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Posts posted by DukeSSk

  1. But with all that, even if you had a great encounter, don't expect the lady to remember you three or four years after the encounter LOL.



    Exactly, but what's a reasonable time frame for when the gentleman isn't that actively involved in this? 2-3 months?

  2. I know I've seen some ladies advertise that they see couples. Forgive me, their names escape me for the moment. My suggestion would be to check adverstisements to see if they do see couples or don't (it's usually explicitly stated), unless you've received several PMs and or more answers here.


    Good luck! :)

  3. I once had a client who requested that I wear one of the dresses I have in my cerb pics-it is like a bright pink super tight and super short tube dress, it was during the summer, so there was no way I could have worn a trench coat lol- I explained that I could not walk into the hotel with that dress on..lmao..as I like to be discreet ..... but I did suggest that I could bring it with me and wear it for him in his room. ;)


    Good call.

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