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Posts posted by davidfield

  1. I have seen her before and highly recommend her. She is a really sweet and nice person. Very pretty! To be honest before meeting her, her photos gave me vibe that she might have bit of attitude - but I was so wrong. She has the cutest voice as well. Very easy to talk to. Service is safe only. 

    She has Rose French vibes in person in my opinion. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  2. *recommendation section isn't working for me. Posting review here as she is here for limited time*

    Another good GFE addition to YFL roster. As usual booking was effortless. Sasha has one of the best sizes I have seen in some time. Tall, fit, eager to please and easy to talk to. She has vibes of Zora Zabina so if you are into that kind of looks, then Sasha is a great option. 

    • Thanks 1

  3. Don't know but the info doesn't match. She is not Hispanic. Additionally, if you go down in this section on Lyla there is post by Neyla, using Kylie photos. If you go into posts by Neyla that account is posting another person photos as well in May. On the flip side she is not on the roster of YFL on their website. Bit confusing. 

    3 hours ago, spencer00 said:

    Same photos, different names?  Does anyone know if Kylie went back out on her own?




  4. I miss VIPOTG! Hoping with restriction removed, they will be back. They were the safest, most reliable option. 

    13 hours ago, boomer01 said:

    I can only say in my experience you can't trust the accuracy of pictures and profiles of most Asian girl postings. When VITPOG was around it was pretty good and there are a couple locals who post frequently . I met one and pictures posted   bore little resemblance to whom I met . Again I'm not going to paint all with the same brush as there are Asian ladies who are legit and visit Halifax from time to time ie: Allie Zeon and Cindy Cindy


    • Like 2

  5. Hi folks, one suggestion: when writing a recommendation, you will notice there is selection box which says "Do you want to write a recommendation". When selected, it will open a form like structure which asks for different things like ad link and rating system is also provided. It is very helpful for everyone that way. Reco from NN are bit easier to find because he puts the last four digits, but for most other recent recommendations, we have no clue which Ashley out of the five advertising is this reco about. It just creates confusion. Respectfully. 


    37 minutes ago, GolfGuy1 said:

    Agree with Nelly. I tried to post a review about her a few months ago but for whatever reason it didn’t show up on thr forum. It’s strange she doesn’t get talked about more here.


  6. Reviews are normally delayed for new companions. She is new so that could be the reason. I am 100% confident that she is top class, YFL always is! 

    2 hours ago, bigmack40 said:

    I'm surprised there is not much feedback on Maria as others..you know who they are!!


  7. I have seen some providers who have no review policy. That could be the reason. By no means that's a bad thing. The providers I saw with no review policy were some of the best! 

    1 hour ago, good-date said:

    Emily beauchamp as been in town since tuesday. Surpised there are no recos'

    Any feed back.  PM if you wish.



  8. Not sure what your question is. Can you provide more detail on what kind of questions/info and between who? 

    17 minutes ago, bigmack40 said:

    Does anyone ever think about outcalls information exchange..the client only of course..ie etransfers hotel room information..etc


  9. I had one of those experience. No touching. I am like okay, so what shall I do? Most expensive self hand job I ever did 🤣 (note: I personally don't think I had any hygiene issues and i showered right there). 

    2 hours ago, Bart Sampson said:

    I don’t understand.  You can’t touch her, and she doesn’t touch you? 


  10. Seems legit as far as you don't take into consideration that she is in Fredericton, Lethbridge and Kingston at same time. 😉

    8 hours ago, JKawi said:

    Has anyone seen Kira in Truro? She had leolist sign on her photos but she's not verified. Just want to check if she is legit and some reco


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  11. This hobby is a fantasy for most of us. This hobby without GFE is nothing, at least for me. Yes, there are risks but there is also risk of condom breaking during protected sex. Risk is never zero whether GFE or not, what people want to tolerate depends on many factors. Not all of us are horny that we are in this hobby. Some of us are lonely and need human interaction for our mental health and GFE provides that. It's one hour that we want to escape from reality and live the fantasy we crave. Is there risk in daty? Yes, so is driving a car or smoking or drugs. Clients shouldn't be judged on why they want gfe. It's a fantasy, let people have it if they want.


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  12. If I remember correctly, they always said "Available in H" for Halifax. Downtown term came when they stopped coming here. I might be wrong, but that's what I remember. Well, last year hasn't been good on memory 🤣 - but I do miss Vipotg. 

    2 hours ago, Ltdmax said:

    On their site vipotg.com the “downtown” location was always Halifax


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