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Everything posted by Maotouying

  1. Especially if you tour, why not have a membership here? There are enough people without one so I'm sure the answer is simple, but I'm a clown car full of ignorance and naivity. BP is awesome, but it's not a community. I think you gals are fuckin' rockstars and I'd hate to think that there are wonderful people missing out on meeting other wonderful people and then leaving town thinking that there's no audience because only half of the seats got filled (and half of the half that did get filled were the unpleasant kind of surprise). Maybe it's not an issue and there's no such thing as a wasted trip, but I wonder and worry when it comes to cities as small as mine.
  2. If you don't make it through the whole thing, I don't blame ya. So I'd like to thank everyone now. I really do appreciate you taking the time to throw your cents/sense in. Thank you, truly, to everyone who's come to my rescue and everyone who's got anything else to say for others in the future. I did indeed see someone else and it was beyond amazing. This second lady I saw was actually my first choice (things fell through) and the reason I chose her was because of the passion and consideration she seemed to give to her art. Whether it's music or boxing or architecture or whatever, doesn't matter, the people who will always be remembered as the best at anything are the ones who ask(ed), "What else can be done and how can I do what's been done better?" She seemed to do that, and god fucking bless anyone who takes that approach to anything. What was I talkin' about? Oh yeah! The waters were warm but, again, nothing happened. Saint beniger, who really has been an incredible pillar, thinks that the second flub might've had something to do with me not really eating or sleeping for the forty hours before the encounter. I created an experiment and tested his theory in a state-of-the-art laboratory. The results were inconclusive, but I'm staying positive. As far as flub #1 goes, I'm not down about that anymore, thanks to everyone here. Now I know that it definitely was, as a few of you have said, just a poor choice. It happens :icon_cool: Anyway, my second go at this was anything but a disappointment. It was a mind-bending experience and after some reflection, like a carpenter looking at a pile of lumber, I saw all of the incredible things that it could be. Not long into the hour, this girl, this unbelievably sweet and insightful girl, said with a big smile and sad eyes, "You just need love." It was so obvious to her but something I hadn't even considered because I have love, it's just out of town a lot... Alot :icon_sad: And when I realized how right she was and how lonely I was I got a bit weepy-eyed. We spent the rest of the time cuddlin' and talking. If someone had told me a week ago that I was just lonely I wouldn't be here, because I couldn't have imagined that an hour of anything with anyone would fix that. Right now, an hour of wanting and feeling wanted in the middle of a very lonely few weeks feels like it will always be enough to carry me through. I don't know yet if it's a cure or even true, but it's a wonderful feeling to know that if I'm lonely I don't have to be. Even though the best hour that I can imagine still probably isn't even close to as good as reality permits I won't do it as often as I could, but I'll certainly do it often as I need to. (More thanks coming up. I was worried that if all of this was at the beginning people would stop reading before they got to the meat) That's just a general response to some of what's been posted. I don't have much to say in my private life. Here, I can't shut up. I wanted to respond to every individual and every individual thing that's been said. That's how this post started but it got way too long. Poor beniger's been listening to my rants and revelations since Saturday. So this is a shout-out to that guy. Props? Is props still a thing? Either way, awesome dude. Anyway, I've read everything everyone has written and thought about it all. And when things were repeated I got to think about those things again with a brain that was a bit better than the one I had the last time I'd thought about it. With all of my heart, thank you.
  3. No chemistry; that's what I wondered! But afterwards she told me I was the nicest guy ever. Said she was in town for a while and didn't know anyone so if I wanted to txt just to chat that would be cool. Is that a plot? Is there such a thing as too nice?
  4. I'm new here and terribly sorry if this is a tired or recycled topic. And I'm sorry if this is one too many threads that begin with that. If this is in the wrong place please let me know. Wherever it fits, I'm dying to hear some thoughts that aren't my own. The Short Version: For fellas - Is the strange, cold, mechanical motion of a distant (but very pretty) girl's hand all it takes to get you aroused? I'm questioning my sanity. Maybe a better way of asking (or a completely ifferent question) is: How much does her mood infect/affect you? Is it mood-based or move-based? For SP's - How much does your mood infect/affect him/her/them? Is it mood-based or move-based or based on the individual(s)? The Long Version (for anyone brave enough): Tonight I had my first experience with an SP and I'm just not sure what to think. If it had gone anything like I'd hoped it would then I'd want to do it as often as possible. The way things went I'll do it once more, differently and with someone else, hoping that it will be different. No names, this isn't a review. I'm just wondering if I'm wearing a shirt that I didn't know I had. I understand that not everybody is meant to do the things that they want to do and that could simply be the case for me. Anyway, I couldn't make anything happen (ya know, down there). She was very lovely and very friendly but the tone (of casual chit-chat) was a constant from introductions through (attempted) intimacy. The mood didn't evolve. Is that common? She was also a germaphobe, which I know isn't common. No saliva allowed and I couldn't touch anything in the room (including myself) before touching her, so she did a lot of the touching. And while she was trying to arouse me she kept glancing at the TV. The longer nothing happened (ya know, down there) the more it felt like my fault. I prepared for the the worst, hoped for the best and expected average. But I don't know average is. Best case scenario I'd hoped that she'd leave me no choice but to be turned on... but she didn't seem to make any effort beyond taking her clothes off. I felt like I was left alone and it was completely up to me, but I wasn't allowed to use my own hand (or else I'd have to wash it) and the one I was given to use didn't feel good. (It didn't feel good to me. It's obviously fine for others.) It was a say-something-funny kind of pressure. There wasn't really any context. It felt like her just being beautiful and in the room was supposed to be enough. Is that supposed to be enough? If I'd known how things were going to go I absolutely would've made the same effort to be presentable and punctual, just done something else with our time together because she was a bright, kind woman and there were a million ways I could've enjoyed her company. But I didn't know, and when I left I felt awful and foolish. I thought, "I screwed that up." What she does is enough for enough people that she can tour and make a good living so I'm wondering if I'm maybe not meant to do anything but be happy for others. When I got home I wondered, "Maybe... she screwed that up?" What happened tonight doesn't sound anything like the good experiences I've read about but it doesn't sound anything like the bad ones, either. So here I am, because I really don't know what to think. Did I screw that up? Did she? Was that average? Is this something I'm just not mentally/sexually built for? If it's on anyone's mind I'm a pretty handsome dude and she noticed (twice), so that didn't have anything to do with it. I was freshly shaved & showered and she noticed that, too, so that didn't kill the mood could've been. I did some reading and tried my best to be the best date I could be. Bless you all for your contributions to this site.
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