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Catherine St. Claire....Cat....Thread...

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Well...I for one have been a strong supporter of Cat.


So I think that we should have a thread dedicated just to her.....:D


Call me slightly biased.....maybe showing some favoritism......but out of all the women I have met in my life...all the ones I dated....the ones I have had relationships with.....Catherine is by far the most spectacular person I have met.


I would like to show some thanks to her for her wisdom here on the board....her posts are insightful.....informative.....and a pleasure to read.


Time with her is one of mental stimulation as well as pure physical pleasure....one could say that you get both a mental and physical orgasm when you are with her.


If any one else has one word descriptions or would like to jump in and say something special...please do.


This Lady deserves it.........


Thank you Catherine.....

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Darling antlerman,


What an incredible way to start the day! You have left me blushingly speechless, which is amazing considering everyone knows my tongue is attached in the middle and wiggles at both ends! Thank you....



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74 views so far and only Cat replies.....I guess I said it all.......

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Actually you have said it all...time spent with her has been unparalled and beyond a my skills as a writer to capture and describe. Best just to say thank you and I look forward to future adventures together.



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I appreciate her unrestricted playful attitude, our time together is always an adventure and she has never said no to any of my zany fantasies or desires!!


And what an incredible play house!!! beats all others hands down and then some.


Give the naked lunch a try!

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Guest f***2f***

I just got home from work or would have contributed earlier.....I agree too with what was written and think Catherine is the cat's meow!!!

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She sure is outstanding. She falls in a rare category of people you meet and you know that you will remember for life.

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yea I too agree with Antlerman, but I doubt I could say it so well. Time with Cat is something special, truly spectacular, extraordinaire. She provacates the body and stimulates the mind all at once. I have never had an experience such as that which I had with Catherine. She aims to please and she knows how to do it.


My thanks to you too Catherine, and until we meet again! -Alg

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I fully agree and endorse this thread. Antlerman put it so well there is little else to say other that yes, yes and yes again.


Cat is an astonishing woman on every level and I feel my life is much better with her as a friend and more.


Here's to you Cat and it is clear I am not alone we can't all be wrong, you are clearly a special lady.

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OK OK I see I'm going to have to be the lone dissenter here! So, yeah, maybe Catherine is special. More importantly, she makes YOU feel very special. You leave not with a feeling of regret for having spent all that money, but a smile on your face, a bounce in your step, and a feeling that all's right in the world. Kinda close to being in love, I guess, now that I think of it! Right from the moment you enter her private, romantic home you feel like you are her special guest, and the only one she cares for. When she looks into your eyes, brushes the back of your hand on the sofa ever so slightly, you suddenly feel, OMG I'm a school boy again and going to be so embarrassed when I stand up! But you're not embarrassed. She soon puts you at ease and lets you know without saying it that everything's going to be just fine. And it is. She is definetly the greatest. But still....it is not fair to single Catherine out by giving her her own thread! Not fair to all the other fine SPs out there that will never see many of us again after we've been with Catherine, and certainly not fair to Catherine who will get all that unneeded extra attention. Guys who just want to get their rocks off. Who gulp down beer but couldn't appreciate a fine wine or piece of art if they fell on it. Let them go elsewhere I say! Catherine's got quite enough attention already. What with every stud who has access to this website, why's she need more? And, more importantly, how much time's she going to have for us when all these Johnny-come-latetlys arrive? No..let anyone who has not yet fallen in love with Catherine look elsewhere. I'll never contribute to a thread designed to spread her fame. No sir, not me. I couldn't do it because I know she's secretly in love with me alone!

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From antlermans first post, this thread has left me more than a little stunned?


As each post was added, the feeling simply magnified. Each and every one of you is someone I truly enjoy and care about. To see your words in print means more to me than you can ever know. I know the words are from the heart. There are so many wonderful ladies here in Ottawa; I have a hard time believing I deserve to be singled out like this. Deserving or not, thank you.



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Although I have never had the pleasure to meet Cat personally and a fairly new member here, I have read numerous posts of hers and I perceive her to be a very classy refined lady with a lot of heart and soul.



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Although I have never had the pleasure to meet Cat personally and a fairly new member here, I have read numerous posts of hers and I perceive her to be a very classy refined lady with a lot of heart and soul.



I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her either, but she is a smart, sophisticated lady, I would book a session in a heartbeat if I were to visit Ottawa.

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Well oneshotguy I don't want to dampen your dreams but I was over at Cat's last night and the evening was wonderful, it was her last visit of the night and I had my toothbrush handy.


So need I say more I am quite certain she is secretly in love with me, no question about it.


On all other points I tend to agree.

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I agree with all of you, she is the best. Cat is like my super hot Yoda, one day I hope to achieve that status.

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I agree with all of you, she is the best. Cat is like my super hot Yoda, one day I hope to achieve that status.


My Darling Pretty Paige,


I have always found Yoda completely tappable as he is! What a brain! As I have told you, you don't have far to go baby girl. You are spectacular!


Lots of hugs and those "oh so sweet" kisses!



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Fairly new member here as well, and haven'y had the pleasure of spending time with Cat, but from everything I've read (and especially her wonderful thoughtful responses to everyone), she'll be my choice when I take the plunge.

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Fairly new member here as well, and haven'y had the pleasure of spending time with Cat, but from everything I've read (and especially her wonderful thoughtful responses to everyone), she'll be my choice when I take the plunge.


Dear volvolater,


How did you know I am a dedicated Volvo driver? Definitely my ride of choice...



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Well oneshotguy I don't want to dampen your dreams but I was over at Cat's last night and the evening was wonderful, it was her last visit of the night and I had my toothbrush handy.


So need I say more I am quite certain she is secretly in love with me, no question about it.


On all other points I tend to agree.



MMMM.......could I be wrong? She never invited me to bring my touthbrush! Now you've got me worried....No, couldn't be, she must have had you sleep in the spare bedroom. Yeah, that's it I bet.

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MMMM.......could I be wrong? She never invited me to bring my touthbrush! Now you've got me worried....No, couldn't be, she must have had you sleep in the spare bedroom. Yeah, that's it I bet.


Yoy sure you guess right? Maybe he slept on the porch!

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Yoy sure you guess right? Maybe he slept on the porch!


No not the porch and there is no guest room as far as I could tell... Lets see a canopy bed nice decor and of course Catherine at my side.


Now that I think of it; it could have been anywhere as long as she was there and oh boy she was. So I stand by my original thought she is absolutely secretly in love with me. It's obvious.

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Yoy sure you guess right? Maybe he slept on the porch!


My guess is that he didn't "sleep" much anywhere that night! Still I envy him, lucky bugger.

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