crotch beard as that's very favorable to the ladies. lol

  6. I finally got a friend to lug the 12,000 btu a/c that I bought for for my dad upstairs (me bad back) so I could install it. He said he slept" cool as a cucumber" last night and it helped his breathing.

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  7. I have greatly reduced red meat intake. Starch, and excess carbs bad. I eat oatmeal once daily and drink lots of well or spring water. Fresh veggies are important.


    At the least, my diet is allowing me to take a daily massive dump to help with intestinal health which I feel is tantamount to overall wellness! A good grunt makes for a good day!

    • Like 2

  8. Dining and lingering at the Y is cool, as long as it's not the Y-----M C A !!! with the Village People.


    Fromunda cheese or Brie?






    Yay, post #400

  9. I got a bit misty eyed watching very dear nephew graduate from high school. He's been my good friend since a tot, and now he's off to college with a scholarship to become a music educator.


    When the class valedictorian mentioned his plans she said he was majoring in "sexophone", a Freudian slip perhaps,lol Soon he leaves to tour Europe with a select student orchestra. I bet he'll play his sexophone over there!

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