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Posts posted by OceanMassage

  1. The thread about deodorant gave me the idea for this thread. Many people are not aware of what causes smells in the first place let alone how to manage to eradicate and prevent them from coming back.


    Pheromones, lunch or bacteria?

    What scent do people pick up from you? Your pheromones, what you had for lunch or the bacteria colonies that have taken control of your skin?


    Pheromones. Normally, the natural smell of a healthy body is light to moderate. Although not all pheromones types are pleasant to every person, they usually will create on a "smeller" a reaction somewhere on the spectrum Addictive to Repulsive. Body chemistry and, consequently pheromones, can be altered positively or negatively by various factors: stress, lack of sleep, food and beverages, medication, illness, sun exposure. A healthy lifestyle is more conducive to a rich and pleasant scent from pheromones. Stress an lack of sleep tends to acidify the body and the sweat and pheromones may be overpowered by cortisol and adrenaline byproducts scents. Sun exposure tends to bring out the pleasant tones of scents. However, medication or illness will often cause an unpleasant stench.

    Foods have various effects, on the pheromone bouquet but also on the sweat. Cumin and onions are the most common offenders, as well as deli, garlic, red meat. Fruits, vegetables and fish on the contrary will leave a lighter trace. Certain herbs will create a pleasant undertone e.g.: fenugreek which gives the sweat and semen a sweet maple syrup like scent/taste.



    Hair. The scalp is a smell generator people don't often consider. People that sweat from the head a lot or produce a lot of sebum may find there odor strong at times. Heating cooling reheating and cooling makes the sebum rancid and the heat from the head diffuse it in the air like an aromatherapy stick, just not necessarily a pleasant one. A person stressed or during intense emotional or mental activity, will sweat neurotransmitter byproducts by the scalp, the eyes and ears. Some people who suffer from lots of dandruff often notice a smell produced by the bacteria that causes dandruff in the first place. Add tea tree, patchouli and juniper to your shampoo and conditionner. You will be amazed.


    Pits. All over the body, we are colonized by bacteria strains. Most of them are either helpful or harmless and our top layer of epitelial cells have antibacterial properties sufficient to keep the colonies in safe numbers. However, some strains produce stronger smells then others and in zones where the level of humidity is higher such as the pits, especially if there is hair multiplying the surfaces where to cling to, bacteria reproduce faster than the skin ability to control them, with stench that ensues. The body heat diffuses the odor and after a cooling period, another warm up episode will diffuse even worst emanations. If by some unfortunate circumstances some really bad bacteria strain set foot and take control of the region and the skin cannot keep it in check, the colony will spread all over the body and it will become resident and almost impossible to get rid of. Some people need to shower twice daily and put tons of deodorant yet the stench comes back really fast.

    There are 2 reasons for that: recontamination and resistence.


    When the stench is very strong and is obviously not from food or illness, I recommand people to shampoo from head to toes with a Ketokonazol shampoo (such as Nizoral) to lather it well and stand like this for 10 minutes than rinse. One or two of these is sufficient to kill the offender.


    BUT it is very important to not dress in ANY of your clothes before they have been decontaminated. Laundry detergent does not kill these bacteria strains. They live in the fabric dormant and are reactivated by the body heat and repopulate the skin and recontaminate person and clothes again.

    There are only 2 ways to get rid of these: you must wash ALL your clothes either in really hot (boiling may be necessary for head caps and clothes that have been repeatedly saturated in stenchy sweat) water. Bleach only if white clothes. For delicate fabric that cannot be submitted to hot water, use the second method.

    Put 2 cups of sea salt in a clean 5 gallons tub dissolve with some hot water than fill to 3/4 with warm or cool water. Put in the clothes and let soak overnight. You may add a cup of vinegar for extra freshness and softness. Excellent for technic wear and sports wear that cannot be put in hot water.


    Another bacteria that is horribly stinky is the moisture mold. I call it the damped towel stink. You know when a towel never dries fully it starts stinking bad? Some people do not smell that but i do. And if you dry yourself with such towel, you transfer mold onto your body and then to your clothes and if you let these clothes dry and then wear them again, it reactivates the mold and bacteria and it has this really bad smell that gives the impression that the person is not clean when they actually just put on clean clothes coming out of the machine. The washer is also a source of contamination: front load machines, if the gasket is not wiped dry after use and the door closed, the mold will get into the rubber and contaminate clothes. Dry, you wont smell it but as soon as your body heat and sweat a bit, you will smell it. The good thing is that normally mechanical removal (lathering well with soap) is sufficient to remove it from your body as it can't really live there. But not from the clothes. Only the very hot water and vinegar or salt AND VINEGAR overnight soak can eliminate mold spores from clothing.


