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Posts posted by zorobaby

  1. I noticed that my lazy comment came up again and i would just like to clarify once more that I wasnt calling him lazy, I was just saying that him asking the way he did seemed lazy. It was never my intent to offened him at all, i only meant to bring the point accross to message the woman of his choice and ask as this is a very ymmv service.


    I appologise to the OP for any and all offence taken to my previous coments to you in the thread.


    As was stated by sexnonstop, maybe just changing the focus of the thread from asking who does it, to who likes it would help a little bit more.



  2. One piece of advice i can pass on, don't double wrap your whacker before you attack her... the extra added friction from the two condoms rubbing together can cause either the inner one to break, or the outer one to fall off inside the sp... or at the very worst circumstances, both. When i was very young and VERY stupid i learned the hard way, luckily it was just the second one falling off and not both or i might have been in trouble... but hey it was my first time lol



  3. See as a self conscious younger male (I'm only 24 lol), i use to weigh in up wards of 330lbs, until i lost almost 90 pounds one winter and then put on a good 50 in muscle weight, but I'm still the stalky build. When i go see a sp or mp and watch them float into the room and realize i have at least 100lbs on them sometimes more its a little intimidating to be a heavier set guy.


    I'm glad to see all the lovely replies from the ladies who say they like a little extra padding, makes me feel a weeeee bit better about being a big guy with a lot to love lol.

  4. So im gonna throw this one out there, Erotic Emily at paradise, when i saw her she said she had "novice" level skill in massage, but she got to all my kinks and knots like no one has, fantastic deep tissue massage.


    Vicki from CMJ is also very good at finding the knots and fixing them with a nice soft yet tough touch.


    those are my two favs in ottawa for massage skills and a bit more :P



  5. I don't know if you referring to my post but when I agree with the zorobaby post, I was talking about that part...


    no offense but this just seems lazy now... the advertisements are there for a reason, all you have to do is look through them and fire off a pm. its not really "kosher" for people to start naming names for certain services.


    I just add that to be careful, it was a service who was usually YMMV. Thats why people nominate my post.. not to call people by name. Sorry if anybody misunderstood my post.



    And as for my post the lazy comment wasn't meant to offend, it was in my opinion that it just SEEMS lazy, not that he is lazy. I agree i could have worded it differently, and i apologize if people read into that comment as negativity.



  6. maybe someone will tell me ?

    I have been and its tough to find one who does it


    no offense but this just seems lazy now... the advertisements are there for a reason, all you have to do is look through them and fire off a pm. its not really "cosure" for people to start naming names for certain services.

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  7. Coming from a younger point of view, i am not married, but i am in a committed relationship or a few years. I personally don't find that seeing sps or mas is being unfaithful, there are certain things that the woman i am with chooses she isn't comfortable doing so i choose to go every so often and get my fix (per say), and it helps my relationship last.


    Ive personally had to deal with a cheating spouse from a few years ago... her nick name was bakers dozen from a few of my friends, and thats just the ones she told me about. The fact that they were all within the last 2 years of our 6 year relationship (as far as i know), hurt a lot more because she sprung everything on me at once, and i realized how much resentment she had because i couldn't keep her "happy". When i started this hobby i started to think... if she had been seeing an sp, it may not have been so bad... going out once a month or every other month (like i do) to get her "fix" wouldn't have hurt me as much as her starting and ending a minimum of 13 other relationships.


    So this might be a little naive since I'm young and haven't really experienced much, but i think that sps and mas can be healthy for a relationship rather then a hindrance, at least more so then starting other relationships with other people behind your SO's back.



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  8. so how does 29/1000 pay out? Is there any actual cash to be made on there or just play points/ real life tourney seats? I remember years ago it was ok could always count on making better than min wage if one wasnt totally stuipid.

    depends what you play, i don't sit there and play the 100$ stakes, but i can usually win pretty good at the 7$ tables and the free rolls. Some tournaments provide you tournament tickets to higher stake tournaments but most pay cash if you load cash. You can also play for free.

  9. Hey so i know this is a long shot, but i figured i would ask anyways.


    I recently started playing pokerstars again and remembered that there was a local home game feature where someone can post up cash tables or play money tables and people can have a good time winning/loosing money to their friends and colleagues. So i was wondering... if i started a home game network for cerb who would play? there would be like 0.25/0.50cent tables, 40$ max, and 0.10/0.25 tables with a 25$ max and a 0.05/0.10 table 10$ max. All no limit hold em, and of course i would start play money tables upon request if some people don't know how to play or like to play for free rather then money.


    And if there was enough interest... maybe host a 5$-10$ monthly cerb tournament.


    Any interest in this at all? gives us all something to do in down time :)




  10. Something i have noticed myself, since i have frequented spas and indis, most indis have people attempt to haggle since there is no real "set" fee since you are independent and free to charge what you wish. As WIT said, some may fear the traffic of a spa, even if you prebook there is always the chance of someone popping by for a walk in while you wait for your apt (i know personally this has happened to me a few times and it is a bit awkward). Thats just my opinion, i prefer the spa atmosphere to a indi but again thats just me, and it helps that i found a gem that i most likely will repeat till she retires lol

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