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Posts posted by fresh

  1. 13 hours ago, keramon02 said:

    As an FYI, I don’t think that will matter. My understanding is that it is possible to contract the virus twice and the only way to guarantee immunity right now is via vaccination, so I would wait until the rest of the population is vaccinated if that’s your concern.

    I think the question is how long of time you have immunity

    they are finding cases dropping in india and South Dakota basically the younger healthy people are building immunity

    at least that’s the hypothesis. 
    getting repeated exposures May increase longer immunity

    too early to tell 

  2. It’s all degrees

    the amount of prevention of sickness has been fairly measured and that’s the efficacy and all the vaccines getting approved measure pretty decent on efficacy 85 to 95 ish I think they daif

    thats good

    in livestock we still use 35% efficacy products as part of vaccine cocktails cuz that amount of response still means that much less environment

    unfortunately in humans the amount of false confidence that would give people would make a low efficacy vaccine almost worse

    now a lot of them the conversation has been on can the vaccinated transfer 

    they think still possible. 
    but I really think it is a fair assumption that vaccinated people will spread less due to that their body will beat it down faster so there will be a shorter window where they can spread. 

    It’s not as black or white as you might like 


    I support  your Right not to get vaccinated. 
    cuz I support rights

    bit I have the right to beleive all the people who say “I don’t want to get vaccinated because blah blah blah I am healthy blah blah blah i am not a scared sheeple blah blah blah look their was a reaction blah blah blah” are.... well a bunch of idiots who turn their backs on everything that made society leap forward.  
    but that’s just me

    i support your rights

    vaccines are ducking awesome and we should take them and help get all this shot behind us

    also I don’t understand why every kid big or girl is not getting hpv vaccinated. Like they were just vaccinating the girls. Yeah girls get cancer linked to hpv. But the boys spread it too.    Duhhhh

    we could basically eliminate an STD


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  3. I never really searched her up and down to check out her tattoos 
    too busy enjoying how hot she is. 

    I would say she is hotter than the pics though.  
    but I clicked with her. 
    I would recommend going yourself to check out.   
    you can check the tattoo’s out and report back

    in general I have always found I am more picky in general on looks than most guys are on here. So I don’t think you will be disappointed at all

  4. I wanted to do a quick review.   I know sometimes we see an ad like this sand we think the pics are too good to be true

    this girl is for real. I have seen her a few times and every time I left feeling on top of the world. 
    she’s an absolute fantasy and totally makes an experience that you will never forget.  

  5. 21 minutes ago, executivemale said:

    Haven't been for over a year and have a hankering to go this week. Location is very convenient for me. 

    Does anyone have any recommendations? I prefer ladies with a bit more meat on the bones, darker skin (including ebony), and don't mind bolt-on's or natural. IF you have had any sessions with girls that fit that description and have a recommendation or head's up PM's would be welcomed. 




  6. 1 hour ago, spontanious said:

    Say Amen after that please 😊


    2 hours ago, winnipeg1991 said:

    Thanks to everyone who responded,  I have some good suggestions that I will be checking out.  Now can everyone calm down? Jesus 

    Jesus called me and reminded me to recommend MONA at executive bath

    she has made me call out his name lots of times

    she has man made boobs but they are exquisite

    every part of her from the moment she walks in till she leaves is a dream

    the tip needs to be good

    but she will take you to heaven and leave you absolutely on top of the world

    when I lie on my death bed and all of my life flashes before me.  I will definitely push pause and remember the moments I spent with her

    i naturally feel I should keep this advice as I should not want to have difficulty booking her again

    but how can I hold back from a young chap earnestly wishing for big boobs

    go see her

    don't think About the cost

    you have the Rest of your life to financially recover

    but you only can live like this now


    she will Get you closer to Jesus than you have ever been before


    praise the lord



    your welcome

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  7. I don’t know if there needs to be a rule but free real you did kind of pounce on a guy who just wants a big boned provider


    some guys like that

    some guys like asians 

    some guys like women with a lot of curve

    or what others would even consider obese

    some guys like guys.  I have some friends like that

    i like blond spinners preferably with some boobs. Maybe a bit skinny but not too skinny and young. I like them young

    so yeah you could call me a sexist pig for that

    but I don’t fault anyone for their likes and I try and respect everyone and I never want to hurt anyone in any way

    but I like what I like and I don’t think people should be shit on for saying what they like and we shouldn’t shit on Anybody because they ask a question. If we don’t like it we can quickly go into next thread


    and he’s asking people for their experience in Winnipeg 

    if you don’t have a suggestion then don’t worry

    you know You don’t have to look at the Winnipeg threads if you don’t want to

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  8. Well if your that close to someone you are probably more likely to be transmitting it via respiratory methods. Mouth nose and eyes are going to be the most likely ways you get it.  
    ears less likely

    sexually not sure if we really need to be worrying about that

    if we are having unprotected sex with strangers their is bigger risks 


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