    Most deodorant do not kill bacteria and antiperspirant simply remove moisture to slow down the reproduction process. The most effective deodorant that does kill bacterial is "Crystal" see below. I personally like to add a couple of essential oils drops to Crystal in spray. You may choose between rosemary, laurel, tea tree, bergamot, grapefruit (especially if you have high blood pressure issues and cholesterol, that will be a helpful bonus). Rosemary for fair skin and dark coarse hair works really good, tea tree is an acquired taste but is antibacterial and antifungal, so is ylang ylang, bergamot has a lovely and delicate scent that we often find in men's perfume. You may mix one of the herbs/leaves with one of the citruses.


    Belly button: crass cumulate in there or sometimes yeast(candida). The best way to prevent this is to wash regularly and spray with "Crystal" (mineral salts such as Potassium Alum, Sodium Bicarbonate, Zinc Gluconate and Benzoic Acid).


    Feet: soak in water with tee tree and rosemary. Spray with "Crystal" (btw it does not have to be that brand but that's they only one we find these days...) your soles and inside your shoes and let it dry during the night.


    Mouth: well it is late so i'll continue another day. But swiching with coconut oil is supposed to be excellent to kill the bad bacteria that smell yet not bother the good ones. If you have a white coating on your tongue it feels thik and feels that the side of your cheek are peeling off, you probably have candida. Take fluconazol (diflucan) and revised your diet to see if you are not eating too much sugar. If you like to eat a lot of garlic and onions, try to eat parsley. it helps, so does chlorophyle. For smells that come from the stomach hyperacidity, I've been told that extra hot food like mexican, will alliviate that but this info i have not verified so take it with skepticism.

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  2. Was contacted by mistake by someone who thought I was an SP in another province. After clarifying, I said:


    No problem. May I suggest that you start by introducing yourself with a "hello, i'm xxx i saw your ad on (board) and i am interested in your services" the ladies hate to be hi there'ed kwim... ;-)


    To which he responded:


    Thanks for the tip :-) really nice of u... hey if you ever visit...


    Made me feel happy to have taken the time... Maybe not all Hi there'rer are lost causes!

  3. Yes, thank you. I suspect you understand why we were concerned: its for those hobbyists who from the confusion, assume from the casual [mis]use of the term, that it is ok to discuss of RMTs like that. I appreciate that you clarified.


    I didn't notice him either...


    If you call them, neither are RMTs...it's also been brought to my attention that apparently, both have used the term rmt from time to time (probably how they get around advertising on kijiji in the massage section)


    for the record...neither are...and don't give receipts. They both do only massage. I have been to both and they both are very good. The one near Beaupark gives a bit firmer massage than the one in Orleans. They are both very nice and personable as well.


    I hope that clears everything up on this one.

  4. I really like getting a big hug by my clients before they leave. Somehow it feels like it "sceals" or gives a beautiful closure to the intimate connection that occured. I too feel appreciated by this gesture! So it is both ways!



    It's a small thing (and quite a bit less substantial than some of the other comments above), but I just wanted to say how important it is to be given a hug at the end of a session. Even if just light and distant. It just feels like an acknowledgment of you as a person (rather than a wallet or a piece of meat). It can feel a little crushing not to get that. I'd rather have no HE and a hug or other gentle act of kindness than the opposite.
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  5. You should not fight your body's needs as this will lead to tons of problems. If you haven't had a full check up you should make an apointment with your doc to rule out anemia, thyroid issues, hypoglycemia or diabetes.


    Meanwhile, if you must, vitamin c (red peppers, orange juice) and theobromine (dark chocolate, minimum 70% and preferably raw) are your safest and most effective tools

  6. For those looking for a MA with great massaging skills, how long do you normally book your appointment and which of the two scenarios would you prefer?

