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Which came first.......... the chicken or the egg?

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I said "which" not "who" so get your minds out of the ........... never mind.


I am a newbie (board-member and does this sound impressive or what? "Board-member", I meant, not "newbie") and browsing around, I find that the generally held view is that "regular" SP visitors/clients/friends get more Mileage than first-timers. OK; everybody's MMV. Fine. However if a lady does not provide a certain (minimum) degree of satisfaction on the first visit, there will be NO repeats. So how does one become a regular otherwise?


I'm not starting a poll but who of us has repeated after an unsatisfactory first encounter (even if she looked like Aphrodite --- the Greek Goddess, not the SP---or Venus---whom I don't know anyway.)

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The fact that regulars may get more mileage doesn't mean that the SP did not provide a minimum degree of satisfaction during the first encounter before the client became a regular. If they did not, you are right the client would not repeat and become a regular.


You have to remember different people connect at different levels and if a client decide to become a regular, in addition to the excellent service he probably felt some connection. As for service improving SPs can probably better answer this but they do take a certain risk by receiving or visiting new clients which might cause some anxiety and I would think they probably feel more at ease when it is a regular.


One last thing, we all get turned on and pleased in our own different ways. Sps have feelings too and maybe some clients just don't turn them on.


Welcome to the board.

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Guest f***2f***

it's only human nature that after a while human beings feel more comfortable around some than others. I personally think that if a lady believes that you respect her and are a considerate and clean person over time she will be inclined to a.) get to know you a little better and b.) let you get a little more adventuresome...because she trusts you not to hurt or degrade her.

a man who is rough, disrespectful or unclean will likely not be well liked by the gentler sex...IMHO

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it takes a few times together to really click, I always have lower expectations on a first visit, I don't know what they will respond to and they don't know what I like so we have to feel each other out. All you need for a repeat is some basic attraction and good chemistry the sex will work itself out over time.

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.............posts 2, 3 and 4 above. Most (if not all) the points made should go without saying (for gentlemen, that is).


Respect towards the lady, a "click" (or not), cleanliness (and self-respect) all play a part in how humans interact. (I just caught myself in time. I had written "....how humans intercat." I guess I was thinking of a certain "Southern Belle".)


What had gotten me thinking along the lines in my original question was the fact that on many "Review" not "Recommendation" boards many gentlemen would add a repeat rating (Yes, Probably, probably not and Not) to their ratings and in most cases they blamed the lady/ies. I can't recall a single case when a (gentle)man admitted it might have been him.

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... would you care to hear how it goes in Jillian's world?


Chemistry is absolutely everything.


If there's no chemistry within/after the first five minutes, I would be prepared to call a halt to an appointment -- no charge nor no loss of face on either side.


To deliver a good quality experience that both people will enjoy, I feel there has to be not only "click" but "quick click". I make a habit of communicating with new prospective clients in advance, through chat or on the phone. It's usually not hard to figure out.


This is such an interesting board - I am loving the points of view! :D


So helpful. ;)

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... would you care to hear how it goes in Jillian's world?


Chemistry is absolutely everything.


If there's no chemistry within/after the first five minutes, I would be prepared to call a halt to an appointment -- no charge nor no loss of face on either side.




Thanks, Jillian.

You said it very well. The thing is -for some men at least- part (or a very large part) of the chemistry is a beautiful face. I understand the need for anonimity when ladies post their pictures and so we get the up-to-the-chin shots, the blurred faces, etc..........


You manifested that you would be prepared to call it (on/off) within five minutes. Speaking for myself, if I did not find myself strongly attracted to the lady's face, I would say nothing and go through the motions. I can't ever imagine myself telling a lady -whatever honeyed words I might use- that I just don't find her attractive (enough)!


I believe that most of these ladies who post those non-face pictures do it so as not to be recognized by family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, etc.... and I sympathize.


I would say that if a rendez-vous was to be arranged for a first-time encounter, the lady would send a picture of herself, if asked. But then, we get into the territory of trust. Will this lady trust that would-be visitor to show up at all or, maybe, to not publish her face all over the Internet or even threaten her with the threat of publishing it?


If only someone would invent a trustometer!



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Branching topic - attraction and trusting service providers.


Chemistry ... are you talking about chemistry or attraction or a little of both?


Are you saying that for you ... a pretty face helps create attraction that sparks chemistry?


I think everyone is entitled to assess attraction on their own terms - there is, afterall, truly no accounting for taste. None. No need. Everyone is different; what they're looking for is different.


If a guy were to say to me, listen Jillian, you're a nice lady but I'm just not attracted to you, now that we're in the same room together ... you know what? I would be so happy they were upfront with me. Otherwise, if they stay and "go through the motions" ... I'm going to feel it. As an intelligent, intuitive woman I'm going to sense it, and that's WORSE than if the guy just walked away. Especially when we're talking about a customer who is paying for an "experience". No one loses face. Believe me, my ego is not so fragile that it's going to be shattered by a prospective customer telling me I'm not his type. Really, let's be mature, it's just business afterall. ;)


If attraction and chemistry/spark relates to prettiness -- and, incidentally, there's nothing wrong with that - we are all entitled to our own standards when it comes to attraction ... then my opinion is that you should be offered a series of good (honest) pictures to help you assess whether the lady in question strikes your fancy. I just think that's just fair in the sort of business we're in, where chemistry is related to a quality experience for the client.

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Guest f***2f***

Wow that's really interesting. I'm not too concerned about pretty...I mean I like a pretty face but it's not the be all end all. Curvy body is good, I don't want obese but I like a woman with meat on her bones. I gotta say that a killer smile and cool sense of humour is a lot sexier for me than super model looks.

I went to a strip club saturday afternoon and saw a gal who had a killer smile....so I smiled back at her and she came over for a chat....she was so nice and had such a great sense of humour I just had to have a lap dance....or two...she was cute but not pretty...it was the smile and the sense of humour that made her attractive to me and what made for some good chemistry.

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Personally I feel an SP should greet the visitor (incall) with a big smile then a gentle kiss and a hug in that order. This should help break the ice and initiate the flow of chemistry. The attractiveness of a smile is more potent than beauty or the outfit she wears.

This is also applicable to the following visits if a repeat is in the works.

If the SP is not comfortable with the looks of the man then she should abstain from the welcoming routine.

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If you want to get some pictures from an SP that are more descriptive than the ones they post you need to step up. If I ask for more pictures I always send them mine first, that way they can ensure that i am not a neighbour or coworker etc..., It does work very well.

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If you want to get some pictures from an SP that are more descriptive than the ones they post you need to step up. If I ask for more pictures I always send them mine first, that way they can ensure that i am not a neighbour or coworker etc..., It does work very well.


Great minds think alike. I did do that and I got "rendez-vous"s and an email reply of appreciation (for letting the lady know + or - what to expect).


One lady, whose photo I requested, sent me two very classy ones (in an evening dress) and I appreciate that. Needless to say, they will never be published or shared (even in cases of +ive reviews).

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