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Today I get the pleasure of chiming in on the renovations to the showers at CMJ and congratulate Jasmine on the fantastic job they have done to make a fantastic experience even more memorable. I can report that as of this afternoon one of the rooms has its new custom glass in place and the other doesn't, each is a fantastic shower with a cool little seat.


The thing that I am wondering is how I even noticed the shower when I was in there with the very intoxicating Malibu. A somewhat regular to the club but a first timer with Malibu I was intrigued by her pictures and even more impressed in person.


Malibu is a fun, interesting and beautiful woman who has the body of a dancer and one of the best attitudes "in the room" I have seen. She made me feel more than at home in her "office" as she called it and took extremely good care of me. As is customary I will not go into the details of a classic CMJ experience on this board but suffice it to say that for those who know how it goes, it went VERY well. I always leave CMJ with a smile on my face but this time the smile on my face was accompanied by a desire to turn around and immediately book another session (but a much longer one) with the fantastic woman.


Thanks to Malibu and thanks to CMJ

  • 5.0
I would visit again
  • 5.0
I would visit again
Edited by Phaedrus

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I saw Malibu yesterday for a second time and she is a treat.


There's no doubt she is (very) sexy, playful, and highly creative, but what really makes her special is how she's so comfortable in her own skin - she's there to have fun and make sure you have fun too. You can't help but relax and be in the mood for a nice time. The fact she's an ex-dancer is just icing on the cake! :bowdown:

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Guest fl***gfi***rs

I saw Malibu on Friday and had a wonderful time. She is beautiful (of course) and easily put me at ease. She also has an intensity that matches her beauty. I highly recommend her.

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as the Ad stated this is Malibu from CMJ. when I saw the ad I leapt at it and texted her!


I had seen her at CMJ and had a fantastic experience ( like all CMJ experiences!)


so I wanted to be with Malibu as an Indie, and let me tell you, the experience is out of this world.


now PSE is her looks and attitude, she is an MP though, keep that in mind.


She is beautiful, and I love to talk with her, we can talk for hours.


Now my experience is just that, mine! :) so YMMV, however if you had not the opportunity to be with a knockout like her, you don't know what you are missing!


she is easily one of my faves and would repeat in a heart beat.

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Thanks for this ragnaglar.

She's caught my eye as well, and I'm glad you ahd such a good experience with her.

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Guest B*********3

I just had a session with Malibu this morning it was the best session I have ever had with a MP. She is honest and upfront guys with what she offers and she is not full service. What happened between her and I is between us. But I plan on repeating with her VERY SOON. If you are looking for a drop dead gorgeous blonde, she is it. I wish her all the best and hope Ottawa doesnt lose her to Montreal or Toronto.

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Wow! Malibu's only been indie for a couple of days, and already the recommendations are piling up...


I was fortunate that she'd had a cancellation yesterday, and all I can say is... someone else's loss was very much my gain! Malibu is a lovely person, and after a little conversation got things going with a fantastic lapdance, which allowed me ample opportunity to appreciate her other assets. Then on to a massage, and a very good time thereafter! I left slightly weak at the knees, but very happy :icon_biggrin:


Cato, p_hodson - you're in for a treat, if you book fast. If you don't, you're probably in for a long wait :)


PS for anyone who's interested, her reco thread from her CMJ days: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=33512

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Allow me to chime in here. I knew Malibu from before and have seen her dance but nothing would have...could have...prepared me for today's private visit. Suffice it to say that Malibu is so true to what we can expect that I almost left with my shirt on backwards but she noticed and set me straight. And boy, can she set a fella straight. Would love to keep her to myself but it is Christian to share. So call her. Book an appointment. Don't cancel and respect her service limits and in return she will Rock Your World.


Peace Out

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A couple of weeks ago I had an excellent time with Malibu. I knew her from her CMJ days but I hadn't seen her in 6 months. Walking through the door I received a most wonderful greeting like we were never apart. She is an amazing kisser. I could kiss her for hours. I won't get into details but I love spending time with Malibu at CMJ but now she is even more amazing on her own. We certainly seem to click and are on the same page sexually.

I highly recommend anyone to visit Malibu that likes a sweet GFE with a little porn star attitude. Can't wait to see her again.

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Resurrecting an old reco thread because... Malibu is back at CMJ! I saw her a long time ago... and then she vanished, which was a great disappointment, so I was very happy to see her appear on the CMJ website. Seeing her pics brought back some wonderful memories, but I was very new to everything then, so I was a little anxious. Would she still be as good as she was then?


Yes. Yes, she was! Just as good to talk to, as hot as ever, and just as much fun to play with. The shower was a great way to renew our acquaintance, and everything else was... a lot of fun!


I left very happy, and I'll definitely be back soon.

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