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Posts posted by DukeSSk

  1. Lots of SPs have a web site with an email address so you can communicate that way. Set up a hotmail or gmail email account with a password so the risk is less. Also, you can access it from any computer.

    Some SPs want you to put in writing what it is you want.

    If a phone number is required for contact, use a public pay phone (until they are no longer available).




    I've seen many advertisements saying not to call from a pay phone or private/blocked number.


    There's a thread somewhere with tips on how not to get caught, a good piece of advice was to get a different SIM card, pre-paid phone or a disposable phone...

  2. In Canada, generally, yes. SPs bring condoms. But it doesn't hurt to have some backup.


    In some parts of the US, unbelievably, having condoms on a woman's person can be viewed by some law enforcement as proof of prostitution, and I have heard that some American SPs in some areas don't like to carry condoms for that reason. So if you're travelling in the US, better safe than sorry.


    Oh my...I didn't know that...

  3. I've noticed that a few have age restrictions on some ads/sites.


    I was more thinking that SPs wouldn't expect to get many calls from < 20 clients, and therefore wouldn't list it as a restriction. No harm in asking though.


    When I'm asked to "tell a bit about myself", what exactly do they mean by this? My interests, pasttimes? Or what I would like in an encounter?


    Well, I'm also under the average age here. The lowest minimum age requirement I've seen is 25+....


    By "tell a bit about myself", yes, a brief summary of your interests and background, a bit about why you've joined and what you're expecting. Key point is not to have your first words be "What's up babe, when can I see you...".

  4. I've noticed that miniumum age requirements are clearly displayed, greatly appreciated, my advice would be not to try to bypass this requirement. Yes, the right way to approach this would be to clearly disclose your age. The onus will be on you to prove yourself as trustworthy and mature, so a little introduction would help proving that.


    In the end, play by the rules, and you'll be rewarded. Have fun :D

  5. I'm sick and tired of receiving PM requests from lurkers for info on ladies. Today was the last straw! I received such a PM from a guy who has been a member here for over 6 years and has never posted publicly. I refused his request and told him he has to post to acquire a reputation before he has the right to expect other posters to provide him with info. For all I know, he could be LE on a fishing expedition. I have received several similar requests lately, and I told all the requesters the same thing.


    What is the nature of the questions that led you to believe that he could possibly be LE?

  6. I go past here very day on my way to work and I keep thinking that the way they have it set up I am never going there again. I used to like it because yes if you were looking for it you would see it and know that the guy coming out had a good time bit it seemed to almost blend into the bank street vibe. But now it looks I want to say trashy but that may be too strong. Do you guys agree? Would you be caught dead walking out of a place that just screams happy ending?


    Ya, I see your point. Is this place open on weekends? Much less probable to come across someone you know from work then.

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