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What Inspires You?

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Guest al****s

What inspires you? Is it a person, a thought, a memory, money, a pet, a desire, a song, or a place? Those of course are just some of the options. Everyone is different and therefore inspiration can take many different forms.


There are many things that inspire me. I have always been inspired by people who don?t try to be someone they?re not. Life is far too short to not be yourself. I am fully aware that society, religion, personal beliefs, etc. dictate a certain standard and therefore many people unfortunately feel the need to keep things about their life a secret. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to embrace themselves for who they are and not worry about the repercussions they may face. To the brave souls who are fearless to be themselves not caring what others think, I thank you for inspiring me.


My grandmother inspires me. She is 96 years young and has lived in a world where things were not easy, all while raising six children and countless borders that were brought into the household to be looked after. She is strong, she is opinionated, she is an amazing woman.


My friends inspire me. My friends are the people I turn to when I?m having a difficult day or have a hard decision to make. My friends are always there for me when I need them. I love my friends.


My ?special? friends inspire me. My ?special? friends are thoughtful, generous, accepting, respectful, and allow me to love my job. My ?special? friends are a very important part of my life and I am thankful for them.


Music inspires me. I love to crank the tunes and let the beat make me move. I love to dance and I don?t normally care who?s watching! Music also inspires me to go out for my walks. I get lost in my tunes and my thoughts and before I know it my legs are on fire.


The Troops inspire me. The men and women who sacrifice everything to give us what most of us take for granted is amazing to me. Thank you Troops and Vets!


My past inspires me. My past is one of the greatest joys and greatest devastations. I wouldn?t change my past because then I wouldn?t be the person I am today, and although there are some that think I?m not a good person for doing what I do, I disagree. I am happy (for the most part) with who I am today, and I know that I have the ability to make others happy as well.


I could go on and on about the people and things that inspire me, but I will stop here. The purpose of this post is to hopefully make you take pause and realize and be thankful for the things that inspire you.



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Alexis, I agree with much of your list I'll just add a couple more close to me;

- Elderly people in general inspire me but in particular aboriginal elders. They often speak little but when they do it is with such wisdom. I can spend hours with them just listening.

- Our military! Remembrance Day and any military celebrations bring me to wet eyes real easy. I think it is the combination of what they do and sacrifice along with patriotic Canadian pride. I find them highly inspiring and with such a strong base presence in Edmonton I get many opportunities to express my thanks and question some of my own beliefs when I see what they are prepared to do.

- Youth inspire me and especially 2 - 6 years old. I love kids at this age and they simply have so much hope and life ahead of them. I hate how sometimes through a variety of social issues we can squeeze that out of them in their teen years. But at that young age their innocence is inspiring.

Great thread!


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A great passionate eletric session of great love making mmmmm!

Music I loooooooooove music!

A nice hard erection mmmmmmmmmmmm!

A cooperative accomodating gentle lover mmmmmmmmm!

A nice and easy guy willing to f my brains out mmmmm!

Kidness intelligence, humbleness and a great f mmmmmm!

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- The idea of what is to come tomorrow and the opportunities I will have to do things better than they were the day before.


- To realize how blessed I am to have health and qualities that allow me to accomplish daily goals make me feel motivated to do more.


- My parents & siblings, each of them has great and unique qualities that I admire and learn from and try to follow after.


- Things I read either in books, the news, the web (yes that includes cerb threads), quotes, etc.


- People who have been through real tough times and still smile and feel happy remind me not to make things bigger than they are and to appreciate all I have.


- The simpleness children see life with and how they enjoy and admire small things that most adults consider unimportant.


- Some songs that either remind me of a special moment or/and make understand and give particular situations a different meaning.


- At last but not least love ... to people, to things, to the idea of something, felt by me or by someone else is always an inspiration.


I'm sure there's other things that inspire me so there may be a sequel of this post :)


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There are so many things that inspire me.


