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Is nagging a quality?

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Never ever heard so much nagging in the malls (imagine it at home!!!!) as in the Christmas/New Year season....is this a sum up of the stress or is it a quality to be appreciated as a gift for the Season?

Not only the women are at it,,,,I heard men in the same attitude.....what is up with nagging? does it take somewhere? is a virtue? a quality or a pain in the neck for everyone, including the bystanders????????????


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I only nag my husband in private -- and unfortunately for all his wonderful qualities, I have a husband who sometimes needs to be nagged.


The thing is, it's always stuff that he knows he has to do anyway. There's no getting around it. But he likes to wait until I'm at my wit's end from having to nag him.


I always ask him if he thinks I enjoy having to nag him? I don't. I wish I could just count on him keeping track of what he has to do and just doing it in a reasonably timely fashion.


Please don't think that I'm just naggy. It rubs me so the wrong way that there are many things that I probably should be able to expect him to do, but just let slide because I don't want to have to nag him to do it. I'd rather do it myself or go without.


I have tried setting up to-do lists and email reminders for him, but you know what they say about leading a horse to water...


If someone in your life is nagging you, ask yourself why. If they're nagging you to do something that you would rather not do, that's one thing. But if it's something you know you're going to have to do anyway, or there will be serious consequences, then ask yourself why you're putting it on your partner to nag you. Wouldn't life be a lot more pleasant without this?

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Never ever heard so much nagging in the malls (imagine it at home!!!!) as in the Christmas/New Year season....is this a sum up of the stress or is it a quality to be appreciated as a gift for the Season?

Not only the women are at it,,,,I heard men in the same attitude.....what is up with nagging? does it take somewhere? is a virtue? a quality or a pain in the neck for everyone, including the bystanders????????????




Now that is the REAL GFE


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I say not. Nagging can stop the blood flow to my brain instantly. It gives me a bad headache. I agree with JoyfulC that some just asked for it. But I dislike nagging.

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I'm getting queasy just reading about it.


But this might cheer you up.



And this will help you face reality





And you know, this is probably closer to the truth than most would admit

Thank Gawd I'm Single


Edited by r__m__g_uy
double posted

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Now that is the REAL GFE




What about the RWE

Real wife Experience

If a guy is about to get married his buds can get a RWE escort to make him change his mind.

Picture this,

A HOT HOT woman enters the room, starts to flirt, shows a little skin and as he is getting into it she tell him to take out the garbage and mow the lawn.

Then when comes back for the fun part of the night she tell him to take a shower...

After taking a shower and getting all cleaned up, he comes back to the bedroom to find her sleeping. Then when she wakes up she says...

I'm too tired, I'm not in the mood, that will be $200.00 please I need to go shopping and leave the room!




And that would be the Real Wife Experience!

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What about the RWE


Real wife Experience


If a guy is about to get married his buds can get a RWE escort to make him change his mind.


Picture this,


A HOT HOT woman enters the room, starts to flirt, shows a little skin and as he is getting into it she tell him to take out the garbage and mow the lawn.


Then when comes back for the fun part of the night she tell him to take a shower...


After taking a shower and getting all cleaned up, he comes back to the bedroom to find her sleeping. Then when she wakes up she says...


I'm too tired, I'm not in the mood, that will be $200.00 please I need to go shopping and leave the room!




And that would be the Real Wife Experience!


You forgot the hallway sex part of the RWE...you pass each other in the hallway and she says "fu*k you" and you reply "fu*k you too"

And they wonder why the divorce rate is about 50%...could it be the other 50% don't realize divorce is a option LOL

All that money spent on a lavish wedding, better spent hobbying


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You forgot the hallway sex part of the RWE...you pass each other in the hallway and she says "fu*k you" and you reply "fu*k you too"

And they wonder why the divorce rate is about 50%...could it be the other 50% don't realize divorce is a option LOL

All that money spent on a lavish wedding, better spent hobbying




Yes that's right, thanks!



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So Loralee asks if "nagging is a quality" you are dam right it is, nagging is define as


"To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging".


So when you complain to someone(kids/teens/other adults).. to perhaps "clean up their mess" and they finally do IT... so it does pay off and therefore it maybe a quality.


Your local grocery store manager HAS 3 cashiers on duty when the store is busy on a Saturday, along with yourself and other customers pissed off and lined 10 deep in aisle's, and his customers are scolding him he runs outside and gets the other cashiers from their smoke break to get back to work, I guess it becomes a quality and pays off.


When you urge your partner for a different sex positions, and the sex lasts much longer, the urge becomes a certain quality.


So yes nagging can be and is a quality, it is not necessary to use it or do it all the time.:mrgreen:

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That's why I never got the whole polygamy thing. Wouldn't more wives just equal more nagging? Doesn't seem worth it to me :)




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Hahahaha LMAO! good one!


