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Posts posted by emiafish

  1. Having said that, Dr. Sheldon Cooper is God.


    Sheldon would no doubt argue against the existence of God, being a fairy tale created by primitives to explain the unknown world and the holes in the night sky. On the other hand, if you said "Dr. Cooper, here is your Nobel prize for physics." He would be quite pleased.


    Knock, knock, knock, Penny...Knock, knock, knock, Penny...Knock, knock, knock, Penny

  2. Take one mixing bowl, add three cups of Kellogg's Crispix, mix in a half cup of Sunmaid raisins and two Dole banannas (thinly sliced). Then stir in one and a half cups of ice cold Sealtest 1% milk. Sit, eat.


    Yep, I had cereal for dinner.

  3. Well, that happened to me today... but Mr Oblivious in front of me was too slow even for the yellow light, and trundled through it after it had turned red. And there were two big flashes from the camera behind us...


    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I laughed all the way to work.


    Great story! Reminded me of a situation where the shoe was on the other foot. A couple of years ago I was caught by a yellow light when in the left turn lane at a four way intersection. The driver behind me was in a God awful hurry as he leaned on his horn to try to get me to enter the intersection so he could be on his way. I stopped on the yellow and waited out the red, all the while Mr. Impatient behind me was racing his engine. The light changed to green and I started to make my left turn. Mr. Impatient burned rubber and swung out around me and passed me before I could complete my turn. Oh yeah, he flipped me the bird as he sped by.


    Imagine my joy when the unmarked car that was behind Mr. Impatient flipped on his spinners and pulled my buddy over for a few choice words.


    To quote Phaedrus again: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I laughed all the way to work. How sweet is instant Karma?

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  4. Ran out of shaving gel half way through my shower/shave this morning. No warning sputter either, just shave gel then no gel - no way no how! Had to finish the shave with half the normal shave gel layer. Hope it dosn't irritate my skin.

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