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Posts posted by brockvilleman

  1. How much information is considered to much or not enough,when a girl describes herself, and do hobbyists feel it is oversell when a girl uses to many descriptive words like :classy,vip,elite,upscale,"the best",top notch,ect,let me know what you think.

    like all advertising, i guess the person has to make thier point to the type of person they are looking for. for me on my limited budget when i see the words, up scale, or elite, i pass them by . i owuld like tol see them post rates and an idea of where they are, like downtown, east or west end as well as some photos when you look up thier personal info. i often pm them to find out, but most often i am disappionted that i cannt afford them. oh well. once you find someone with in your budget , you just have to meet them and see if you click. sometimes you do, sometimes you dont.guess it is just like all advertising, sometimes you like it sometimes you dont.

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  2. Sometime ago I visited one of my favorite MA's at her Spa location.

    She was not her usual up beat self. When she started the massage we started to chat with the usual 'how are you" and she started to cry......

    I sat up on the table to inquire about the tears. Between sobs she said that she was ripped off by the last client who gave her the story that he forgot his wallet in the car and would return asap......surprise!! he never did return with the door fee and her hard earned tip.

    At the end of the massage I gave her a little extra to compensate for her lost and I returned a short time later with some fresh cut flowers to cheer her up.


    My question is what kind of low life would have the nerve to rob the MA's bread and butter?


    I am sure she is not the first victim, do MA's get the word out to each other regarding this client?


    How do MA's prevent and deal with this kind of scam?


    I know that some Spa's collect the door fee up front others don't.

    I forgot my wallet once, I handed over the remote to the MA to unlock my car.


    Interested in reading everyone's feedback.

    never thought about it before as i always pay upfront with a ma or sp. as soon as we get to the room i give the ma her tip.i just like to get that part over with so we can get on to other things.i do this with all that i visit and every time. iwould ahve to say to the ladys , if he forgot his money in the car, tell him you will be right here waiting when he gets back and not to take too long as you are so excited. guess the guy figures it is not like robbing a corner store , which it is, and who is going to report it to the police. too bad you dont have a pic to put up here so others will know.

  3. I'm just curious about the accounts that I no longer see for the two Paradise/Angel's Touch locations. The daily posts were nice to check and see when people were working.


    Some of the inidividual posts by the lovely ladies working don't indicate which location and I am not sure what to make of this.


    Any insight from someone on how I can find out who is working at which location at what times would be nice. Their own websites do not hold this much detail.



    if you know one of the ladys there , i would just phone and ask when she is working that week.i have done this in the past and they have given me the info as to what days and where.

  4. :icon_mad: Sorry if this seems harsh and scold me if you choose,but does it annoy anyone else when some inquire about other girls from other sites.After all we have a search area they can use to verify the said person and why look elsewhere anyway,there are so many beautiful ladies here.If you wonder about other ladies on other sites shouldn't you inquire there?

    being rather new to all this and i dont know of other sites, all i have to say is , and please correct me if i am wrong, this site is possilble by its paying members and advertising. so if one wants to know about others not here or on other sites, go there and look. i was always brought up that sears employees didnt tell customers that eatons had the same item on sale for less.

  5. I never knew about the information at the end of the film? Be sure to watch to the end.


    Incredible four-minute footage of a desperate Spitfire vs. ME-109 dual. You feel like you are there! Amazing computer work blended in with real



    Also an interesting factual story that many did not know. History is rarely 'over'.


    Now sit back and strap on your parachute harness ... it is the Summer of 1940 over the skies of England . Listen to the perfect 'purr' of the Rolls Royce Merlin ...


    Watch this full screen. It's very well done. Click on the link below:



    thanks for posting that. just wish my speakers worked. we owe so much to all branches of the services, past, present and future.

  6. This is just a fun thread to talk about what body part or parts attracts us to men,women or both.since "men" are my thing I'll start.I love arms, big,and masculine and thick,well I also like other another thick part but I'll skip that,lol,lets hear yours.

    always been a boob guy but also bright sparkling eyes, ones you can get lost looking into.

  7. Is cheaper better? Or... is it true that the more money you pay....

    Ladies, please do not reply. This question is for the men on CERB

    is cheaper better? ater some thought i would say this, for me i have to stay within my means and my budget and on a pension that is not all that much, $180 hour is my limit. that said , those within my means do very in the way we interact. that is very important to me. if we click or not.there are some that we just have not and therefore i wont be going back. there is one that with the first few minutes we did. i will be seeing her when i can. not all people click and finding one that you do is the important part for me. it is not all just about the physical part. to make the physical part great you have to have the emotional part to. you have to feel at ease with the person and comfortable. some kind of conection.one you can talk to and relate to is important. i just hope the one i have this with does not move or retire in the near future.

  8. that sounds like a nut bar. i know there is a way to block calls but i would have to ask one of my kids how to do it. maybe your service provider for your phone could hellp you out so you dont have to go through that agian.i know there is a few times i have booked in advance and then had to cancell , but they know i have an hour to travel and it has been due to weather like freezing rain. hope they understand.i didnt llike to cancel as i know i was mmissing out on a good time and was disappionted.

  9. happy belated birthday. glad you had such a good time. like thing in life sometimes you just click with a person and others you dont. being a little older than you i think i will have a birthday week or amybe birthday month so i can enjoy myself more than just the one day.what do others think, birthday , birthday week, or birthday month?

  10. How many of you have a budget for your hobbying? Since I have decided to get back to the business of pleasure - model planes are just not as fun - i have been thinking of how to "regulate" my expenses.


    I am thinking once a week at an average of two hundred per visit - looks like 10k will do for the year.



    yes i budget sorry to say it is not $200 a week, i wish. like every thing else in life you have to set priorities.

  11. Two weeks of hype is coming to its peak and thankfully coming to an end and we shall soon be on the field and the two teams shall determine this years champion.


    Both teams in effect backed into this game with what can be argued as lucky wins but be that as it may, two top teams are here.


    Hoping for a high scoring, close and competitive game, but being an anybody but Brady fan, lets go Giants.


    A big regret in watching the game will be the inability to watch the US commercials thanks to the CRTC 'protecting" me with its Canadian content rules. That could be another thread!


    Whoo Hoooo, Super Bowl party, beer, food and football.

    i am going with new england, giants pulling off another upset, hmm. one thing i hope for other than a pats win is a good game. something that keeps you watching past the 3rd quarter. already got the beer in and snacks bought.just wish i had a woman with great footballs to watch it with me, oh well

  12. would there be different catagories? what about the trophy, a large gold breast? sooooo many pics to choose from. i would like to be a judge if you judgge them in person.


    Additional Comments:

    would there be different catagories? what about the trophy, a large gold breast? maybe one of venus the love goddess.sooooo many pics to choose from. i would like to be a judge if you judge them in person. what a dream job.

  13. i think you are right in some ways, body does not mean everythig, could be with someone that has the perfect body, in your mind and cold as ice. on the other hand be with one that is not so perfect and get it all the time.also there is 24 hours ina day and viagagra , as the ad says, could last for 4 hours, hmmm, well what about the other 20 hours. better be something happening other than body parts

  14. when i first read this i laughed, and then nest time. then i started thinking about it.since my wife passed away i have been living in the past. thinking no one will ever be like her. how do i know, i have not given anyone the chance. time to get into the present then maybe there will be a future. thanks for putting that out there.

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