That's why I never got the whole polygamy thing. Wouldn't more wives just equal more nagging? Doesn't seem worth it to me :)




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Guest Ou**or**n
That's why I never got the whole polygamy thing. Wouldn't more wives just equal more nagging? Doesn't seem worth it to me :)





Or maybe the knowledge that the husband has choice in who spends time with (and money on) keeps it to a minimum. I imagine there is some interesting micro-marital economic theory about it ;)

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To the Question at hand:


Is nagging a quality?


Yes, it is, albeit in my opinion, a poor one.


Nagging is not a good quality in a potential significant other (as 1 example), as it screams of immaturity and desperation for attention, which appears to stem from some type of insecurity and/or jealousy. Self-esteem issues even. - All qualities which are not flattering, nor conducive to a 'live happily ever-after' ending, from what I've seen. Some call all this 'emotional baggage'. (Ever hear of a 'succubus' anyone?)


Sad really, as I pity anyone who feels the need to be a practicing nag. Maybe it is why some people find themselves alone and unable to keep a partner. ...but that is their choice to be such, and thus alone. We all make decisions, to be a nag, or to be with a nag, or not. I guess I choose not :)


Long May Your Big Non-Nagging Jib Draw!! :-D

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So Loralee asks if "nagging is a quality" you are dam right it is, nagging is define as


"To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging".


So when you complain to someone(kids/teens/other adults).. to perhaps "clean up their mess" and they finally do IT... so it does pay off and therefore it maybe a quality.


Your local grocery store manager HAS 3 cashiers on duty when the store is busy on a Saturday, along with yourself and other customers pissed off and lined 10 deep in aisle's, and his customers are scolding him he runs outside and gets the other cashiers from their smoke break to get back to work, I guess it becomes a quality and pays off.


When you urge your partner for a different sex positions, and the sex lasts much longer, the urge becomes a certain quality.


So yes nagging can be and is a quality, it is not necessary to use it or do it all the time.:mrgreen:



Interesting spin on thing Pete! TOUCHE

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When I started the thread I just was p...off because a couple in the cashier's line, just behind me was having this "nagging attack". I do not know if it was a call for attention or just they lived their lives that way...they did not seem to be too attracted to each other, but the man was kind of nasty until she got nastier......"I told you not to get these...and you go and get them...why you buy so much crap?.....I am tired of having to tell you what to do..." etc.

I hate nagging (except in the situations Pistol Pete is describing) and understanding the reasons of Roming guy, and of course Joyful C, and all of you have a point, but I am with Leber, NAGGING is annoying and it stops the flow of blood to my brain.....I get totally unconscious after hearing the things a once-loving couple can say to each other and nag nag nag.....


Merry Christmas to all


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That's why I never got the whole polygamy thing. Wouldn't more wives just equal more nagging? Doesn't seem worth it to me :)





Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.?


as4.gifOscar Wilde



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To the Question at hand:


Is nagging a quality?


Yes, it is, albeit in my opinion, a poor one.


Nagging is not a good quality in a potential significant other (as 1 example), as it screams of immaturity and desperation for attention, which appears to stem from some type of insecurity and/or jealousy. Self-esteem issues even. - All qualities which are not flattering, nor conducive to a 'live happily ever-after' ending, from what I've seen. Some call all this 'emotional baggage'. (Ever hear of a 'succubus' anyone?)


Sad really, as I pity anyone who feels the need to be a practicing nag. Maybe it is why some people find themselves alone and unable to keep a partner. ...but that is their choice to be such, and thus alone. We all make decisions, to be a nag, or to be with a nag, or not. I guess I choose not :)


Long May Your Big Non-Nagging Jib Draw!! :-D


Depends on the reason for the nagging. Sure, it might be easier not to bother nagging a kid to do his homework or pick up his room, or to nag a spouse to mind the budget or make the mortgage payment on time, but it's not always the responsible thing to do -- especially if there can be serious consequences if the thing being nagged doesn't get done.


After I posted, I read what I wrote to my husband. He just grinned. He knows! Two minutes later, we thought of something he had to do the following morning, and he said "put that on my to-do list!" Because we both know that if I not only don't remember for him, but stand over him until it's done, it won't get done. Not only doesn't he seem to mind me nagging, he seems to prefer to to the alternative I don't; I wish he'd take charge of keeping himself organized -- but no one's perfect, and overall his good qualities far outweigh his faults.


So don't judge everyone by your own experiences. Not only is this nag not jealous, insecure, desperate for attention or alone, but my partner of nearly three decades seems to rely on my being a nag when it counts. It's fair to say that he likes my nagging more than I like having to nag. I somehow doubt our situation is unique. ;)

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