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Rounding Third

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Posts posted by Rounding Third

  1. S

    I'd like to start this thread off with a question...


    What I don't get is why certain MA's or SP's could substantiate charging $300 + an hour?


    Interesting thread, but really, no no need to get excited or call anyone out on this because it is all simply fundamental economics. Your basic Economics 1000 course tells us that in a free market price is where demand and supply intersect. Furthermore the price of a commodity or service equates fair market value (FMV) and the legal definition of FMV is what a reasonable person would pay for a good or service.


    So, with that in mind the OP's original question is a bit off in my opinion. It is not so much a question as to why MA's or SP's substantiate a $300 plus fee, it is more of a questions as to why clients regularly pay those rates. Well, I can help with that question. You see, i am a reasonable person, have been participating in this community for a long time, and regularly pay fees of $350.00 plus and will continue to do so. Why? Because I have had a ton of fun and I meet great ladies. In fact I am seeing a very special companion tomorrow. I perhaps could articulate more on this question but will not, because if you need to ask the question as to why 350 plus fees are paid then you will not understand the answer.


    I am a quite entertained by the the OP's question and had some fun thinking about it. As I said earlier, our community is a free market but the OP's question could be construed as suggesting it should not be. So what are the alternatives, a system of price controls?... or how about a "Hobbyist Co-Op"... or "an SP Marketing Board"... see what I mean, it is quite amusing :).

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  2. I detest that the term MILF has crept into conventional vocabulary. The term originated in the porn industry and if it has to exist it should exist within that context only. About a year of so ago a certain politician was referred to as an MILF. Is that respectful by any measure? Earlier in this thread a reference was made to a 14 year old male using the term. Ugh. We recently had a thread tiled "Is religion holding us back?" (it was a pretty good thread, grueling at times but good). One thing we know for sure that is holding our society back is bad attitudes among the sexes. In particular, certain attitudes of men towards women that lead to a litany of social problems from harassment in the workplace to out-rite abuse. Those are the types of issues we need to deal with to move our society forward and the term MILF is no help at all.


    Suggesting to young males, (or for that matter any male), that an attractive older woman (or for that matter any woman of any age) is primarily to be acknowledged by the desire to have sex with her is a step backwards. We are to acknowledge one another for we are. Oh sure, sex is wonderful, this community knows that better than most, but it is most wonderful when it is mutual and consensual. Labeling a person in a sexual way, unknowingly to her is neither mutual or respectful. I say again, its a step backward folks.


    That's all I have to say on that.

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  3. As the Ottawa REDBLACKS get set to play their last regular season game I thought that I would revive this thread from a year ago. My Al's are out of the playoffs so my sentimental favorite now has to be Ottawa. I do actually hate their new name and I think of the Roughriders and Russ Jackson and Ronnie Stewart and Landsdowne Park, but this team is making its own history now.


    I especially love that the city is supporting the team and selling out for the second season in a row. I'm still waiting for a Maritime team to get into this league.


    I too grew up a Ottawa Rough Rider fan cheering for Russ Jackson, Ronnie Stewart, Dave Thelen (I too was a full back when I played mnor football) Moe Racine etc. Good for the Red Blacks. Hope they meet Edmonton in the Grey Cup so I can raz a certain CERB Eskimo fan :)

  4. 2 out of 3 days of this long weekend were sunny and really warm here in NL! I was out in a tshirt and capris! Yay!!!


    Similar to Miss Lane's joy - I was wearing shorts for the first time this weekend here on the Fundy coast of NB

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