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Posts posted by mister_crufty

  1. A myth? okay. So those who I have met were an illusion? Tell some of my relatives and others who come into contact , because of their positions, with some of these people that they are believing in myths and seeing illusions. You speak of one person, personally I have know more than a few. Those I have known paid 250 a month for their apartment, had all the tech gadjets, big screen tv's wore designer clothes as did their kids and drove newer cars.Wore nice jewlery and were able to buy any type of food they felt like eating at the time. A myth, no, but neither the majority.The system is broken and abused and you too should be angered as it is those like you have met and that Lee has mentioned(those that use it correctly and who truly need it) that are sometimes turned away, because of those who I am speaking about.


    I just wish it was easier to weed out the cheats and users without painting the legitimately needy with the same brush.

    • Like 2

  2. If your parents are on welfare and raise you to know no different better, you more than likely will be on it as well.. If you have a child and see that you get more money for more babies as well as subsidized housing and free childcare you would probably take it too. At the end of the day, you can then afford to live a VERY extravagant lifestyle all on the government. If you have money for booze and expensive clothing while on government assistance, the guidelines into which one needs to qualify in order to get it, is too low.


    I definitely agree with you and some of the above posters that certain government programs are too 'lax' and do actually cause a disincentive to work. I don't necessarily feel that this is entirely an issue of individual responsibility though.


    I think the concept of 'clawbacks' of benefits can be poisonous. There are many cases where attempting to work and better yourself will actually put you in a higher tax bracket and claw back benefits to the point where you're making less than you would idling.


    Is that an indictment of socialism as a whole? I don't believe so. I find it perfectly logical that people would choose to not work if they would make less money by working. I just feel that many of these programs should be re-vamped such that you're ALWAYS better off to work.

  3. I believe it's a mistake to conflate socialism and communism. We enjoy many forms of socialism in this country.


    "Any society, any nation, is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members ; the last, the least, the littlest."

    -Cardinal Roger Mahony


    Broken states like Somalia are examples of places where power and money rule and all are left to their own devices. We are a rich society. I don't begrudge anyone the basics of life. Providing essentials to prevent those less fortunate from starving or dying of easily curable diseases doesn't disincent the majority of people from working hard. It's just basic human decency to want to take care of those in need.


    I have pity for the homeless and sick. I don't want to see anyone suffer. I recognize that some 'take advantage' of my good will but it's a price I'm willing to pay to live in a society where all have a chance. If you're successful in our society it's because you took advantage of many forms of public infrastructure like roads, schools, hospitals, water and electricity.


    As Obama said, "You didn't build this." So why would you then turn and begrudge others the same advantages that you had? Seems selfish.

    • Like 5

  4. Would like someone shorter than 5'6. And I'm a young guy, so recommend accordingly if you wish.


    Somewhat unrelated question for OP. Please feel free to tell me, "None of your business" if it's too personal. Your preference for a shorter woman. Is this just a general preference or are you also fairly short?


    The reason I ask is because I'm fairly tall (6'2") so almost all women I meet are quite a bit smaller than I. That's fine but I kind of dig the whole 'amazon' thing too. Taylor Monroe was my first and one of the things I like about her is that she's quite tall (around 5'10" I think)....it puts a whole different perspective on things...everything just fits together differently if that makes sense.


    I sometimes think the coolest thing ever would be to find a really tall lady - my height or even taller. Just to see what it's like to be on the other side if you know what I mean. Let her throw me around a bit...a woman that I have to climb.




    I think that if you're not super tall, you might have a really fun time with some of the taller ladies here...have you ever considered giving that a go? Any other short guys who love the tall ladies?

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  5. I guess that's a little off-topic but the segue was started above.


    WRT responsibility, the older I get, the less equipped I feel to judge anyone else. I don't know what someones life has been like, what tools they have at their disposal, what their upbringing has been.


    The argument can be applied to many things. "You're fat, why don't you just lose weight." "You're poor, why don't you make more money?" "You're homeless, why don't you get a job?"


    I think that a lot of us are born on third base thinking we've hit a triple. If we grew up in a shitty third world country, malnourished and under-educated, would we be successful? Is there something inherently better, more noble, more complete in us than in other humans? Or are we just more advantaged?


    We grew up with health care, education, hopefully parents who gave a shit, public infrastructure, clean water, enough food, etc. Things that took generations to build by our ancestors.


