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Posts posted by mister_crufty

  1. Double penitration has long been a goal of mine. I don't like the idea of MMF, I am not homophobic but I just don't think I could relax enough to have fun. On the other hand FFM (the male being me) is what would get me going, I have been to shy to arrange a interative duo as yet but it is definately on my list of to do,s for this year. Anyone have any suggestions on who would be up for this?


    You're in luck. The 2013 edition of the 'Duo List' is right here.

  2. And for a little Canadian content, the insanely talented Walk off the Earth, doing a version of Adele's Someone Like You. Check out their other stuff, they just released an originals album on itunes (I don't know them personally or professionally, I just think they are worth a plug as I think they still have day jobs):


    Walk Off the Earth is absolutely ridiculous...I love their version of Little Boxes too. Such a talented group.

  3. Someone very close to me played this for me and said it reminded them of me when they heard it......it's the vocals are beautiful;) It's still makes me feel great everytime i hear it............



    What an interesting song. Really not what I expected when I first saw the images on the video. It's got this dreamy quality but the low bass kick kind of hits you in the chest even with just headphones. I want to put this through my big system at really high volume. It kind of builds and develops as it goes on too...that seems to be a common quality of goosebump songs...they've got to sort of climb...take it to a climax. Like sex.


    Thanks for sharing.

    • Like 1

  4. You ladies are all going into my little black book.




    Now I'm wondering about double pen (or its closest equivalent) for men. I've always enjoyed things up my ass but never had anyone else do it to me. As some of the ladies above have commented...orgasms with something in your ass are ridiculous.


    I'm not sure how it would work logistically but I imagine legs in the air, one lady with a strap on and maybe another lady in 69? I mean, there's lots of ways for two guys to get on a girl but I'm not sure of the other way around simply because the guy getting pegged would also have to be thrusting at the same time.


    I guess it's time to do some online research. To the Porn Cave!!

  5. It's amazing to me how quickly my views are changing after such a short time on this site. I was a pretty conservative, vanilla kind of guy who had never really considered anything more that straight up guy-girl sex.


    Maybe it's seeing everyone being so open about different things but I find myself actively fantasizing about things like this. FMF isn't much of a stretch for most guys I guess but I'm finding myself thinking things like, "Another guy in the bedroom helping me work over a hot lady? Why not? Bring it on."


    I think it's more like I'd love to help fill someone's fantasies than an active fantasy of my own if that makes sense? Like, I don't fantasize about it for my own pleasure but more because it might totally rock some ladies world. Does that sound weird?


    Especially providers. I wonder if maybe they can get a little jaded...seen it all, most encounters are kind of ho-hum with the occasional great one thrown in. I don't know if that's the reality but I kind of fantasize about being the great one. The surprise. I've sometimes SPs comment that I look different than they expected so I guess there might be a feeling about what the encounter will be like before it happens. So you book a couple date and show up on a providers door with another super hot guy or girl and just try to rock her world. Give her an experience to remember. I'm not talking about some sort of ambush by the way...obviously it would all be discussed in advance...I'm just talking about trying to REALLY exceed expectations.


    Starting to think I don't have any of my own kinks or obsessions or desires...I want to learn what the other persons wants and then deliver that to them. Turning people on is a huge rush. It's a great avenue for imagination and creativity.


    So double pen, hells yeah. Giddy-up. It was only Ghostbusters where you weren't supposed to cross the streams but they did in the end anyway and it all worked out right?

    • Like 1

  6. Guys, respectfully, you should knock it off ... You all have managed to put a discussion on a simple question completely in the ditch.


    Not helping anybody.


    But...but...I had just made some popcorn that I was going to eat while I sat back to enjoy the flame-war. Dammit Kubrickfan...why do you have to ruin all the fun? ;-)




    "Can we all just get along?"

    - Rodney King

  7. I know there's a few song threads out there but a friend and I were discussing songs that really give you a chill...hair rising on the back of your neck, goosebumps, etc.


    I think everyone has a few. One of hers was



    I've got two that I can think of off the top of my head.








    That one really hits me because I grew up sailing Lake Superior and remember how vicious the storms can be. Knowing first hand the terror of being in a small boat in a bad storm makes the song that much more chilling. The sea has no mercy.

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  8. Well, as someone who has been accused of trolling when I wasn't trying to do anything of the sort, I definitely understand how easy it is to be misunderstood in writing.


