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Posts posted by brockvilleman

  1. i always check before seeing anyone what their rate is. i just pm them and 90% of the time they get back to me with their rate. some are with in what i can afford and others are out of my league. that way i know what i am going to pay and can afford and i pay what the lady is asking. we both end up happy. i dont think it is a good way to start out when meeting a lady to haggle over the rate.

  2. glad i read all these replies so now i know what snowballing is. i thought it might have something to do with putting your balls in snow or ice. i have heard of a lady puttng frozen grapes in her mouth with giving a blowjob . dont ask me , i have heard of that not tried it. not that experienced i guess, still trying to figure out what digits is all about. then agian i never was good at other languages , or english grammer.

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  3. thanks to everyone for their responses . while reading them i began wondering, the gov't sets the rule and the banks have to comply. if the banks lend too much the gov't steps in and makes it harder for them to lend. guess i am a little confused on this as to why everyday canadians are being blamed for this. can the banks not say NO to someone. what about the share holders of the banks? if they are lending out beyond peoples means then does that not put the share holders investment in danger or at least give a smaller dividend? i still dont like the gov't intervening in our lives, oh well thats just me. i am glad i dont owe any money to anyone. i do remember when a 10% morgage was a good deal as mine at one time was 21% . hope we never see those days again.

  4. it was just announced the gov't is tighting up the rules on morgages because we are in too much debt. is anyone out there pissed off as i am about this. i worked out the differance of the new rules on a $300,000 morgage. it means you now need $15,000 more downpayment and the monthly differance from 30 years to 25 years and the extra down payment is a whole $72.00 a month. but how long would it take some young people to save up that extra money? what will this mean to the housing industry in sales, new building and of course the other suppliers like lumber, windows, doors , lights , carpet etc. if it is truly because we cannt manage our money they are doing this , well how about some help in the credit card interest rates? how aobut cutting them to say 10% or 12% and lowering peoples limits. of course they , the gov't are ones to talk about being in debt.hmmm. welll , just looking to hear what others think and any ideas you may have so i can ad them to my letter to my local mp.

  5. now that i am in my 50's i do find the humidity bothers me some, especailly if i am doing some activity. you will hear on the radio aboiut warnings for some people with breathing problems to stay inside when the humidity gets high.a while ago i met a lady from the west . she moved to ontario after her divorice and just couldnt take it. by august she was moving back out west because of the humidity.well i guess every one is different, like i cann't stand the winter and cold but just love the sun and warmth.

  6. i wish you luck on your dission , but it seems to me you are not making one. i know i had some worries about meeting the first one and told her that when i first called her. if the one you call wont talk to you then move on to another one. i have only found one i really didnt get along with . all the rest are really nice and put you at ease. it is like going to the cottage on the may 24 weekend. it is hot and you want to swim but the water feels cold. the best way is to just jump in and very shortly it wont feel so cold but refreshing. all the best

  7. you have the same problem as we in brockville have, just too small a city. well at least i have not found a sp here. if youi do there is the thing that you 2 hit it off. ottawa and kingston are an hours drive but there is selection. i have found a couple i get along with and a couple i dont click with. in a small place you dont have that choice be it sp's or shopping.

  8. i hope it is just not me, but someone would have to be out of their mind not to use a condom these days. if i went to see someone and they said , oh dont worry about it, i would be out the door and i wouoldnt care about the $$$. life is short enough. i enjoy sex as much as the next person but i also want to be around doing it for a while longer.

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  9. i think it all comes down to having respect for each other. i enjoy my time with ladys but when that time is up, thats it, time to move on to other parts of my life and her to her life. also it has to do with being discreet and treating wach other the way we ourselves want to be treated.being an older guy and widower i am not ready yet to go into the dating game. so thank you ladys for what you do and not just sex but the conversations we have had. but i for one want what we have to be private and between us on those times we are together and only during those times. thank you

  10. what is a e-cig? never heard of them. i must admit i am a smoker and my wife died of cancer. but to be honest i still enjoy it. i do use these plastic filters that cut down on the nicotine etc which has helpped with my smokers cough. sometimes i wonder how much longer it will be before the gov't bans them altogether.

  11. on your way home and right after you pass the last truck stop you feel like you have to go to the bathroom . knowing it is another 25 minutes till you get home and the closer you get the more you have to go. then you find someone is in your parking spot and the one available is way down the lot. you just cannt wait any longer so you run as fast as you can, but as you get to the door and fumbble for your keys the lady next door is there wanting to have a half hour chat.the only thing worse is if you had stopped and couldnt go at the truck stop or you run in at the truck stop to find the washroom close by is closed and you have to run to the other end of the place.enough of this, i have to go,later all

  12. On the Thursday just passed I bought some groceries at the local Walmart in my neighbourhood and wanted to pay using my debit card. Debit machine would not read my card. Along lineup waiting. I pull out a credit card same thing happens.I pull out another credit card and nothing happens. People are glaring at me and I am sure they are thinking what is this dumb ass doing.Clerk tries rebooting the machine and same thing happens.I ask the clerk if there is an ATM near by. Card works in the ATM and I get cash, costs me $1.40 in service fees and I finally got out of there. People were still glaring at me as I slinked off out of the store.LOL



    mighty finn, just to let you know i had the same problem with walmart here in brockville. was at the bank atm,card worked, gas station, card worked, then walmart, nope, nko go. i paid in cash and wnet back to the bank to replace what i spent and , you got it , the card worked. i have since noticed others having trouble with their cards at walmart. peiople working there tell you it is your card but i think it is there machines.
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