    There is a third world hidden in the first world. It's in native reserves, poor drug infested neighborhoods, abusive homes. We just don't see it as clearly.


    "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

    - Sir Isaac Newton

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  6. It brings up a really interesting subject doesn't it? Since I've started here I've wondered if I would be evolved enough to be a boyfriend/husband to a provider? I might have said no before I met some of the ladies here but now I'm not so sure.


    I've never been a jealous or possessive type and I think I would see the job as just that, a job. I think the trade off would be totally worth it. Yes, she has sex with other men as her day job but what do you get in exchange? A beautiful, horny, open-minded, non-jealous woman who really loves sex and puts a ton of effort into maintaining her appearance and skill set.


    I mean, being in a relationship, you still get all the other stuff that reality brings. Bad hair days, arguments about in-laws, etc. The woman she is for the one hour fantasy is not the 24/7 obviously. But you know what? You get all that other stuff with any woman. Therefore to put it in computer terms, it means that providers are Women++. Or Woman 2.0. An upgrade from the standard version.


    Too bad I'm not hot enough to score an SP girlfriend but mad props to you guys that have. You're living the dream.

  7. I'm a programmer. I've been programming since I was a little kid. I do it for a living now and spend all day in front of the computer. I don't necessarily run home and write programs for fun that much anymore but even still, I spend an awful lot of leisure time in front of the computer reading about technology, fine-tuning my home network, etc.


    I love technology and it's great that I can get paid to work with it. This must be the same for many women here. To be honest, I'm actually a little jealous of a lot of the girls here... Even if not all of the sex is that great all the time, like they say, "Doesn't matter...still had sex."

  8. Of course I know that silly! It's just that the streetwalker thing is the most common view of this business on TV I think.


    Plus, my joke wouldn't have been funny otherwise.




    Not to get off topic here, but you're comparing escorts to streetwalkers. Apples and Bananas my friend...........


    Additional Comments:

    Actually, let's not just 'shrug this off'. I understand my humor is often un-funny to some people. You can't hit a home run every time but hey, I'm just trying to lighten up peoples day. Hopefully I'm at least a little funny sometimes.


    So was I, me, personally, mister_crufty, comparing you ladies to street walkers? Of course not. I know I haven't been here long but I kind of thought we might be past this....you ladies should know by now how much I love you all.


    So yes, perhaps it wasn't a funny joke but at another level, it's a pretty sad comment on how this profession is portrayed in media versus the reality on the ground.


    I know you all have been here a long time and you have a deep understanding of how all this works and what the rules are. I compare this to software. When you have a new user of software, their first impressions are the most important. After a very short while, they'll start automatically working around the awkward parts of the interface, taking for granted that things just are the way they are. That first impression data is so valuable because it shows what the average user will struggle with.


    I'm that new user. I admit I fumble around a lot. I post a lot of stuff and I didn't read the user manuals (sticky threads) as thoroughly as I should have. Stupid users...never read the documentation.


    So I'm really sorry if I sometimes offend people. It's not my intention and I hope that people will continue to be as gentle with me as they have been. Just keep in mind, I'm a super ordinary, incredibly boring and average guy who has just discovered this place. So when I post my impressions, it's not necessarily good or bad...it's just what I see as a new user who has lived his whole life surrounded by lies and misinformation.


    I'm more involved here than most so you guys all get to watch and laugh as I make an idiot of myself. But I bet that the mistakes and misunderstandings I've made are very similar to those that many other men new to this game make.

  9. That makes a lot of sense. If you want longevity in this industry, you've really got to make sure you love the job. I think the subject has been covered before of how girls who just get in it for the money and not love of the game tend to wash out really quickly.


    I don't really know why I thought greek would have been any different. I guess it just seems more taboo to me. I'm pretty vanilla and sheltered so just wrapping my head around the fact that ladies actually love this job has been a big mental shift for me.


    Thanks for all the thoughtful replies!


    I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it.


    That's my answer to whether I like being an escort AND whether I really like Greek :)


    Pretty much all of us know that the best way to work (that is, best in the sense of keeping us sane and healthy) is to offer what we're comfortable with and then find clients who want that.

  10. Agree with above. Real life is not porn. As someone who has done a fair bit of Greek over the years, there's a lot of lead-up and prep to ensure everyone has a good and safe time in real life.