    I'm often a bit of a harsh arguer and can be a real pit bull with words, treating discussions as a competitive sport. I recently was involved in a thread about responsibility where I felt that I did something very different from my normal pattern. I tried to be very gentle with my arguments, posing alternative viewpoints and information rather than attacking the other person.


    I can't take credit because many others were involved but I feel it really came out well and that many people in the discussion came to understand each others views much better than before they started.


    When I read this article and looked back at that thread, I saw many of the patterns he discussed and how effective they could be.

  9. Cerb has definitely changed my life lol When I was first starting out in this business, I didn't know who/where to go to for advise, help etc.. I didn't know anything of common red flags, was screening based on gut judgment.. Once I.joined Cerb, I learned that many of us ladies have much in common, and that there can be a level of respect and acceptance in something I enjoyed, but very much was feeling the taboo. Cerb has helped me be more informed about the business, and mine, making me much more comfortable in my decision to do what I already enjoy :)


    This! Even more than us guys, the women probably gain so much more in terms of safety and knowledge from other providers. I love the fact that there is an SP only area here for the women to share tips and warnings.


    I really worry about some of the scary dudes out there. I know the REALLY dangerous ones are somewhat rare and hopefully fairly easy to avoid but you read the news... I've met so many lovely women here and I hate to think of something happening to any of them. Keep safe ladies.

  10. I am really loosing faith in my "integrity and reputation is more important" values.... Most of the guys stick around and pay the ladies after being bait and switched (very few leave) and sure they will complain after on the discussion boards but what good does it do if he still pays her? its lucrative for the bait and switch advertisers to do this to you all cause many of you pay them!!


    I hope you don't lose faith because I think what you're doing is important. I've fallen victim to a couple situations where the experience was DRASTICALLY different from what I expected and it really sucks. I'm kind of a timid guy and I don't really have the experience yet to know what to do in that situation. I'm one of those guys who paid anyway but just because I didn't know what else to do.


    Having seen some of these responses I know in the future to just walk away but having a board like this which has integrity and standards is incredibly useful. I'd rather avoid the disappointment and confrontation in the first place.


    It's not easy to take the high road but I believe there will always be a market for a quality product. Your key differentiator is the standards you enforce and without those, your site would be no different than any other.

  11. I've been a big computer geek for 30 years but believe it or not, this is the first online forum I've ever been a part of. Probably explains some of my early growing pains. What I've found here is far more than just information but a true sense of community. I get the feeling that many members are close friends who care deeply about each other, even if they've never met in real life.


    I've only been here for a month or so and to some extent, I already feel deeply a part of this place. There are familiar faces, people whom I recognize and when I see they've made a new post, I rush to read it because I know that there's going to be some new piece of wisdom or humor to enjoy.


    And people know me too. I've never been popular or one to stand out in a crowd but here, many people actually know who I am. I certainly wouldn't claim to be popular here (perhaps the opposite for some) but certainly some people seem to like me and enjoy what I have to say and that feels pretty special. I'm sometimes hesitant to tell a lady my handle when I call her but I always do because I am what I am and there's no point trying pretend otherwise.


    CERB and the ladies I've met here have changed my life more than I could possibly describe. When I came here I was an early 40s unhappily married guy with emotional baggage, a big mouth, sexual insecurity, OCD and PE (although I rock the MSOG;-)).


    In many ways I'm still that same guy but because CERB accepts me just the way I am, I'm confident and comfortable in my own skin and I feel like I'm becoming a better man every day. Because we're all here and we all have our damage and we're none of us perfect. Feels a bit like family.

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  12. A friend of mine wrote the Better Built Bondage Book and gave me a copy as a gift for helping him edit it. It's a DIY book on making your own BDSM furniture.


    It's been sitting unused on my bookshelf for years and it occurred to me that someone here might like it. It's a first edition so it looks a little different than the picture but it should still be the same content.


    If anyone wants it (free), just send me a PM.

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  13. Funny you say this, because I have an ex who is 5'2...I'm 5'7 barefoot and let's be honest barefoot isn't always a good shoe choice...so I was sometimes a foot taller @ 6'1...he used to always say that he loved "being able to climb up" me...

    To each their own I say, short or tall, it makes no matter to me!


    Agreed...I like all sorts of ladies. Teeny little ladies are fun too. So many ladies, so little time...

  14. I am surprised at the reaction to this. If you forget the fact the lady is an SP, it is a typical Sugar Daddy situation. Nothing strange about the arrangement, and actually quite common.


