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Grizzly Slushlie

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Everything posted by Grizzly Slushlie

  1. Grizzly Slushlie

    Frisky a bit ehh ?

    Mmmmm very frisky. Only thing missing is your hands tied behind you.
  2. Many times I have. I just sprinkle some salt on it. Would you/wouldn't eat your own toe jam??
  3. Just wanted to know that I have been the victim of several Baits in the last 6 years. One stands out as the Girl would not talk to me and I thought she was playing hard to get. I was living in a secured building, use of access cards and fobs to enter the garage, elevator and weight room/sauna. Somehow this Girls "Protector" we shall say for lack of better words. Knocked on my door, girl rushed out and he said "you should be ashamed of yourself." Heart pumping and adreniline running I shut the door and called Security. They were out of the building before Security could locate them. This was from C R A I G S L I S T, when it was semi-safe (before I was aware of CERB or other dependable sites), but I have now taken measures in always calling the girl, never text. Make sure that she knows what she enjoys, her restrictions, speaks English and knows my City. I somewhat do an Interview with "New Girls" I see, but it is my donation to the Adventure; I want to make it worth my time and hoping it makes Hers. BD
  4. I have been away from my Adventurous Hobbies for a couple of years. Thank you for this update.
  5. Difficult sometimes to know what is a scam or something that tastes good. Research and Investigations have to be done continuously to assist those from falling through these cracks. Sadly all are victims if they have "debt".
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