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Guest Rozz79

Does anyone have any recommendations for "Abracadabra/DiscreetValley" ?


Their pictures look great, and the site looks well maintained.




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We do not allow negative reviews or anything that could be considered slander here so I unfortunately had to remove the above comments.

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Guest Rozz79

I'm not really sure how slanderous calling them hit and miss is... but ok.


Aside from that I only see a lot of pink kitty on this site, leading me to believe it's more like a fan club? PK and streetwalkers? /shrug


Thanks anyways!

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Well Rozz, My guess would be you are most likely involved somehow with this agency since you started a thread about this agency asking questions in hopes to draw up some interest and now you replied back like this after I deleted all the slanderous comments.


You know very well that the comments were not "hit and miss" that I deleted - you read them before I deleted them! They were obvious warnings for others to stay away and you chose to not comment until now (once they were deleted) and make the comment seam like they were not that slanderous.


Then you comment about PK so that just proves my theory. Shill posts and fake memberships asking questions like this will get found out and it just makes the agency look even worse! Please don't waste everyone's time. Then you throw in streetwalkers in the same sentence as PK just to try to be more insulting but it just screams SHILL.

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