    Scenario 1: the session has two times: first working the knots and tensions and second, a nice sensual erotik crescendo with a fireworks end

    Scenario 2: the session mixes and alternates constantly between the therapeutic style and the arousing style

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  7. Then, please refer to them as MA or masseuse or massage provider. Not RMT. See below:


    OK...re the last link sent....this is for the one near the mall, who - unless things chaged -does NOT offer anything extra.....the ongoing debate (?) was in regards to sandra, the other 9and a bit older) columbian rmt that also has ads on kijiji, who's on Cyrville (near Value Village)...as far as I know, the young lady on most reecnt link (sorry, 'can't remember her name) is "just' massage..albeit a good one. cheers

  8. Fully undraped is pretty good even if she doesn't offer the happy ending. I know that would be pretty exciting for me down there and I'm pretty sure something would definitely pop up to get some attention. Wonder how she would handle that?


    I've seen Sandra (near cyrville) many times...she gives a great massage and does allow you to be undraped. I get excited every time and she just keeps massaging. She even bumps it and massages close (lower abs, etc) so clearly erections don't bother her in any way.


    The Columbian lady in orleans insists on draping and gives no finish options at all.



    Men educate yourselves! RMTs are NOT to be discussed in such disrespectful manner! What comes as a joke thrill and challenge to you is actually at her expense! It is plain sexual harassement and intent of assault (if you purposely nourish lascive thoughts to get your dong to "pop").






    • Like 6

  9. I do manage some of the social group on here and also find a lack of interest to them. Sometime simply mentioning a great picture or comment on there is a good sign, it lets us know that we have visitors on them.

    So please leave comments or post pictures it will encourage others to post more and it will attract more visitors all together.


    I don't know if it is because I access it from my iPhone but the threads that are mostly about pictures are not very interesting because none of the pics open!


    As for the others, many I have wanted to read but as said earlier, it is time consuming so for me the list on my page is like a bookmark to get to some education material later ;-p

  10. As a newbie to this hobby, I have yet to receive a recommandation. I respect that not everyone feels comfortable sharing so I'm not bothered by the fact that I have not gotten one from the clients I've seen so far.


    For massage therapy, 26 years into massage therapy, I didn't need it anymore, I know my worth and I can see and feel on my vanilla clients how the treatment went. However, since I converted to the hobby, I had to adjust to now do exactly what I was not supposed to do!!! As a result, I know a lot of ways to tantalize but I have yet to figure out if I am reading and decoding properly the specific body responses to that kind of touch. I find it funny to feel that conflicting mix of self assurance in my trade and debutante (well ok intermediary ;-) ) incertitude in the Arts of Pleasure. Especially given my new very experienced clientèle! As gentlemen describe in their reco these special moments with words such as epiphany, blissful, transcendental, etc., I can't quite figure yet where what I offer fit in there (and of course, I rather have direct feed back if its anything less than that!) nor how to improve my skills. What gives me the most pleasure is making someone "float" in bliss so I am eager to learn to achieve this in this new plane I engaged in!

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  11. Funny!

    I had not thought about offering a class on Lyla but if there is a need, I might just do that!

    I still teach semi privately to couples or small groups occasionally so if i get pm about it, I might advertise an event. Maybe even Someguy would want to participate and share his knowledge and tips?



    You're making me want to take a therapeutic massage class, Someguy. Wish I had those same skills... I am very much a giver too and do like to offer a massage in return, but I'm afraid I'm nowhere even remotely that good.


    (That being said, it's probably worth saying that it takes a certain amount of trust to let oneself be massaged, and some women may not be comfortable in a first session.)

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  12. I have yet to receive one from a client but i know i really enjoyed the favor when offered in my personal life. Though i find some people confessed being too intimidated to offer. They are scared i would judge their skills. Which is not the case. Sometimes it simply feels good to be touched. The only situation where i'm critical of a massage is when i pay a pro because i need it therapeutically and their work is disappointing. Aside from my students, only a handful of therapists I absolutely worship manage to give me what constitutes for me a good massage. But therapy aside, i'm a sucker for being massaged!

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  13. I was looking for a cheap one, but my eyes got hooked... Then, of course I looked at the others and well I'm allergic to rubber so that was out of the question and the cheapest one was made with back pack vinyl kind of ties... which would have teared my delicate skin in seconds... So.. really... there was no choice but to take my coup de coeur!



    I got myself a gorgeousCherry-Minx-Front.jpg

    as a MA, I don't quite see the rational there but I just thought it was gorgeous.... that I might wear over black leggings as a fashion statement lmao ;-p

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