Of course, great men and women in my field of work inspire me. I see them and they look human, sound human, laugh at my bad jokes, yet they are otherworldly in their skill and talent in a way I could only aspire to.


My favorite lady inspires me. Yes, I know at the root of it, she's doing her job, albeit one she deeply enjoys. But she graces me with her warmth and sweet, sweet charm and it inspires me to be sweeter still.


But beyond these obvious things, there are many small things that inspire me, fill me with wonder. Make me glad I have all of my senses. A hot cup of coffee on a cold winter morning. The small of my lady's back, fine hairs glittering in the morning sun. A hug from an old friend after a long absence. The wind in my hair on a midsummer night's country drive. The exotic bloom and delicate scent of cultivated orchids. All these things and more have made their way into my writing, and make me glad to be alive every day.

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Guest G***f******

People, passion and fearlessness.


People who have a passion they go after with all they have and are not afraid to fail, willing to risk all for a dream.

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Is a lady like you Alexis (or people like you),who can write,express and be just that.....yourself! it intrigues me to meet people that can be quite open minded it speak volumes about their inner self, they can be emotional and show true feelings.


I really don't care for the people that try to put on a act and are so full of themselves.


Good quality friends also inspire me as well, as does music. My Dad who past away years ago, was an inspiration to me prior to his death, and to this day.


There is many other issues that inspire me, I know that I would certainly like to meet you face to face some day Alexis :)



What inspires you? Is it a person, a thought, a memory, money, a pet, a desire, a song, or a place? Those of course are just some of the options. Everyone is different and therefore inspiration can take many different forms.


There are many things that inspire me. I have always been inspired by people who don’t try to be someone they’re not. Life is far too short to not be yourself. I am fully aware that society, religion, personal beliefs, etc. dictate a certain standard and therefore many people unfortunately feel the need to keep things about their life a secret. In a perfect world, everyone would be able to embrace themselves for who they are and not worry about the repercussions they may face. To the brave souls who are fearless to be themselves not caring what others think, I thank you for inspiring me.


My grandmother inspires me. She is 96 years young and has lived in a world where things were not easy, all while raising six children and countless borders that were brought into the household to be looked after. She is strong, she is opinionated, she is an amazing woman.


My friends inspire me. My friends are the people I turn to when I’m having a difficult day or have a hard decision to make. My friends are always there for me when I need them. I love my friends.


My “special” friends inspire me. My “special” friends are thoughtful, generous, accepting, respectful, and allow me to love my job. My “special” friends are a very important part of my life and I am thankful for them.


Music inspires me. I love to crank the tunes and let the beat make me move. I love to dance and I don’t normally care who’s watching! Music also inspires me to go out for my walks. I get lost in my tunes and my thoughts and before I know it my legs are on fire.


The Troops inspire me. The men and women who sacrifice everything to give us what most of us take for granted is amazing to me. Thank you Troops and Vets!


My past inspires me. My past is one of the greatest joys and greatest devastations. I wouldn’t change my past because then I wouldn’t be the person I am today, and although there are some that think I’m not a good person for doing what I do, I disagree. I am happy (for the most part) with who I am today, and I know that I have the ability to make others happy as well.


I could go on and on about the people and things that inspire me, but I will stop here. The purpose of this post is to hopefully make you take pause and realize and be thankful for the things that inspire you.



Edited by PistolPete

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Just the simple things in life that people often take for granted.


Adversity and the ability to persevere.


People who are trail blazers and not followers.


People who are follow through and don't just talk about doing something.


Children, their innocence and how they view the world through their eyes.

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Life in itself inspires me. The trials and tribulations we face and must learn to overcome.

Being true to myself and free in my way inspires me.

Being able to carry on and have my health inspires me.

My goals for the future inspire me and the lengths I have gone to accomplish the things that needed to get done.

At the end of the day, what inspires me is what I have left. My being, my family, my friends and my own spirituality that allows me to soar over the dark clouds of this world.

Knowing that I am never alone even when things are at it's worst in the midst of a thunder storm is the formative factor of who I am today.

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