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Everything posted by lilly

  1. What's going on with my image insert. I can not get the pic to show, only the link. First time I've had any troubles with inserting images. Anyone have an idea as to why this is happening? I want to post more funnies. :(
  2. I think of blue days as good days. On those days, I cry often; feel distant from others; my mind, heart and/or body feels very sad. For me, blue days are for finding a window inside my mind with the sun shining in. A time for introspection; how I can truer to myself. A day of getting to know me better so that I can better serve myself and those of the community. I always try to find the positive view. A blue day could turn into blue sky...just depends on what window you decide to look out of. :)
  3. Seriously! Perhaps they will branch out if successful. lol!
  4. Good Morning Beautiful Thank you for responding. That has confused me from the start! I get it now. Greatly appreciated. Have a sweet day! Lilly
  5. Hello I have been trying to figure out how to make my titles bold and with color when I post an ad. I see everyone else comes as red mostly but mine stays small (like me). Help is Muchly appreciated. Thank you.
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