    I'm extremely gentle myself if for no other reason than being anything less will result in back-door privileges being revoked. :-D


    Sex is like golf. Should always ask permission before playing the back 9.



  11. There you see the difference between TV and reality.


    TV: "Yo bitch...you best get off my corner afore I cut you."


    Reality: "You should see this girl. She'd be great for you."


    I SO much prefer the reality version. Very nice of you to refer a fellow provider Malika. Such a friendly place this can be.




    I'm going to suggest Georgiana Sweet.

    Her boobs are to die for and to add she is extremely gorgeous and smart as a whip :)



  12. Yes, very indelicately worded on my part. I meant it more along the lines of 'not my favorite part of the job but I don't mind it so it's worthwhile.'


    I was hoping more for the above response, that the ladies enjoy it as much as I do.


    Simply trust the ladies' advertising! I hope and, in fact, am very confident that none of them 'tolerate' their involvement in this business.

  13. Interesting viewpoint but while I feel that much of ethics is, as you say, relative, there are also common threads within all human cultures.


    As an example, murder is almost universally condemned in all human cultures. The definition of what constitutes murder is highly variable but it always exists.


    Incest taboos exist in every culture. This may be 'ethics' or 'evolutionary survival' but I would argue they are almost the same. Our survival in a tribe is enhanced by empathy, altruism and support for other tribe members. Over time, our tribes have expanded from a few people in your physical vicinity to friends the world over but the concept is the same.


    So I don't think it's just "do onto others before they do you." I think we should all aspire to, at minimum, do no harm.


    What the heck is this "bro code" everyone speaks of? I'm nobody's bro here. At least I hope my bros aren't on here. Us dicking the same women ...


    Anyways, take your investigation further, do some weighing of what you are comfortable with, and be smart about it. This business is about doing things behind people's back. Information is still power. You may choose to share all or just some. Who would know? And who can't fault you for not knowing everything? Collect your money, and move on. Ethics? I scoff on ethics. It's a made up concept to make everyone else thinks that there is some sort of order to their lives. Your client has no ethics. She went to you. Your target has no ethics, he's doing the same girl your doing. You've got no ethics, your screwing the same girl he's screwing for money. The call girl your both taking turns on has no ethics, she's screwing for cash. None of us has ethics, where committing genocide cause we're not actually procreating and overriding our own nature to spread our seeds by wearing condoms.



    There you go, black and white. Really, ethics? It's all relative to the time in which we live and what is currently socially acceptable. We are merely observing someone else's belief in civility. In a few months, doing escorts in exchange for money will be legal. And one day, divorce settlement would be measure by how hot the girl is, and what she would have or could have made if she was escorting instead of being with you. A measurable standard.

  14. I think if you're finding this ethically challenging you're in the wrong line of work. You have to know that if you're an investigator, sometimes you're going to find things that harm people. Part of the job. This case is different to you because it strikes to the heart of your own hobby but it's really no different than investigating someone for fraud or having a regular girlfriend on the side.


    If you find yourself conflicted, perhaps you should do something that won't put you in that position. I'm sure there are many others more ruthless than you willing to step in and take your place.


    If I were a cop, I'd expect to have to bust some heads some times. If I were a soldier, I'd expect to have to shoot people some times. If I were a doctor I'd expect to accidentally kill people some times.


    You can't just take the Nuremberg defence. Either you decide to hurt people or you don't. If you do, then own it. Nobody is forcing you.

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  15. I'm a huge fan of voyages to Greece but I have yet to summon the nerve to try it with an SP. To be honest, I haven't missed it since my encounters so far have been great even without. A little DATO on occasion but that's about it. Actually a little nervous because it's such a huge turn-on for me.


    Many providers don't do it, whether because they don't like it, health concerns, whatever. It's also generally an a-la-carte premium add-in which makes sense because there's extra work involved. Also supply and demand allows for an extra charge so why wouldn't you?


    So here's the question. Would it be wrong to assume that the providers who offer Greek are generally big fans of it? They do it because they like it? Or would it be a mixed bag of some who like it and some who tolerate it for extra money?


    The reason I ask is because I'm not a fan of doing anything with anyone that they don't want to do. I always like to imagine, at least, that the lady is also enjoying our encounter.

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