    Hmm...re-reading the original post, it sounds like the OP wouldn't be living there is that right? I suppose that might not be so bad...I first assumed they would be living together... Yikes.


    As Cat and others have said though, trying to find a girl you trust who isn't a train wreck and coming up with suitable terms and dealing with fall-out if you have to ask her to leave and....


    Seems like a lot of trouble just to get some a few times a month. If you can afford to keep a luxury condo vacant, wouldn't it just be easier to go a-la-carte rather than signing up for the meal plan? :-D

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  15. Let me give you my perspective.


    I'm NOTORIOUSLY bad at making good decisions around here....I've made some awful faux pas and stupid posts and put my foot in my mouth on so many occasions it's ridiculous how I haven't been banned from the site.


    If this idea sounds bad, even to ME of all people, I can't imagine how it would be a good idea. I can't give you a single concrete reason but it just makes my brain fire on all cylinders imagining all the ways that this could go horribly wrong for you.


    But hey, you only live once and what the heck do I know? I'm simply a bear of very little brain.

  16. Cat perhaps you are right I may see things through a jaded filter. To much volunteer work, seeing to many abused dogs, cats and the like. Perhaps this has made me some what synical as well. I understand and appreciate that you would care to take the time to explain this to me, it means alot. I'm not sure if I can change, become more understanding, excepting or if I even want to. I don't see people as being mostly good. I do think there is good in some but not all. I also believe most people look out for themselves and will walk over anyone to get it. I am always surprised when someone says or does something kind for me-always. I give you a great amount of credit for not being like myself as you seem to have far more reason to be, having gone through what you have gone through. When I was younger I was more like you, I was more excepting and thought everyone was my friend and were good. That everyone would help if someone needed help, I was so niave. It's funny how we change with age. I guess our personality, how we are raised, experiences, who we associate with all plays into how we become who and what we are, how we see and treat others.As much as I want to understand why people do what they do, perhaps I am unable too.

    Mr. Crufty- thank you I appreciate what you have said as well, thank you for taking the time.


    No problem at all Cristy. You seem like a lovely, thoughtful and intelligent woman. Truth be told, it makes me very sad to hear that you feel that way. It's not uncommon though. I think many people have gone through their lives being taken advantage of or treated poorly or just seen too much suffering. You start to feel that everyone has an angle or and ulterior motive or is just trying to get something from you.


    Perhaps I'm naive for a man my age but as someone who likes to help others and always assumes the best of people, it still affects me deeply when my good intentions are questioned. I understand how people who have been used in the past might feel that way but it's painful to be painted by the same brush.


    Perhaps that's why I'm so careful not to make generalizations about groups of people. I wouldn't want to do that to someone else either.

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  17. That is horrible! Sorry to hear-must have hurt like hell :( . Hope your leg heals as fast as possible.


    Never broken a bone before other than a cracked rib once so I can't even imagine how much it must hurt. I've had some really bad sprains before though and they really suck. I've always heard that sprains are actually worse in some ways because they never fully heal.


    So to look on the bright side, apparently broken bones often heal even stronger than they were before so Sami should be in great shape once it all gets knitted up.


    Chin up Sami, hopefully the worst is over!

  18. So heres what I get from some that have responded. We need to be more understanding towards all people on social assitance and unemployment insurance, no one wants to be in that situation. We shouldn't judge those who are ripping off the systems because they've had it rough, fallen on hard times perhaps have had a bad childhood and deserve a break. That I need to be more understanding and emathetic towards them.


    Hi Cristy. I don't think that any of us are advocating what you say. I'm all for tightening up the system to weed out cheaters and slackers. We're just saying that it's easy to get a disproportionate impression of the ratio of cheaters to legitimately needy. I feel that most of the needy who are benefiting from a helping hand are not seen or noticed and I still believe the cheaters are a minority.


    If you read the news too much you can start to think that all men are pedophiles and rapists, all cops are crooked, all dentists grope their patients, and so on.


    I think that what we're mostly trying to say is that for us, who are clever and resourceful and driven and educated, it would be much easier to improve our situation than for some of those who come from worse backgrounds. As has been said by others, social assistance can be a bit of a black hole that can suck people in and be hard to escape.


    Please don't feel that we're attacking you. I understand and support your viewpoint and am only trying to temper it with some alternative ways to think about it.

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